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Thread: How does this upper/lower split look?

  1. #1

    How does this upper/lower split look?

    3 days a week (Mon, Weds, Fri ABA BAB), ALL SETS TAKEN TO FAILURE with a 3 minute rest between sets.


    1. Flat bench 2x8-10
    2. Rows 2x8-10
    3. Incline bench 2x8-10
    4. Lat pulldowns 2x8-10
    5. Side lateral raises 2x8-10
    6. Tricep pushdowns 1x8-10
    7. Bicep curls 1x8-10
    8. Neck machine 2x8-10


    1. Squats 4x8-10
    2. Leg curls 4x8-10
    3. Calve raises 4x8-10

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    How long have you been training? What are your goals?

    I used to train upper body twice a week. When I become strong enough, I found I couldn't recover between training sessions and I also damn near puked every time I trained trying to get in all that was necessary for growth.

    Leg sessions look pretty weak IMO. 4-sets of squats isn't enough. I try to get 15 sets in for my quads alone. Here again, what are you goals?

  3. #3
    My goal is to get big and strong (how's that for a vague answer? LOL).

    Seriously though, just looking to put on some size. Not really caring about definition. Just looking to get bulked up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Gunn View Post
    My goal is to get big and strong (how's that for a vague answer? LOL).

    Seriously though, just looking to put on some size. Not really caring about definition. Just looking to get bulked up.
    How long have you been training? Can you give me some stats?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    How long have you been training? Can you give me some stats?
    I'm 30 now. On and off since I was 14.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    i presume he wants your weight and BF too.

    maybe a previuos split you did so people can help asses what they think will work for you

  7. #7
    I'm 6' 270 lbs with a lot of body fat. I just got back from the gym doing the 'A' workout of my routine. I don't feel comfortable doing it and think I will go back to training a body part once a week.

    Does this look better?:

    3 days a week (Mon, Weds, Fri), ALL SETS TAKEN TO FAILURE with a 3 minute rest between sets. I will be doing all exercises 3x8-10 keeping the same weight each set. I will progress the weights when I can do all 3 sets with 10 reps (obviously at the same weight). Each workout should last between 35-45 minutes.

    Day 1 Mon.

    1. Rows 3x8-10
    2. Lat pulldowns 3x8-10
    3. Bicep curls 3x8-10

    Day 2 Weds.

    1. Squats 3x8-10
    2. Leg curls 3x8-10
    3. Calve raises 3x8-10

    Day 3 Fri.

    1. Flat bench 3x8-10
    2. Incline bench 3x8-10
    3. Side lateral raises 3x8-10
    4. Tricep pushdowns 3x8-10
    Last edited by Tommy Gunn; 06-02-2010 at 10:52 PM.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    For just getting back into it, that seems like a good jumping off point. After a month or so I would look at adding another day to expand on the shoulders/tris/bi's but for a start that seems good.

    Everyone's training is different and its best to do what feels right. If you feel like you need to make adjustments as you go, don't be too strict about it. Your not trying to be a world class body builder, so stay flexible and try to consistently make improvements.

    Good Luck!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Gunn View Post
    I'm 6' 270 lbs with a lot of body fat. I just got back from the gym doing the 'A' workout of my routine. I don't feel comfortable doing it and think I will go back to training a body part once a week.

    Does this look better?:

    3 days a week (Mon, Weds, Fri), ALL SETS TAKEN TO FAILURE with a 3 minute rest between sets. I will be doing all exercises 3x8-10 keeping the same weight each set. I will progress the weights when I can do all 3 sets with 10 reps (obviously at the same weight). Each workout should last between 35-45 minutes.

    Day 1 Mon.

    1. Rows 3x8-10
    2. Lat pulldowns 3x8-10
    3. Bicep curls 3x8-10

    Day 2 Weds.

    1. Squats 3x8-10
    2. Leg curls 3x8-10
    3. Calve raises 3x8-10

    Day 3 Fri.

    1. Flat bench 3x8-10
    2. Incline bench 3x8-10
    3. Side lateral raises 3x8-10
    4. Tricep pushdowns 3x8-10
    This looks a bit better. Since you say you have a lot of body fat, I would cardio in 3 days that you're not lifting weights. Start with 20 minutes and work your way up to 45 minutes to an hour on cardio. Once you get your BF down to less then 15% maybe pick up another day of weight lifting to give you 4 per week. Then start isolating your muscle groups a bit more.

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