Hey, im thinking about doing a cyccle of 250mg testosteron enathe e5d for 12weeks, with hCG and Novadex as ptc, im not 100% on dosages but that what i would run for the frist time for several reasons.
It would be one of the more safe cycles and a low dose so i could see how i would react to steroids.
Anyway i would like to hear what kind of results i could expect on this kind of cycle.
My goal with my body is not lazar angelov or ****, jeff said level but a bit more natty look somewhat like kinobody but a bit bigger.
My stats are the following
Age: just turned 21 less then a month ago
Bodyfat: probaly about 12% atm
Hight: 6.05 feet/184cm
Weight 195-200lbs (on mornings in underwear after taking a piss)
1 rep benchpress:313lbs/141kg touching chest ofc belt only,
1 rep Squat 440lbs/200kg
overhead press: 190lbs/86kg (i think this max is a bit low i think i can do 198lbs/90kg
I dont deadlift becuse of back injury.
so i would be happy to hear about what kind of gains this would give me, i dont expect huge gains ofc.
i acutally dont want my natty status to be too questionable and dont get to freaky anyway.
sorry for bad english, its not my main language.
i would be very happy for any opinions!
Best reegards Thraex