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Thread: I am planinng on this cycle. Can you tell me any suggestions or corrections

  1. #1

    I am planinng on this cycle. Can you tell me any suggestions or corrections

    Hello guys.
    Sorry for every mistake i have done because it is the first time i post something and i dont know the rules and everything, so forgive me.

    Its my 4th cycle!
    My stats are: Age 22
    Height 188cm
    Weight 85kg

    And i am planing to do this cycle and i want to correct me if i am wrong or help me improve it.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	159400

    Thank you very much and sorry again if i had done something wrong.

  2. #2
    If something is not readable on the picture tell me to upload another

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by dimitrios
    If something is not readable on the picture tell me to upload another Thanks
    You are only 22 and already done 3 cycles?!!Have you ever done any blood test?

  4. #4
    If this were me, i'd shoot tren and test ED. 100mg ED for the test, 75mg ED for the tren. But then again, I don't really know your stats.

    Proviron is crap, in my opinion. I'd just skip it altogether

    Winny i'd extend to 4 weeks. same dose.

  5. #5
    Yes Everything ok since now. My first cycle was test and deca. Second test deca winstrol and 3rd test tren masteron.

  6. #6
    I dont want the everyday injections and i i think with everyday injections i would increase the weekly dosage. What about the protection inside the cycle? What you think?

  7. #7
    The most I use is letro, sometimes. mostly when I push dbol. I wouldn't use any ancillaries on a cycle like that, personally. But, do what you will.

    I think caber and prami are both jokes. If you control your estro, progesterone will also be controlled.

    And I would definitely increase the dose. That is pretty low for a fourth cycle.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MrFreshmaker View Post
    You are only 22 and already done 3 cycles?!!Have you ever done any blood test?
    I am studying medicine and i am in the 4th year despite the sides that i know deeply, i wanted to start this scary road. I have researced a lot and i know many things but the only thing i dont know is how they work in reality. So i planed a cycle but i want to know if it realy works and if the protection that i will take is good or not needed

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound View Post
    The most I use is letro, sometimes. mostly when I push dbol. I wouldn't use any ancillaries on a cycle like that, personally. But, do what you will.

    I think caber and prami are both jokes. If you control your estro, progesterone will also be controlled.

    And I would definitely increase the dose. That is pretty low for a fourth cycle.
    I prety scary because i know the sides thats why i planed so many things for protection but maybe you are right with that and also with the fact of increasing the dose. I have read about ED injections are much better for short esters than EOD

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound View Post
    The most I use is letro, sometimes. mostly when I push dbol. I wouldn't use any ancillaries on a cycle like that, personally. But, do what you will.

    I think caber and prami are both jokes. If you control your estro, progesterone will also be controlled.

    And I would definitely increase the dose. That is pretty low for a fourth cycle.
    Something else. If i would run in ED injections as you said can i make the cycle in 6 weeks or it will not have the time for the ultimate results

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Post a picture please. 3 cycles and only 187lbs at 6 feet?

  12. #12
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	11997124_10153622947829695_902596623_n.jpg 
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ID:	159401Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	159402

    I was running on low doses and also i thing the last cycle gear wasnt so good
    the photo is when i was in cycle before 5 months and i was 90kg
    now i am 85kg

  13. #13
    oh yeah. you probably don't need to up the dose at all. I think you could get by with 0 ancillaries since you aren't carrying much fat. gyno takes weeks to develop, it doesn't happen overnight

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound View Post
    oh yeah. you probably don't need to up the dose at all. I think you could get by with 0 ancillaries since you aren't carrying much fat. gyno takes weeks to develop, it doesn't happen overnight
    The above is horrible advice. Unless you have blood work to prove otherwise then you need an AI while on cycle. AIs do much more then only prevent gyno.

    You should learn how to diet for tissue growth before cycling again. If not you're wasting your time and money while sacrificing your body.

    Using tren at this point in your development is overkill.

