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Thread: Cycle Advice Test/Tren/Mast Props

  1. #1
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    Cycle Advice Test/Tren/Mast Props

    Hi Guys,

    This is my cycle and I would love some advice on what you think or what I might adjust.

    I am 27, 5'5 155-165 lbs 5.2% - 8% bodyfat on a tanita body comp (today was 164.4 lbs total weight - 151.6lb Fat free mass - 111.0lb Water - 11.2lb fat - 6.8%)

    This is my 3rd cycle (I did a test E 500mg/week cycle with pct, nice long 6 month break then a 600mg/week test e + anavar cycle + pct (pct was over 4 months ago)

    Cycle plan is as follows

    30 mg test prop (0.3 of 100mg/ml) Every 36hours week 1-8
    75 mg tren ace (0.75 of 100mg/ml) Every 36hours week 1-8
    112.5 mg masteron (0.75 of 150mg/ml) every 36 hours week 1-8

    this gives me with 1.8ml per shot
    140 mg/week of test
    350 mg/week of tren
    525 mg/week of masteron

    Gonna run it for 8 weeks straight just like that, any suggestions on duration or dosage modifications?

    I decided to go with this instead of ED or EOD, to make the shots less monotonous then every night, and try to keep blood levels more stable as opposed to EOD. Also I didnt want to inject so much fluid in each spot, or run out of spots too often, I really only like going in my quads but will use glutes for this as well.

    I just did my 3rd shot last night, and am already noticing hardening effect and leaning out.

    I have femera(letro) that I was going to use as my AI on cycle but might pick up aromasin , if i do use femara was thinking 0.625 mg every 3 days??
    have nolva ready to go for after, and have 5000IU of hCG but am not sure how I should dose it, I was thinking 250iu 2x a week starting on week 3? input greatly appreciated

    Also have access to any other dr ugs(lol i couldnt post this word) I might need..

    I am on the newer side of things but take this very seriously and do a lot of research before anything.

    Thanks for the input guys.
    Last edited by gambit85; 09-28-2012 at 09:06 PM.

  2. #2
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    Mar 2012
    Are you using an AI? You should also have clomid as well as the nolva for your PCT.

    I an doing this same stack currently except all 3 long esters.
    250 mg test
    500mg tren
    400 mg mast (I may bump this up as I am seeing that Mast should be run a little higher)

    I would be shocked if you are seeing any results as you stated after 3 days of use. Honestly it should be somewhere in the 7-10 day mark before any change is noticable. Im guessing it's aplacebo affect at this point.

  3. #3
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    I certainly might be a placebo affect( i noticed it on day 1 and had to start googling how long it would take), but I am crazy lean right now and feel strong. I have Femera/letro as an AI on hand should I feel like I need it for gyno, I did get some on my 2nd cycle, but so far I am just using the masteron to keep it down, and will include letro if I feel like I need it. From all the research I have been reading, Nolva and clomid do not need to be run together and dont provide any additional synergy, I recovered great off of just nolva without hCG on my last cycle, I had blood work after 4 weeks and was already up in normal ranges.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gambit85 View Post
    I certainly might be a placebo affect( i noticed it on day 1 and had to start googling how long it would take), but I am crazy lean right now and feel strong. I have Femera/letro as an AI on hand should I feel like I need it for gyno, I did get some on my 2nd cycle, but so far I am just using the masteron to keep it down, and will include letro if I feel like I need it. From all the research I have been reading, Nolva and clomid do not need to be run together and dont provide any additional synergy, I recovered great off of just nolva without hCG on my last cycle, I had blood work after 4 weeks and was already up in normal ranges.
    I would suggest reading the AI sticky by Swifto. I always "kept on hand" too till that. Besides you say you already prone. I don't believe Mast provides an adiquite enough esto suppression.

  5. #5
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    Ok.. I just read it and agree with it and what you say. I will run an AI throughout cycle, just wondering now If i can use all this left over femara I have from gyno last cycle or if i MUST grab aromasin, I was thinking maybe half of a 1.25 mg tab of letro E3D.. not sure if thats still too much tho.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gambit85 View Post
    Ok.. I just read it and agree with it and what you say. I will run an AI throughout cycle, just wondering now If i can use all this left over femara I have from gyno last cycle or if i MUST grab aromasin, I was thinking maybe half of a 1.25 mg tab of letro E3D.. not sure if thats still too much tho.
    I woild start at .5 mg letro and work your way up. Letro is VERY suppresive. I prefer Adex over Aromasin or letro

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I woild start at .5 mg letro and work your way up. Letro is VERY suppresive. I prefer Adex over Aromasin or letro
    0.5 everyday?

