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Thread: just about to take an Ai and then ...POW!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Montreal Canada

    just about to take an Ai and then ...POW!

    weighed up teh pros and cons of steroids, decided against it, found out Aromatase inhibitors actually increase natural test, researched estrogen rebound- found out aromasin (exemestane) has virtually nil side effects, ordered my exemestane , waiting a while for customs to clear, really excited about all the test results on the forums etc etc etc..looking forward to elevated testosterone levels coming my way..

    and then i came across a website saying ...

    Sexual Problems and Reproductive Concerns
    ■In men and women both, this drug may temporarily or permanently affect your ability to have children.
    This cannot be determined before your therapy. In men, this drug may interfere with your ability to make sperm, but it should not change your ability to have sexual relations. In women, menstrual bleeding may become irregular or stop while you are receiving this drug. Do not assume that you cannot become pregnant if you do not have a menstrual period. Women may experience signs of menopause like vaginal dryness or itching.

    DAMN! why does god hate me so!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    AI alone may rise test a tad but nothing significant to make a difference, low E2 will have far worse sides than low test anyway, you either do TRT right or forget it, because you'll be waisting money and messing with your health. who said it, if its too good to be true, it probably is!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    You have a good inquisitive nature which is good... but I believe you're too anxious to make the right decision for yourself at this time. Just going by your posts I really want to encourage you to find a real expert in male hormones that can work with you. Regardless of what you read, a well-trained physician cannot be replaced...

    And for the record, you may not become impotent, but there is always a tradeoff for any drug you do. That's as cut and dry as it can be.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Yeah, I'm actually glad you didn't do this AI solo therapy deal you were looking at. I'm more surprised you didn't take a look at SERMs before thinking of a AI. Lots of wicked sides come with that low E2. Put your trust in a good physician and don't look back.

  5. #5
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    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    AI alone may rise test a tad but nothing significant to make a difference, low E2 will have far worse sides than low test anyway, you either do TRT right or forget it, because you'll be waisting money and messing with your health. who said it, if its too good to be true, it probably is!
    ^^^^What the wise one said above!

    Do it right...

  6. #6
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    Apr 2012
    Montreal Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Yeah, I'm actually glad you didn't do this AI solo therapy deal you were looking at. I'm more surprised you didn't take a look at SERMs before thinking of a AI. Lots of wicked sides come with that low E2. Put your trust in a good physician and don't look back.
    thanks vette, now i'll have to spend the next 3 month researching serms pro and cons, as far as a good physician is concerned- i saw the head of Andrology australia and he shot me down in flames, told me he thought i was depressed because "you look depressed" , i was wincing in pain from a herniated disc but he didnt want to hear it. In Australia there is no medical treatment for men- you have to self administer if you want an improvement

  7. #7
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    Nov 2011
    Sorry to hear your delimia, I have a couple hern discs as well, so I feel your pain. Bass truthfully couldnt of said it better

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    thanks vette, now i'll have to spend the next 3 month researching serms pro and cons, as far as a good physician is concerned- i saw the head of Andrology australia and he shot me down in flames, told me he thought i was depressed because "you look depressed" , i was wincing in pain from a herniated disc but he didnt want to hear it. In Australia there is no medical treatment for men- you have to self administer if you want an improvement

    Didn't i tell you so!! I don't know why you refuse to take my advice on seeing the Perth based doc. I'm trying to help, but for some reason you just ignore it!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanMan250 View Post
    Didn't i tell you so!! I don't know why you refuse to take my advice on seeing the Perth based doc. I'm trying to help, but for some reason you just ignore it!
    yeah i know, i know, was looking for someone closer- i will definitely make an appointment with your doc. i was just convinced the head of Andrology Australia was a better option and also he was closer. have you used that perth dr before yourself?

