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Thread: Getting stuck, any help pulling me out would be greatly appreciated.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    South Virginia

    Getting stuck, any help pulling me out would be greatly appreciated.

    I've posted a few times recently, because of some problems I ran into. I've been doing different versions of the workout you guys have on here for a while. The 8 day workout. I've loved it until about a week ago. I started running anadrol, enanthate and deca and went 4 weeks getting stronger every week, then I ran out of the anadrol, my mess up, I thought there was more on the way and it didn't come through so I switched to dbol i had, now in just one week I've gone down 10 pounds on my bench just to start with. Is it just being off anadrol or should I put something different in the workout? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    thats because of the Anadroll.. i don't recomend running the Dbol.. Abombs and dbol should not be taken for more than 6 weeks.. mostly recomended to stay ot 4 weeks due to the 17AA.. How long is your cycle, and what is your PCT?

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