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Thread: Overhand grip rows to the chest

  1. #1

    Overhand grip rows to the chest

    Anyone ever do this kind of row for the mid back?:

    Because its done with an overhand grip to the chest the lats don't get worked but your mid/lower traps, rhomboids, and rear delts get SMASHED. I do these 4x8-10.

    The only other back exercise I do besides these are Wide grip lat pulldowns 4x8-10. So that way I have one exercise for back thickness and one exercise for back width. I do both once a week on the same day.

    Anyway, what do you guys think of these rows for the mid back?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I do them as well and sometimes do a reverse grip to mix it up. Also been supersetting them with reverse flys to smash my rear delts!

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