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Thread: decent workout.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    decent workout.....

    This is a little different then what i use to do. I use to do the normal chest tri , bi back , blah blah but like they say change is good. check it out

    Week 2 : "B"
    - Monday : Chest /
    - Tuesday : Legs(quad/ham) / AB's
    - Wednesday : REst
    - Thurday : Back (+traps)/ Calves
    - Friday : Shoulders / Biceps
    - Saturday : Triceps
    - Rest

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    hay bro that looks good. Have you been doing it long? how are you getting one with it?

    what Exercises are you using?

    sets and reps?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    So far its been working good. I hit all the heavy lifets , instead of bench i use DB's, squats, deads, M-press, Clean N Jerk's , then the normal cables and stuff. I like it so far still getting use to it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Like you said change is good. Sounds like you are doing good with this for now. When things get stale time for change again. Theres nothing set in stone. Post your exercises, sets/reps.

  5. #5
    only thing I see is the shoulders and triceps 2 straight days..oh and back biceps 2 straight days

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Week 2 : "B"
    - Monday : Chest / Calves
    - Tuesday : Back (+traps)
    - Wednesday : REst
    - Thurday : Shoulders / Biceps
    - Friday : Legs(quad/ham) / AB's
    - Saturday : Tricepts
    - Sunday : Rest

    Thinking maybe this then. This way the 2nd muscle is not being worked back to back. I am going to run this for about 4-5 weeks. Start with the current max for the first week then try and at least 2-5 lbs for each exercise while keeping good form.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    Week 2 : "B"
    - Monday : Chest / Calves
    - Tuesday : Back (+traps)
    - Wednesday : REst
    - Thurday : Shoulders / Biceps
    - Friday : Legs(quad/ham) / AB's
    - Saturday : Tricepts
    - Sunday : Rest

    Thinking maybe this then. This way the 2nd muscle is not being worked back to back. I am going to run this for about 4-5 weeks. Start with the current max for the first week then try and at least 2-5 lbs for each exercise while keeping good form.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    only thing i would do is put bis with back and traps with shoulders, i feel that its better to focus on a main area of the body every time ur in the gym rather two totally different body parts. when ur working back ur working bis so u might as well hit em all in that day if thats the way u choose to work out, as well as shoulders and traps, when ur working out ur delts ur hitting the traps a whole lot.i prefer to hit one body part a wk and just one body part in one day, heres my workout and u might be able to get a few more ideas
    f-shoulders/calves/abs (traps are in my shoulder workout)
    s-arms (both tris and bis, i prefer hitting bis first so i start with a pull movement and finish with a push)
    Last edited by justin2305; 09-20-2005 at 08:10 PM.

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