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Thread: Training Routine - Just got back into lifting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Training Routine - Just got back into lifting

    Whats up fellas, I havent posted here for a while because i havent lifted for almost a year and a half. I ended up tearing my labrum (unrelated to lifting) and had to get surgery twice. The second surgery was a success and i actually just finished physical therapy a couple weeks ago. My PT told me to ease into lifting and not lift to heavy on military press and incline bench. He gave me the ok to lift heavy on everything else but i should slowly, over a couple months, work my way up to heavy Milirary Press/Incline Bench. Anyways i have been lifting for about 4 weeks now and i already feel alot better and more energized. Here are my current stats and previous stats.

    Stats: Before I stopped lifting

    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 225
    BF: 10%

    Stats: Current

    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 185
    BF: around 13%

    As you can see i have lost alot of size and ALOT of strength as well. However my strength seems to be coming back to me fairly quick even though i have only been lifting for 4 weeks. Currently i am on a 3 day on 1 day off routine where i do Day 1) chest/shoulder/tris, Day 2) Back/bis/traps, Day 3) Legs.

    Here is my idea for a training routine:

    Sunday - Legs
    Monday - Chest
    Tuesday - Back
    Wednesday - Rest
    Thursday - Light Shoulders
    Friday - Arms
    Saturday - Rest

    Go ahead and adjust this if you think i should, also what days should i do traps, abs and calves? I'm currently pressed on time so when i get back from work i will post up my back routine since that is the only one i am really conserned with.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    check out StPete thread. he too is using a 3:1 protocol and is doing well with it. I "borrowed" his 3:1, made some adjustments, and have been using for 2 weeks now. I think if you set it up correctly for you, since hitting body parts twice a week, you can see some accellerated gains.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    check out StPete thread. he too is using a 3:1 protocol and is doing well with it. I "borrowed" his 3:1, made some adjustments, and have been using for 2 weeks now. I think if you set it up correctly for you, since hitting body parts twice a week, you can see some accellerated gains.
    Yea i am likeing the 3:1 protocol i am doing. I am going to run it for another month or two until i gain back some good size and strength. However i want to do each muscle once a week again and was wondering if the way i set it up was good. I also want to hear opinions on whether i should do traps on back or shoulder day. I feel like deadlifts hit my traps pretty good so maybe it would be best to do it on back day.

    Heres my back routine idea for when i go to each muscle once a week:

    Wide Grip Pull Ups: 3 x 15
    Barbell Row: 3 x 12
    Close Grip Row: 3 x 12
    Reverse Grip Pull Downs: 3 x 12
    Deadlifts: 2 x 6-8 reps (heavy)
    Shrugs 2 x 12 (heavy)

    Please critique.

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