Currently been running a novice fullbody routine. Working out Mon, Wed , Friday. I've been running this program on a deficit to drop bodyfat. Been running it since late september and strength is progressing as normal. Goal is to reach a lower bodyfat percentage ( I feel I'm between 18-22% maybe more maybe lower.. Seeing alot more definition in my abdominal so its hard to say)
My current question is after I finish my cut would It be recommended to run a novice program but on a bulk? Or move to a intermediate program possibly?
Currently my lifts are at 325 Deadlift conventional ( I can pull more with Sumo as its easier, but I rather do conv as more muscles are in use for me in my opinion), Squat is at 285LB.. Hoping to be at 3 plates in a few weeks and my bench is nearing 2 plates (220LB this week). Currently running the 3x5 strength routine. My OHP is lacking though. Currently reseted back down to 115LB.
I'm hoping to be hit 4 plates for deads, close to 4 plates on squats and mid 200s on bench (Although I'd be happy with being able to rep 225 easily).
Current stats. 6'0 ft, 196lbs (aiming for a low BF or 180ish)