Hey guys I just want to ask you guys for some opinions and comments on my workout schedule and diet. thanks
mon- chest and triceps (4 chest excercises, 3 tricep excercises) 12-10-8 sets
tue- cardio 30 mins and abbs
wed- biceps and back (4 biceps excercises, 3 back excercises) 12-10-8
thrs- Legs and shoulders (4 leg excercises, 3 shoulder excercises) 12-10-8
fri-cardio 30 mins and abbs
diet info:
8am mornings: fat free light yogurt and banana, 12 oz fat free milk
11am snack: boost choc protein shake and myoplex nutrition bar
1pm lunch: 2 turkey breast sandwhiches (whole wheat bread) with fat free mayo
5pm snack: boost choc protein shake and myoplex nutrition bar
7pm dinner: 2 turkey breast sandwhiches (whole wheat bread) with fat free mayo, and boca burger (100% soy bean, fat free 50 cals)
supplements: GNC mega men (2 pills a day), after every workout i have a myoplex protein shake, but i make sure i dont eat anything for atleast an hour and a half after my cardio workouts except for water.