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I think there's something to what 1more said. Most of the science behind this industry is shaky, or the study population is 19 year old college men, age is such a huge factor. When I was 19, I could do ANYTHING and see results (naturally), and eat like crap while doing so. Now in my mid-40's, just keeping what little I have feels impossible. I've moved to more focus on strength, but I find a hybrid approach works best for me now and lets me keep a little size. I lift 5 days a week whether I'm on cycle or not, 3 day strength program, two days of more hypertrophy focused supplemental work. But when I'm off cycle, my volume goes down because all my joints begin to hurt. In the summer, I drop about 15 pounds too.
I think there's only two fundamental rules to follow, 1) you have to actual focus when you lift, its called a WORKout for a reason. And 2) Consistency over time.