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Thread: Moon Face

  1. #1

    Moon Face

    Moon Face
    I asked a similar question about water weight but this is for everyone who’s ever had the legendary “moon face”. I was wondering how long is takes for YOU to lose the round moon face after your last pin (end of cycle). How long until you feel like your face is 100% back to not looking bloated and round?

  2. #2
    i think the best choise is Cardarine (GW-501516) & N2Guard.............btw what type of cycle do u use and what PCT do you have? nolva,clomid,hcg???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    The moon face you're referring to only happens when people get very bloated from retaining too much water or getting too fat on cycle. The two potential causes for this are either high estrogen levels or too high of a caloric surplus which would cause excessive fat gain.

    Once you get your estrogen and diet in check you should lose the water relatively quickly...I'd estimate within a week or two.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    The moon face you're referring to only happens when people get very bloated from retaining too much water or getting too fat on cycle. The two potential causes for this are either high estrogen levels or too high of a caloric surplus which would cause excessive fat gain.

    Once you get your estrogen and diet in check you should lose the water relatively quickly...I'd estimate within a week or two.
    I always use an AI now on cycle and eat much cleaner and it helps me totally avoid bloat and that moon look appearance.

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