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Thread: Lat isolation workouts ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Lat isolation workouts ?

    As the title says, I like to isolate one muscle at a time. For some reason I can't get my lats to activate as much, but I somewhat get close doing dumbell rows. What would be alternative or something to add in for lat hypertrophy ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    cable pull overs. I generally start my lat/back day with cable pullovers to isolate my lats and get blood flow there, then I can feel them better on my main exercises.

    also, close grip reverse grip lat pull downs. also v-bar lat pull downs but sitting on the lat pull down machine backwards (with your back facing the machine)

  3. #3
    Getting big lats is not only a matter of doing exercises 'strictly' for lats - '�solating' them.
    Some of the "isolations" are straight arm pulldowns, single arm low cable rows for lower lats...
    A few tips: try all grips and grip widths on pullups and pulldowns.
    Don't fully extend your arms when doing those, it keeps tension on lats.
    When rowing, pull to your waist.
    Use straps on all lat exercises, this may be a great thing.

    Dafont Showbox Adam4adam
    Last edited by nateboussad; 08-17-2019 at 01:39 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Anything that drives the elbows down across the body.

  5. #5
    Hammer Strength seated Iso lateral row machine

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Canada, Eh
    I find that when I do one arm exercises I can isolate the specific muscle better. I found this especially for lats if you can get on one of those Lat pulldown rigs that has the two separate cables you can pull down or even just the machine with plates.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by DeeCee112 View Post
    I find that when I do one arm exercises I can isolate the specific muscle better. I found this especially for lats if you can get on one of those Lat pulldown rigs that has the two separate cables you can pull down or even just the machine with plates.

    After lots of experiments, i figured going super heavy on one arm dumbell row really activates my lats. 130lbs dumbell and 10-12 reps and i am done in 2 sets

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