Just learnt feeders from Piana. He just used the best exercise for him all days. Like side laterals for shoulders 7 times a week, also on training days.
As i red Piana, different rules come with feeders. There is no CNS tax, its too light. And i guess u dont have to change up. U just move the muscles so it burns the hell out of u and make the blood flowing. I think thats the main thing. Get the blood running, stretch the focia and veins. In that way its not mandatory to use different exercises, just stick with the one which gives best pump.
As for Castleactivity, Obs is pissed og depressed or whatever. He used to keep things going, but i dont know what it is. He just said "have a nice life" and then he shut down all of a suddon. I know he has been drinking a bit lately and...well, i dont know.
But i dont pm my knights when things goes wrong. We dont have time for crybabies. If u seriously get pissed from online activity, ur a crybaby and no longer a knigth.
We`re like the spartans in 300. No time for weakness, no time for softness. There are many threads in the open for depression.
Remember guys: Give them nothing, take from them, everything!