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Thread: Know your anatomy!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    LA, CA

    Know your anatomy!

    Ive been away from this forum for a while now due to LIFE bein busy as hell, but Im finally able to get back on a AAS cycle within the next week, so Im here to refresh my memory (mostly in the AAS educational forums) but I decided to take a peak here in the "lifting technique" forum...
    before i give my spiel, lemme jus say that Im a personal trainer with 6 years of experience; ive serviced a wide range of age groups as well as fitness goals... from increasing functionality to focusing on specific muscles and fixing muscular imbalances and everything in between. the number one thing that any body who spends any time lifting should know is MUSCULAR ANATOMY! if you can visualize your muscles and what they look like underneath your skin, it is much easier to target them and you will have a much better understanding of how to work them out.
    this is the first thing I require from every single client Ive ever worked with, and I owe a lot of my success to this simple concept. before goin to the gym, or even at the gym between sets look at a picture of the muscles you intend to work that day. take into consideration their size as well as their origin and insertion, and use your hands to locate and feel them underneath your skin...and fat. Smaller muscles will need less work to fatigue them, obviously, and larger muscles will require more sets and different movements/angles to thoroughly work the entire muscle.
    so, keep that in mind along with.....
    6-8 reps for strength
    10-12 reps for growth
    and 15-18 reps for endurance
    ... and that should help a lot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Why would you post this 3 different times?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    LA, CA
    I didnt, feel free do what you gotta do

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    This is pretty informational thanks

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