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Thread: Does my routine need any tweaking?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle

    Does my routine need any tweaking?


    Age = 19
    Weight = ~191 lbs
    Height = 5"9
    Current BF = ~18%
    Goal = ~9% BF, "Ripped Physique" (A ssmaller version of Zyzz / Narcissus)

    DISCLAIMER: I also do 30 minutes of cardio Monday-Friday AFTER Lifting.

    Current Routine:

    Monday – Chest + Calfs

    5 sets dumbbell bench press
    5 sets barbell incline bench press
    5 sets dumbbell flys
    3 sets pec deck
    3 sets cable cross-overs
    3 sets seated calf raises
    3 sets donkey calf raises
    3 sets lying calf raises

    Tuesday – Back + Abs + Obliques

    5 sets Deadlifts
    5 Sets Pull-Ups (Reps = Until Fail)
    4 sets seated high rows
    4 sets wide grip lat pull-downs
    3 sets T-bar rows
    5 sets roman chair crunches
    4 sets cable crunches
    3 sets oblique crunches

    Wednesday – Biceps + Triceps

    5 sets barbell curls
    5 sets incline seated dumbbell curls
    4 sets preacher curls
    4 sets hammer curls
    5 sets seated dumbbell extensions
    4 sets close grip bench press
    4 sets rope pull-downs

    THURSDAY – Quads + Hams + Calfs

    5 sets squats
    5 sets leg press
    5 sets of leg extensions
    5 sets lying hamstring curls
    5 sets seated calf raises
    1 set stair stepping

    Friday – Shoulders + Abs + Obliques

    5 sets dumbbell shoulder press
    5 sets lateral delt raises
    3 sets up-right rows
    3 sets front delt raises
    3 sets rear delt face pulls
    3 sets weighted knee ups
    3 sets decline twisting oblique crunches


    Strictly Cardio - 45 Minutes.


    Day Off.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Your diet is going to play a huge part of getting bf down. That and a ton of cardio.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Your diet is going to play a huge part of getting bf down. That and a ton of cardio.
    Affirmative, for reference, my diet:

    Protein / Carbs / Fat / Total Calories:

    Meal 1: 7:00am

    2 Large Whole Egg 12/2/10/140
    1/2 Cup Broccoli 1/3/0/15
    1 Cup Green Beans 1/4/0/20
    1 Glutamine Capsule
    1 Multivitamin/Mineral

    Total: 14/9/10/160

    Meal 2: 10:00am

    1 Cups Skim Milk 9/12/0/80
    7 Oz Yam 3/35/0/150

    Total: 12/47/0/230

    Meal 3: 1:00pm

    6 Oz Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 36/0/0/160
    2 Cups Skim Milk 18/24/0/160
    2 Tbsp EVOO 0/0/10/90

    Total: 54/24/12.5/415

    Meal 4: 4:00pm

    6 Oz 100% Lean Ground Beef 53/0/0/206
    1/2 Cup Brown Rice: 8/68/3/320 [Should I find a better brown rice?]
    1/2 Cup Tomato Sauce/Juice 2/5/0/30
    1 Glutamine Capsule

    Total: 63/73/17/556

    Meal 5: 7:00pm (Pre-Workout)

    Myofusion Protein Shake (2 Scoops Myo + 1 cup milk) 59/22/6/374
    5g of Creatine mixed into shake
    1/4 Cup Liquid Egg Whites 7/0/0/30 [Added to Shake]
    1/4 Cup Organic Rolled Oats 8/33.5/3.2/192

    Total: 74/55.5/9.2/566

    8:00 - 9:00 Workout, 9:00 - 9:30 CARDIO

    Meal 6: 9:30pm (Post Workout)

    Myofusion Protein Shake (2 Scoops Myo + 1 cup milk) 59/22/6/374
    1/4 Cup Organic Rolled Oats 8/33.5/3.2/192
    1/4 Cup Liquid Egg Whites 7/0/0/30 [Added to Shake]

    Total: 74/55.5/9.2/566

    Meal 7: 11:00pm

    1 Scoop MuscleMilk 100% Casein [Mixed with Water] : 25/2/0.5/110

    Total: 24/3/1/120

    Grand Totals: 315 / 267 / 43.4 / 2565

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