    I was thinking 0.625 every 3 days, or you suggest say 0.5 every 3.. just hard to get 0.5 when I have a 1.25 mg tab ya kno?

  8. #8
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    Running the same cycle as well, all short esters, using everyday!! just started but also throwing in clen and 80 mg of winny ed. I am in the 9% range and so looking forward to seeing how hard and dialed in get. Good luck bro, you should be sick ripped by the sounds of it....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottroxx View Post
    Running the same cycle as well, all short esters, using everyday!! just started but also throwing in clen and 80 mg of winny ed. I am in the 9% range and so looking forward to seeing how hard and dialed in get. Good luck bro, you should be sick ripped by the sounds of it....
    Dude if thats you in the AVI then my hats off to ya man. Look friggin great!

    What is your dosage protocal??

  10. #10
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    Sep 2012
    Thanks scottroox im planning on this cycle really taking me to a new level for vascularity, definition, and just being shredded, have it timed out so my 8 weeks end right on competition day.
    I am interested in your dosages as well, and also what you have planned out for a pct. How long have you been on, and when did you start to feel it, im pretty sure I am feeling this, but so far 0 sides so I would really like to know if thats just due to my moderate dosing or because I havent given the tren enough time to build up.

  11. #11
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    Click image for larger version. 

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    This is me, first day of cycle, super lean at the moment, and hella excited to see what tren/mast will do for me.

    I will be taking a detailed log, and many pics throughout cycle as well as post cycle and a few months after.

    I have been told I shouldnt be feeling it yet, but I know my body pretty well, and I have def noticed some size, strength, definition and hardness, so if it hasnt kicked in yet.. well then im very stoked lol

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by gambit85 View Post
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    This is me, first day of cycle, super lean at the moment, and hella excited to see what tren/mast will do for me.

    I will be taking a detailed log, and many pics throughout cycle as well as post cycle and a few months after.

    I have been told I shouldnt be feeling it yet, but I know my body pretty well, and I have def noticed some size, strength, definition and hardness, so if it hasnt kicked in yet.. well then im very stoked lol
    I PROMISE you are fealing the placebo affect but even that can be great for gains so enjoy. Did you get over to nutrition. I would love to see you up those cals and throw some REAL size on that lean frame (man I sound gay lol). Feel free to post your cycle and updates along with pics in the member cycle sub forum.

  13. #13
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    get over to nutrition? I will post all this in the cycle forum too

    this is my current diet

    first thing in the morning
    shake w/ glutamine, bcaa and other aminos, 30 g protein


    breakfast 1/2 c. oats with cinnamon+1tbs pb + 30g protein

    snack black bean 2oz and 3oz chicken

    lunche 2 c. salad greens + sal 1 tbs.2 tbs. balsamic vinegar 4 oz. chicken, 4oz yam

    snack shake (same as morning)

    dinner ground bison 5oz, 1/2 cup broc 1/2 avocado, tomatoes and onions salad. 3 tbsp balsamic.

    before bed 4 egg white omelette with 3tbs. red pepper cooked in no oil 40 mins before bed.

  14. #14
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    So Lunk you are saying FOSURE when it kicks in ill know?? like hands down noticeable? much more so then my last cycles?
    Last edited by gambit85; 09-18-2012 at 11:48 AM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gambit85 View Post
    So Lunk you are saying FOSURE when it kicks in ill know?? like hands down noticeable? much more so then my last cycles?
    YES..i am saying that in 2 weeks or so you will KNOW you are on tren. Labido will be crazy, strength will climb, aggression will increase. Most likely night sweats and insomnia as they are most common. The mind is powerful and the placebo affect is not a bad thing!

    By getting over to nutrition I meant posting your diet in the nutrition sub forum. Your foods look great but I think your quantity is going to have to increase alot.

  16. #16
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    Yea I def know how strong the mind is and I am not ruling out a placebo affect at all, but I have been getting some night sweats, nothing else. I am also VERY good with my temper and controlling my aggression from years of being a little spaz and always losing my cool. DAMN now u got me even more excited lunk, I will go post that nutrition in the nutriotion forum also just put up my cycle in the member cycle, thanks for the help bro!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by gambit85 View Post
    Yea I def know how strong the mind is and I am not ruling out a placebo affect at all, but I have been getting some night sweats, nothing else. I am also VERY good with my temper and controlling my aggression from years of being a little spaz and always losing my cool. DAMN now u got me even more excited lunk, I will go post that nutrition in the nutriotion forum also just put up my cycle in the member cycle, thanks for the help bro!
    By the way...what dosages did you settle in on???

