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Thread: one year to train and only train

  1. #1

    one year to train and only train

    lets say you can train one year everyday ,

    you don't need to work nothing you wake up eat train sleep train eat repeat ,

    what would be the best approach to this I fee like 4-5 days a week 45-1h each time works but would it be optimal maybe twice a day ? or things don't work that way?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    lets say you can train one year everyday ,

    you don't need to work nothing you wake up eat train sleep train eat repeat ,

    what would be the best approach to this I fee like 4-5 days a week 45-1h each time works but would it be optimal maybe twice a day ? or things don't work that way?
    Thats my life right now, I'm not working because I'm starting my masters program soon so i took a hiatus from work... i work out 6 days a week about 1.5 hours a day, and then randomly at home I'll pick up the dumbells and fuck around or hit some pushups or something, usually when I'm just sitting around watching tv I'll hit some curls or crunches or something just so i don't feel like a piece of shit

  3. #3
    In this situation I'd probably do the exact same thing I do now, only I'd have better rest not being stressed about work and having to wake up to an alarm clock. Also more time to prepare tastier food.

    I wouldn't change my workout frequency, I've done the obsessive exercise thing before and there comes a point where strength training reduces itself to cardio because your muscles simply don't get the time they need to rest and repair. Probably 3-4 strength workouts a week, making sure a muscle that has been worked to exhaustion gets at least 48 hours rest.

    I'd sink a hell of a lot more time into stretching, balance and flexibility with the newfound time. It tends to be very time consuming so gets neglected.

    Everyone is different though. You also have to factor in maintenance, and once this ideal year ends what gains you've made would be lost once you can't sustain the regiment.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    lets say you can train one year everyday ,

    you don't need to work nothing you wake up eat train sleep train eat repeat ,

    what would be the best approach to this I fee like 4-5 days a week 45-1h each time works but would it be optimal maybe twice a day ? or things don't work that way?
    That's how it is for me now lol..besides my probation classes

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    What is the steroid question here?

    Thread moved
    Last edited by Back In Black; 02-18-2017 at 04:39 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    lets say you can train one year everyday ,

    you don't need to work nothing you wake up eat train sleep train eat repeat ,

    what would be the best approach to this I fee like 4-5 days a week 45-1h each time works but would it be optimal maybe twice a day ? or things don't work that way?
    I like to cut it down to 3 workingworkouts a week. Because then you can get high everytime. Cant use pwos or epedramixes 6 times a week.

    Cozyworkouts at home sundays.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    What has this got to do with steroids?

    Sounds like a guy looking for training advice?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    lets say you can train one year everyday ,

    you don't need to work nothing you wake up eat train sleep train eat repeat ,

    what would be the best approach to this I fee like 4-5 days a week 45-1h each time works but would it be optimal maybe twice a day ? or things don't work that way?
    It would all depend on one's age, training experience and goals. It's an open ended question with multiple answers.

  9. #9
    wasn't sure where to post so I posted here ,

    but ok seems right for the replies just bored sitting around waiting to eat and train once a day but recover is nice , slow and steady I guess is the key work or no work can only really train so much before the return wont come ,

    need to find a hobby or something I guess than lol

    I was gonna do two a days or super long workouts high volume but seems counter productive almost ,

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