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Thread: Exercise Routine - Which is More Beneficial

  1. #1

    Exercise Routine - Which is More Beneficial

    I was wondering, if I was working out Chest and Back in a session.

    Is it better to do all the Chest exercises then do the Back exercises or do One Chest Exercise then One Back Exercise followed by 2nd Chest Exercise etc...? (Not Talking about Super-Setting)


  2. #2
    I do chest back love it ,

    if you work chest first at full intensity you will have nothing left in the tank to push back to 100% intensity ,

    when you run a chest back or even tri bi split

    always super set

    chest bench
    pull up

    always super set a chest with a back before resting 3-4 sets

    you cannot expect to do a full chest workout at full intensity than do a back workout at the same intensity wont happen if you want that do a chest day than a back day separately

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jwh7699 View Post
    I was wondering, if I was working out Chest and Back in a session.

    Is it better to do all the Chest exercises then do the Back exercises or do One Chest Exercise then One Back Exercise followed by 2nd Chest Exercise etc...? (Not Talking about Super-Setting)

    I'm not nearly as seasoned or experienced as most here, but for me I don't think I could do chest/back on same day and have it be worth the time/effort. I did chest/tris this morning before work (in the gym at 530 am, frickin' love it!) and I'm pretty shot. No way I could have done back. And my workout was probably was only about 70 min total (would have been 10 min less if that beautiful woman wouldn't have come into the DB section to do her shoulder routine...).

    I used to do opposing muscle groups super sets (leg extensions/ham curls) and talked to several of the vets here who felt this resulted in less intensity on the second exercise so not very effective. I noticed that and started splitting them and only superset now same body part to increase intensity directed at one muscle group. But again, I"m not an expert, just my experience as I try to get to the level of some here.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the tips!

    I mostly use machines, so save some energy and time that way. I do prefer alternating the exercises. Usually Chest, Back, Chest etc...

    I do find alternating exercises helps me to re-focus because I have to concentrate on a different muscle movement.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Cat Island
    If you limit the number of exercises you can still maintain good intensity. I personally think its better to do one body part at a time instead of going back and forth. Keeps the blood pumped in one area.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Well it worked for arnie? Just got to get in his mindset

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    Quote Originally Posted by jwh7699 View Post
    I was wondering, if I was working out Chest and Back in a session.

    Is it better to do all the Chest exercises then do the Back exercises or do One Chest Exercise then One Back Exercise followed by 2nd Chest Exercise etc...? (Not Talking about Super-Setting)

    Do it however you want to. Sometimes do all chest before doing back and then for a couple of weeks do alternating sets. There's no perfect routine. But you will be better off long term if you swap things up every few weeks. Your body can and will adapt quickly to stress so in order to continue to grow you need to change things up periodically.

  8. #8
    Arnold was on a lot of stuff lol you cannot compare us to him .

    I like chest back but switching up to chest bi now ,

    you just need rest days nothing else and any routine will work

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by jwh7699 View Post
    I was wondering, if I was working out Chest and Back in a session.

    Is it better to do all the Chest exercises then do the Back exercises or do One Chest Exercise then One Back Exercise followed by 2nd Chest Exercise etc...? (Not Talking about Super-Setting)

    I like to move back and forth a lot. Gives me a chance to rest as I go from push to pull.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    I do chest back love it ,

    if you work chest first at full intensity you will have nothing left in the tank to push back to 100% intensity ,

    when you run a chest back or even tri bi split

    always super set

    chest bench
    pull up

    always super set a chest with a back before resting 3-4 sets

    you cannot expect to do a full chest workout at full intensity than do a back workout at the same intensity wont happen if you want that do a chest day than a back day separately
    Yeah haha unless you spend 4 hours in the gym and crawl out

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