  18. #18
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    Jan 2012
    First I would like to compliment you on your physic...If I was gay I d nail you haha. Seriously I would consider running the tren at 350-450mg ew
    mast 400-500mg ew

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    First I would like to compliment you on your physic...If I was gay I d nail you haha. Seriously I would consider running the tren at 350-450mg ew
    mast 400-500mg ew
    That is around where I suggested as well.

  20. #20
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    Sep 2012
    These are my dosages lunk

    30 mg test prop (100mg/ml) Every 36hours week 1-8
    60 mg tren ace (100mg/ml) Every 36hours week 1-8
    60 mg masteron (150mg/ml) every 36 hours week 1-8

    So I took a shot this morning at 6am my next one will be thurs night 6pm.

    this gives me with 1.3ml per shot
    140 mg/week of test
    280 mg/week of tren
    280 mg/week of masteron

    Originally I was going to do tren 50mg every other day, then kept reading the tren needs to be 300+ so I increased the freq to 36 hours and the dosage to 60mg, I want to be safe and not flip on my GF or roomates lol
    Last edited by gambit85; 09-18-2012 at 12:17 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by gambit85 View Post
    These are my dosages lunk

    30 mg test prop (100mg/ml) Every 36hours week 1-8
    60 mg tren ace (100mg/ml) Every 36hours week 1-8
    60 mg masteron (150mg/ml) every 36 hours week 1-8

    So I took a shot this morning at 6am my next one will be thurs night 6pm.

    this gives me with 1.3ml per shot
    140 mg/week of test 250 mg week
    280 mg/week of tren 350 mg week
    280 mg/week of masteron 500 mg week

    Originally I was going to do tren 50mg every other day, then kept reading the tren needs to be 300+ so I increased the freq to 36 hours and the dosage to 60mg, I want to be safe and not flip on my GF or roomates lol
    I really think you would be more pleased with the bold above.

  22. #22
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    SO if i take your advice I could do 75mg of tren (0.75ml) and 105 mg (0.7ml) for 350mg/tren a week and 490mast/week
    do you guys highly suggest that for better gains, I really want to keep sides to a minimum

    as for the test, ive seen many guys say that a trt dose of 100/week is all you need, not gaining anything from the test since tren binds to same receptor, and just want the test for normal body function

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    First I would like to compliment you on your physic...If I was gay I d nail you haha. Seriously I would consider running the tren at 350-450mg ew
    mast 400-500mg ew
    Thanks Ironbeck on the compliments.. and no even if you were gay you would NOT be nailing me lol

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by gambit85 View Post
    SO if i take your advice I could do 75mg of tren (0.75ml) and 105 mg (0.7ml) for 350mg/tren a week and 490mast/week
    do you guys highly suggest that for better gains, I really want to keep sides to a minimum

    as for the test, ive seen many guys say that a trt dose of 100/week is all you need, not gaining anything from the test since tren binds to same receptor, and just want the test for normal body function
    I think anywhere between 300-350 is a sweet spot for tren
    Mast I feel is a 500mg week min. or it's a waste
    250 mg of test is still a low dose and in trt range. you would be fine heeping that at the 150ish range as well if you desired.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I think anywhere between 300-350 is a sweet spot for tren
    Mast I feel is a 500mg week min. or it's a waste
    250 mg of test is still a low dose and in trt range. you would be fine heeping that at the 150ish range as well if you desired.
    OK! starting next shot and for the next 8 weeks

    30 mg test prop (0.3 of 100mg/ml) Every 36hours week 1-8
    75 mg tren ace (0.75 of 100mg/ml) Every 36hours week 1-8
    112.5 mg masteron (0.75 of 150mg/ml) every 36 hours week 1-8

    this gives me with 1.8ml per shot
    140 mg/week of test
    350 mg/week of tren
    525 mg/week of masteron

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by gambit85 View Post
    OK! starting next shot and for the next 8 weeks

