Looking at the scale and seeing *276 last may I decided to loose weight...Long story short I lost 40 pounds in 3 months, using Insanity every other day plus going to the gym 5 days a week.(sometimes even twice a day) I got down to 235. So I started slaking off with eating on weekends, then weekdays..next thing you now the gym was a hassle. Jan I was still the same weight so I started working out exactly the way I did before. But slowly fell off again. Here we are in April STILL the same weight, more muscle..actually starting to fill in. This week I started going to the gym twice a in the am again 3 days a week, still making sure I go the regular 5 times. Also since the 2nd week in April I've started taking orals 50 mg of Whinny and 50 MG of var.
I've switched from lifting heavy to lifting light and 15-20 reps each set. Also at least an Hour of cardio morning and night, triyng to burn 2000 calories a day..plus abs twice a week, eating chicken and peppers for 2 meals out of the day egg whites and shakeology for breakfast
I've been working hard and even measuring my stomach, still that same,
SO my question to all of you is..What am I doing wrong that I can not loose my stomach? This thing has not moved an inch!
There are some spots that look a little smaller but between my stomach and man boobs i need them gone!