the lighting is really sh1tty and these were taken minutes after i woke up this morning. VERY flat right now, have a cheat day tomorrow to try and fill out as much as i can. hopefuly it works out
Just keep working on cutting that bodyfat. You have a ways to go yet to be in competition shape, but you can do alot in 4 weeks. Size will DEFINITELY not be an issue for you!
current diet:
meal 1:
1.5cups egg whites
1 cup oats (dry measure)
meal 2 and 3:
10oz chicken
1 tbsp natural PB
meal 4 and 5:
10 oz chicken
1 cup rice (cooked measure)
meal 6:
10oz chicken
1 large salad with vinegar dressing.
I know your starving ......been there...hang in...4 more weeks!
And GREAT sweep on the legs!!!
I'm surprised you still have carbs in your diet 4 weeks out!
Oh...and FYI....thong would be greatly appreciated for next set of pics!
Amazing!!!! Just amazing, Vishus!
Not sure if you want commentary or not?
legs looking great my man..
keep on keep'n on.
good luck
Looking good man
That was pretty much my input, I dont want to get in your head but you look behind schedule to me. I know you have "been there, done this" before so I am sure you will pull it together. The fact you still have cheat meals scheduled and your trainer is worried about you holding muscle doesnt seem right to me. You have size and more size, that would be the last thing I would be worried about.
i know what youre saying, im working with a new guy this time around so its kind of a "trial" if you want to put it that way. i didnt plan on doing this show, and decided last minute to join in, stupid idea, i know. im serious when it comes to competing, and shouldve started out earlier than i did. im just glad to get lean and compete again, i will be doing the mens open heavyweight class so im not too anxious about geting a high placing, i dunno if i wil even place, just love to be on stage
Everything everyone else said(with the exception of Kawi and the thong thing), plus calves seem weak and you need a tan.
Quads look awesome. No thong needed for next round of pics. Heh.
dam bro your quads are impressive
mind posting leg routine?
my leg workout 2 days ago:
leg extensions: 130 x 50
175 x 20
205 x 20
235 x 20
250 x 15
squats: 135 x 20
225x 20
315 x 15
405 x 15
495 x 12
leg press: 6 plates a side x 25
8 plats a side x 20
10 plates a side x 20
12 plates a side x 12
leg curls: 100 x 25
120 x 15
140 x 15
150 x 15
160 x 14
seatd leg curl: 130 x 15
145 x 15
160 x 12
175 x 12
190 x 10
**yes i know most of you are saying "bullsh1t!" when you lok at the numbers but it is true. i could giv a fvck if any of you believe me or not, my quads represent this workout as shown in the pics i posted above.
i belive you. i dunno why people lie anyways.
but anyways thats a lot of weight. mainly wanted to see your sets and reps and exercises.
thanks mate. and best of luck with the contest. keep the pics coming.
whoa bro whats wrong with your legs???? the are massive must be some kind of deformity![]()
jesus, if i tried those reps they would need a wheel chair to get me out of the gym.
Really awesome quad sweep, and once you dry out some looks like you'll have pretty ripped up straited hams. Overall great full muscle bellies.
Why such high reps on leg day? I'd be afraid to see you after 6 months at a rep range 8 to 10...may spark some serious size.
thanx bro, i didnt mean to make my post sound like you thought i was lying, i kno u didnt, just to the others on here who are 'non believers' and have never completed a rep of squats in there life
lol! could be true! they seem to always over power my upper body
u should! people dont train legs heavy enough, u need to push weight AND reps with every body part, especially if youre into bodybuilding
i appreciate it bro, and yes i will drop maybe 7 lbs of water the week before the show, i have been using a lot of sodium in my meals
thats what im hopin will happen after the show, start squatting heavier and adding more size to them
I am glad you started this thread Vishus and I hope you give us updates often. I am anxious to see how you look with a tan and in good lighting. I think you are going to do really excellent. I have no doubt that you know what you are doing.
Best of luck my son. LOL
^^^ LOL! you could be his dad in a way~that is funny....
LOL!!! i laughed my ass off at that last sentence haha! this is true, u could possibly be my real father!
i will give updates after i tan up and dry out def. there will also be PLENTY of shots from the show. i will keep everyone posted on diet and cardio regime as well
thanks for all the support
damn legs are on point. Lets switch lol
Quads are sick. I see good results with mine with high reps/weight....not the weight you move though!!! Impressive.
What weight are you sitting at in the pics and what do you plan on competing at?
Best of luck with your show.
Read something about still having a cheat meal in there.. looks real iffy at this point. Hopefully your coach knows what he is doing. I would suggest to him to take them out. Maybe a slight refeed day to stay full, really hard to tell from these pics, but u do look a little behind.
Look to be holding a bit of water too, are you guys throwing in a heavy AI soon?
I ran 2.5 letro for the last few weeks and it helped suck me dry
lol! i know right? the tren makes me go crazy once i get into the gym. cardio is 30min in the mornings and 20min post workout for now
yes i know i am behind, ive heard it from a dozen other guys, and its because i started this diet like 10 weeks out instead of 16. im not doing this show for a serious manner. next year ill do a local show and start 16 weeks out so i can qualify for junior nationals.
i will start running 3mg of arimidex starting here soon n drop sodium from my meals.
you guys dont need to worry about my conditioning. i will go in the way i am, im not nervous or ashamed if i am behind, its my own mistake. im doing this show for the hell of it. just wanted to lean out before summer anyways, decided to jump in and do a show for fun
looking good bro, cant wait to see the contest pics....your legs make me feel tiny.....
JERK!!!!!....just kidding bro,good luck....
Def behind (as youve heard a million times already) But 100% still able to pull it together. More cardio. Less cheats.
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