    30 mg test prop (0.3 of 100mg/ml) Every 36hours week 1-8
    75 mg tren ace (0.75 of 100mg/ml) Every 36hours week 1-8
    112.5 mg masteron (0.75 of 150mg/ml) every 36 hours week 1-8

    this gives me with 1.8ml per shot
    140 mg/week of test
    350 mg/week of tren
    525 mg/week of masteron
    I REALLY like it...and I think you will to. Now I want to see the next post you make in the nutrition section. I have been looking for it.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I REALLY like it...and I think you will to. Now I want to see the next post you make in the nutrition section. I have been looking for it.
    haha kk making it now, just fyi, the past 8 weeks I was on real lean 1800 calories. and was trying to lean out, leaned out too fast and now making adjustments, got 4 weeks at the food i quoted to bulk up then 4 weeks to cut down then competing in first physique show.

    The food I have now, is substantially more then I was having for the past 8 weeks and that pic is what I look like, so I see myself adding some lean weight fast in these next 4 weeks, I dont want to get TOO big, because I am only competeing in physique, I can actually be deducted for having too much muscle, also I need to stay flexible.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by gambit85 View Post
    haha kk making it now, just fyi, the past 8 weeks I was on real lean 1800 calories. and was trying to lean out, leaned out too fast and now making adjustments, got 4 weeks at the food i quoted to bulk up then 4 weeks to cut down then competing in first physique show.

    The food I have now, is substantially more then I was having for the past 8 weeks and that pic is what I look like, so I see myself adding some lean weight fast in these next 4 weeks, I dont want to get TOO big, because I am only competeing in physique, I can actually be deducted for having too much muscle, also I need to stay flexible.
    Make sure to explain that in nutrition because everyones goals are diff. Like me...I just want to be a bid bad ass mofo lol

  29. #29
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    Hey guys, OK, first of.. YES.. That is And thanx for the great comments!!! I was asked what my dosages are. Well first off, I am a long time... Responsible... user of around 20 years now, I find over the last 5 years or so I have had to use a bit more for the same results... I am stacking each one at a different intreval for desired effect but ultimately will be doing all 5 at the same time as I get closer to show time. This a bit unorthodox but I am changing from a long ester to short esters cycle becuz of deciding to do this show last minute kinda With that said, here is my dosages....

    Everyday shots!!!

    100mg----- prop. ====== 40 days
    75mg-------Tren A ======30 days
    100mg------Masteron P. ==20days
    80mg-------winstrol =====25 days
    80mcg------clen ========42 days.. ( Tapering up from 40 to 80 )

    I do daily shots cuz I'm Nooooo..I feel I get better results and the sides of Tren are minimal. I do get bed sweats..rrrrr really annoying and uncomfortable but that's kinda my way knowing if the stuff is good or not. I was doing Tren E. Every 3rd day. And was getting night terrors, hard time sleeping, I dunno what else but I dunno if I will do it again, was a rough go. I get really intense on tren and edgy. It should kick in if using tren A after about 2 weeks, give or take a few days. You will certainly know when it kicks but not a chance you feel it after one or two I use hch and nolva for pct. my diet is starting to change as it is getting. Closer to show time, so I won't comment on it. Let's just say it is strict and right on par. Keep your diet in check brother, it's all about the diet and cardio. Best of luck, sounds like your going to do well....
    Last edited by scottroxx; 09-23-2012 at 09:01 AM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottroxx View Post
    Hey guys, OK, first of.. YES.. That is And thanx for the great comments!!! I was asked what my dosages are. Well first off, I am a long time... Responsible... user of around 20 years now, I find over the last 5 years or so I have had to use a bit more for the same results... I am stacking each one at a different intreval for desired effect but ultimately will be doing all 5 at the same time as I get closer to show time. This a bit unorthodox but I am changing from a long ester to short esters cycle becuz of deciding to do this show last minute kinda With that said, here is my dosages....

    Everyday shots!!!

    100mg----- prop. ====== 40 days
    75mg-------Tren A ======30 days
    100mg------Masteron P. ==20days
    80mg-------winstrol =====25 days
    80mcg------clen ========42 days.. ( Tapering up from 40 to 80 )