  10. #10
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    yeah i know, i know, was looking for someone closer- i will definitely make an appointment with your doc. i was just convinced the head of Andrology Australia was a better option and also he was closer. have you used that perth dr before yourself?
    He's not my doc. I just have some good friends who have seen him and been helped after doing the runaround with different docs in Australia. You don't have to travel to Perth, he visits the major capital cities each month, so it would be no further for you to travel than to the endo that just wasted your time and money like I warned you he would.
    I moved overseas after I saw Lording and De Kretser who were useless so I decided to do research and self treat in the UK because from what I was told the UK endos are just as useless. If I had known about the Perth doc I would have seen him. Self treating is the last option anyone should take. Always try to seek out the most knowledgeable doc first before mucking around with your body. Don't take an AI or any serms because they will alter your blood test results. After making an appointment with the Perth doc you will be sent a pathology request form with all the necessary tests - the tests that all of the endos refuse to run.

  11. #11
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    thanks for the concern Dan, the other main issue i have is i dont want to go down the trt path yet Dr Z seems to only offer that as an option- i will have to ring his office and discuss what options are part of his protocol. i want another child and trt would be something i would definitely pursue after i have kid. Thats why i have been so interested in an AI for a mild test boost in the meantime. using info i can garner off the web to grow my knowledge base

    thought i had it sorted out but nowhere did i find out about aromasins ability to render a man sterile and im sure alot of the guys on pct using it would be shocked to know that as well.

    i still want to pursue AI's as bit of an interest im developing - im sure there is a market for this stuff and a product that will do all the good stuff minus the bad - or at least minimal easily reversible sides. who knows maybe when im done i can collate all the info together and write up a guide for guys who want a safe boost without resorting to the inherently unsafe avenues currently being promoted.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    thanks for the concern Dan, the other main issue i have is i dont want to go down the trt path yet Dr Z seems to only offer that as an option- i will have to ring his office and discuss what options are part of his protocol. i want another child and trt would be something i would definitely pursue after i have kid. Thats why i have been so interested in an AI for a mild test boost in the meantime. using info i can garner off the web to grow my knowledge base

    thought i had it sorted out but nowhere did i find out about aromasins ability to render a man sterile and im sure alot of the guys on pct using it would be shocked to know that as well.

    i still want to pursue AI's as bit of an interest im developing - im sure there is a market for this stuff and a product that will do all the good stuff minus the bad - or at least minimal easily reversible sides. who knows maybe when im done i can collate all the info together and write up a guide for guys who want a safe boost without resorting to the inherently unsafe avenues currently being promoted.
    You should still be able to have another kid if you use HCG in conjunction with TRT. You could even try HCG mono along with an AI or nolvadex. The Perth doc prescribes all 3. Taking an AI on its own will make you feel worse. The test boost you will get will only be very minimal and it will suppress estrogen levels too much. Clomid will boost your test levels, but it also tends to suppress sex drive as well.
    To be truthful, your bloodwork is not unusual for a 39 year old. If you took 100 guys your age off the street and tested their blood, you would fall somewhere around the middle. This is why most docs won't prescribe you anything. If you want to feel closer to the way you felt 15 years ago then you will need to take some HCG or a little testosterone with HCG. None of the supplements on the market will help you.

  13. #13
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    Montreal Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by DanMan250 View Post
    You should still be able to have another kid if you use HCG in conjunction with TRT. You could even try HCG mono along with an AI or nolvadex. The Perth doc prescribes all 3. Taking an AI on its own will make you feel worse. The test boost you will get will only be very minimal and it will suppress estrogen levels too much. Clomid will boost your test levels, but it also tends to suppress sex drive as well.
    To be truthful, your bloodwork is not unusual for a 39 year old. If you took 100 guys your age off the street and tested their blood, you would fall somewhere around the middle. This is why most docs won't prescribe you anything. If you want to feel closer to the way you felt 15 years ago then you will need to take some HCG or a little testosterone with HCG. None of the supplements on the market will help you.
    yeah i figured my test levels were in the median and i would struggle to find anyone to give me something to boost it, thats why i pursued this avenue. to be honest i was really only looking to boost test and leave trt or hcg as a future option when i really do drop below the threshold as stated on the BW results range.Nolvadex looks promising now in this respect as its prescribed to men with fertility issues so i know the sterility wouldnt be an issue for me. ongoing hrt Hcg etc would be a process/cost at this stage id like to postpone until i really needed it. As nolva is so easy for me to get and administer it might be the next thing i try (just to see how it feels) - im not at all closing the book on dr Z , i supposed i wanted to dip my foot into the pond before i jumped in.

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