    ***Cycles going wrong for the young***

  15. #15
    [QUOTE=numbere;7101762]The above is horrible advice. Unless you have blood work to prove otherwise then you need an AI while on cycle. AIs do much more then only prevent gyno.

    You should learn how to diet for tissue growth before cycling again. If not you're wasting your time and money while sacrificing your body.

    Using tren at this point in your development is overkill.

    Have you seen my plan?
    I have both AI and SERM and i know how to diet for lean muscle grow
    Please tell me what you think about my cycle plan?
    Why i Shouldnt use Tren at this time?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound View Post
    oh yeah. you probably don't need to up the dose at all. I think you could get by with 0 ancillaries since you aren't carrying much fat. gyno takes weeks to develop, it doesn't happen overnight
    Keep giving that type of advice - and you won't be here for long... We preach safe AAS use here - something you've yet to do!

    Overdosing s4(hospital stay) slin use going hypo in diabetic coma - nothing positive nor safe about any of it!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Yes I read your proposed cycle. No offense but if you knew how to diet correctly you wouldn't weigh 187 pounds after 3 cycles.

    I have to say that if you're 22 and really in your 4th year of medical school you must be very intelligent.

    Cycling now will do irreversible damage to your body. At least you will be able to write your own script for TRT in a few years.

    If you eat right and train hard then using test p EOD for 8 weeks will net you great gains while decreasing impact on your undeveloped HPTA.

    Hcg should be used on cycle and not during PCT. Also, your PCT is sub par. You need to do more research.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Yes I read your proposed cycle. No offense but if you knew how to diet correctly you wouldn't weigh 187 pounds after 3 cycles.

    I have to say that if you're 22 and really in your 4th year of medical school you must be very intelligent.

    Cycling now will do irreversible damage to your body. At least you will be able to write your own script for TRT in a few years.

    If you eat right and train hard then using test p EOD for 8 weeks will net you great gains while decreasing impact on your undeveloped HPTA.

    Hcg should be used on cycle and not during PCT. Also, your PCT is sub par. You need to do more research.

    I was always 90+ kg ( see my pics ) but recently i ate a ceasars salad in a restaurant and i was 5 days in hospital with 41c fever and i couldn eat and drink because everything i eat i was vomiting and doctor recognised Salmonella.
    Beacuse of that i lost my gains and i want to start over again.
    I know that may be stupid using steroids but despite the side effects i have seen my body how could it be in almost its best and i want to have it again. Everything have its costs in life
    But the reason i post a topic here is to make a cycle and with the halp of people like you have the less sides that is possible

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by dimitrios View Post

    I was always 90+ kg ( see my pics ) but recently i ate a ceasars salad in a restaurant and i was 5 days in hospital with 41c fever and i couldn eat and drink because everything i eat i was vomiting and doctor recognised Salmonella.
    Beacuse of that i lost my gains and i want to start over again.
    I know that may be stupid using steroids but despite the side effects i have seen my body how could it be in almost its best and i want to have it again. Everything have its costs in life
    But the reason i post a topic here is to make a cycle and with the halp of people like you have the less sides that is possible
    What these guys are trying to tell you is to master your training and diet before adding in the juice, or you'll just lose all your gains anyways. You didn't lose your gains from being in the hospital five days. You never had them. I've gone months without training and dieting properly and lost 15-20 lbs, but can gain it back easy because I actually worked hard to earn it initially and this was long before aas. Hard work has to be put in first, then you reap the rewards. If what you are trying to do really worked, every lazy ass would look like Phil Heath.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sorry if I came off harsh, was in a bit of a mood last night. But most of what I said was what I meant to say. If you don't know how to make gains and keep gains before you get into the juice, then you won't know how to keep them after. And your results will be so much better if your ready for them. I'll post the article that helped me most

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    You should have more muscle mass after 3 cycles

    To me you look either natural or maybe with 1 cycle under you belt

    Like people have said above you need to get your diet and training on key before considering your next cycle

    I would mention the age thing again but youve already done 3 cycles so i cant see you will to wait another 3 years. Make sure you get bloodwork before during and after your cycle

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