I used to lift all the time, but let myself get lazy with school, work, gf, all that jazz. Getting back into it after not lifting much the past two years, been lifting the past 3 months on this routine. Gettting stronger, but I need to work on my diet. I know this goes against the grain with most people lifting one body part per week.
Monday: Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Crunches 3x25
Squats 3x8-12
Leg Extension 3x8-12
Seated Leg Curls 3x8-12
Donkey Calf Raises 3x15-20
Tuesday: Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday
Bench 3x8-12
Chins 3x max
Lat Pulldowns 2x8-12
Military Press 3x8-12
Barbell Curls 3x8-12
Seated Barbell Tricep Ext 3x8-12
Lateral Raises 3x8-12
On Tuesday's bench, and Friday's squat I'm doing a heavy day with reps in the 4-6 range and going for more weight each week. Thinking about adding Deadlifts first thing on Monday's workout. I vary my reps from each workout in the 8-12 range, and each set try to do a little more weight. Also each work out begins with 5 minute warm up cycling and ends with 15 minutes of cardio. In the gym slightly over an hour. For me it's a very enjoyable workout. Looking forward to people's opinions here, thanks!