    I do daily shots cuz I'm Nooooo..I feel I get better results and the sides of Tren are minimal. I do get bed sweats..rrrrr really annoying and uncomfortable but that's kinda my way knowing if the stuff is good or not. I was doing Tren E. Every 3rd day. And was getting night terrors, hard time sleeping, I dunno what else but I dunno if I will do it again, was a rough go. I get really intense on tren and edgy. It should kick in if using tren A after about 2 weeks, give or take a few days. You will certainly know when it kicks but not a chance you feel it after one or two I use hch and nolva for pct. my diet is starting to change as it is getting. Closer to show time, so I won't comment on it. Let's just say it is strict and right on par. Keep your diet in check brother, it's all about the diet and cardio. Best of luck, sounds like your going to do well....
    Thanks for the additional info scottroxx, whats the clen help with? I am on day 10, def feeling bigger, seeing strength gains and feel great, no sides yet.
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    Scott have you ever done this cycle before, have you tried with a low dosage of test?
    I am so pumped for this

  31. #31
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    Apr 2010
    This is by far my favorite stack. I am extremely interested to see how you do using this to add muscle as I have only used it as a cutter. I saw the title and had to open it up. You look great Gambit. Like Scott, I also got bad night sweats and night terrors. TrenA was a little uncomfortable to inject but nothing like injecting winny. I also ran it ED. I really hope you get some awesome results from this. Makes me wish I were on it now! Looking forward to your post cycle pics. This was my post cycle pic. Ended 6'3, 224, 7%bf from 14% in 7 weeks..Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	126948

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neevor View Post
    This is by far my favorite stack. I am extremely interested to see how you do using this to add muscle as I have only used it as a cutter. I saw the title and had to open it up. You look great Gambit. Like Scott, I also got bad night sweats and night terrors. TrenA was a little uncomfortable to inject but nothing like injecting winny. I also ran it ED. I really hope you get some awesome results from this. Makes me wish I were on it now! Looking forward to your post cycle pics. This was my post cycle pic. Ended 6'3, 224, 7%bf from 14% in 7 weeks..Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Post Cycle.jpeg 
Views:	1542 
Size:	10.0 KB 
ID:	126948
    7 %? How did you have that measured?

  33. #33
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    Also, just noticed your excel sheet and geeked out over that.. "that'll do pig.. that'll do."

    I did notice you are stabbing in your quads only.. have you thought about rotating around a bit? I use glutes, all 6 shoulder sites and pecs as well in an effort to reduce scar tissue... just a thought

  34. #34
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    7 point calliper as I recall.. why do you ask Austinite?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neevor View Post
    7 point calliper as I recall.. why do you ask Austinite?
    just curious really. It's harder for me to gauge BF with someone of your height. Similar to what I looked like @ 10%. But I'm not that tall and I cant see the wheels so I don't know.

    Awesome physique, bro.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    just curious really. It's harder for me to gauge BF with someone of your height. Similar to what I looked like @ 10%. But I'm not that tall and I cant see the wheels so I don't know.

    Awesome physique, bro.
    Hey thanks man! I have the same problem judging others as well. You are one lucky duck if you look like that at 10%! If I had to guess I would say you probably have better developed abs that show up at a higher bf%. I purposely keep my abs small so there is a dramatic difference in my taper.

  37. #37
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    Austin...Ilove your AVI but everyone assumes it's you lol. Little do they know you look like Danny Davito lol

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neevor View Post
    Also, just noticed your excel sheet and geeked out over that.. "that'll do pig.. that'll do."

    I did notice you are stabbing in your quads only.. have you thought about rotating around a bit? I use glutes, all 6 shoulder sites and pecs as well in an effort to reduce scar tissue... just a thought
    HAHAHAH yea im a bit of an ocd geek thats for damn sure.
    I am actually rotating 4 spots, both glutes and both quads, up until this cycle I had only ever done quads so it took me a bit of nerve to get to shooting my own glute, but I just did shot #8 in the there!

    Also the bf% can range tons with the same body fat lbs. It its all based on your overall water and hydration, you can easily change 3-4 % without changing your body fat more then a pound.
    Like i said im ocd and im on the tanita every single day, sometimes twice a day lol...

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Austin...Ilove your AVI but everyone assumes it's you lol. Little do they know you look like Danny Davito lol
    I certainly did when he started responding to my post a few days ago. After his third or fourth comment in that thread I checked his profile cause something seemed off..

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neevor View Post
    Also, just noticed your excel sheet and geeked out over that.. "that'll do pig.. that'll do."

    I did notice you are stabbing in your quads only.. have you thought about rotating around a bit? I use glutes, all 6 shoulder sites and pecs as well in an effort to reduce scar tissue... just a thought

    6 shoulder sites??!?! what do I not know here lol.. I always thought u can only go directly into the shoulder hand by side, like they do when getting vacciines, and that it was only good for 1 ml.

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