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Thread: Clen for a pot belly

  1. #81
    Poysfxom's Avatar
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    My wife also wants to lose her "pot belly" although I don't think it's as apparent as she does. She is getting into her 60' and I don't expect her stomach to be the same as when she was in her 20's and 30's! I researched clen , but was thinking that var was a better option. Any thoughts on one or the other? She was considering var and winny.

  2. #82
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Life is short. Is there anything better than coffee and donuts? Hope they were delicious
    They were gratuitously tasty. I mean I could have just eaten a Mars bar or had a single small jelly-filled doughnut. I opted for the chocolate-covered doghnut with the syrupy-creamy filling -- and then a vanilla icing doghnut with strawberry jelly filling.

    All that time on the treadmill only just to eat 600-700 calories of junk food in a coffee shop.

    Life is indeed short.

    In other news I tried out my new ankle weights on the treadmill today, they were quite good. I felt like an adolescent gazelle when I took them off and continued for another half hour at full incline. I think they're quite good as a psychological tool to make you go for longer (bcoz when you feel like giving up, you just take them off and then keep going feeling light as a bird).

    I think I've reached the 15 lb mark. I've lost 15 pounds since I started on Clen in January. They say that Clen only really works well when you're already slim so it'll be interesting to see if I start losing fat even easier now.
    Last edited by Fluidic Kimbo; 03-16-2020 at 01:40 PM.
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  3. #83
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poysfxom View Post
    My wife also wants to lose her "pot belly" although I don't think it's as apparent as she does. She is getting into her 60' and I don't expect her stomach to be the same as when she was in her 20's and 30's! I researched clen, but was thinking that var was a better option. Any thoughts on one or the other? She was considering var and winny.
    clen’s for the last 5 lbs. too much hand shaking for my liking

    var or winny...similar results but winny promotes dry whereas var looks wet / fluffy until end cycle. It all depends on what she likes.

    Wife can have flat stomach - needs to tighten up diet. Eliminate all refined flour of any kind and all refined sugar. Increase veggies. I wouldn’t add AAS until diet and exercise is in place...wasting $ and incurring sides (some unpleasant) is counter productive.
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  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    clen’s for the last 5 lbs. too much hand shaking for my liking

    var or winny...similar results but winny promotes dry whereas var looks wet / fluffy until end cycle. It all depends on what she likes.

    Wife can have flat stomach - needs to tighten up diet. Eliminate all refined flour of any kind and all refined sugar. Increase veggies. I wouldn’t add AAS until diet and exercise is in place...wasting $ and incurring sides (some unpleasant) is counter productive.
    We already eat very few carbs and sugar. Work out 5 days a week, have an incline bench at home for sit ups. She's always had a small pooch belly and says she inherited it from her mom's side of the family. She wants to ge it flattened by summer. Her stomach is tight, not fat. That's why we are looking at aas for the final desired results.
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  5. #85
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poysfxom View Post
    We already eat very few carbs and sugar. Work out 5 days a week, have an incline bench at home for sit ups. She's always had a small pooch belly and says she inherited it from her mom's side of the family. She wants to ge it flattened by summer. Her stomach is tight, not fat. That's why we are looking at aas for the final desired results.
    Winny!!! She won’t need much!

    And I have same damn pooch. Lol!
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  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Winny!!! She won’t need much!

    And I have same damn pooch. Lol!
    What would you suggest as start to finish dosage? Really appreciate your help!

  7. #87
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poysfxom View Post
    What would you suggest as start to finish dosage? Really appreciate your help!
    Rather have ladies take responsibility for their own research.

    What are wife’s stats? I ask bc I’m leaner now then was when I was working out 10 hours a week and still have that damn pooch. I don’t like to advise unless know what I’m dealing with! Putting AAS or not in my body is my choice my research my journey. Recommending for some one else is tricky and prefer to be responsible.

    I hope u understand.

    BTW. Hair loss is real as well as receding hair line. Depends on dose & cycle duration. More is not more better. More often means more undesirable side. She may need dry shampoo and after a bit, her va jay jay may smell nas t. May also need product for acne.

    Typical Sides:
    o Interrupted period/flow - may take a few months for the flow to come back as normal.
    o May still experience usual menstrual sides (cramps, bloating, etc.) on your regular menstrual schedule.
    o Mild to aggressive acne on face or shoulders
    o Clitoral enlargement and increased sensitivity
    o Oily skin / hair
    o Hairloss
    o Scratchy throat / cracky or deepening voice
    o Dry joints
    o may cause vaginosis / yeast infection (most any AAS has this potential)
    o Winstrol is occasionally called the "snake bite" drug in that it either likes you or it doesn't. People will occasionally experience flu-like symptoms within the first week or two of a winstrol cycle in response to this compound. May cause very painful joints.

  8. #88
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    Well, she 60, no worries about menstruating as she had hysterectomy years ago. She's 5'6", 145lb, in great shape for her age. Hair loss would be undesirable. She has yeast infections on occasion. Has meds for that. I know she would want to start off with a low dose and take it from there. We'll do research to determine the best path going forward. So on that note, would clen be a better choice? She's taken ephedrine back when it was legal and didn't get jittery. So that aspect is not a concern. Really nice of you to be so cautious. We really appreciate it.

  9. #89
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    I would never discourage her to give it a try. That will need to be ramped up slowly and back down. Been a while m, think increments of 2 mg with 2- 3 weeks max duration and can repeat time off

    There was another compound needed to help. I would have to research.

  10. #90
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    Yesterday was my last day on Clen . I did 21 days on, 21 days off, 21 days on.

    They say Clen still works for ages after ya stop taking it so we'll see if I keep dropping fat.

    In total I lost 15 pounds since January.

    I'm tempted to do a minicycle before I go to the Canary Islands for a 3-week sun holiday this Summer. Maybe minimal T + minimal Tren + Var + Winnie. Keep the doses low.

    To be honest though...... I promised myself......... that if I ever take AAS again, I won't put my organs through all that stress without taking huge benefit. So my next cycle might be 1 gram Boldenone , minimal T, Tren A over 500mg/wk, NPP over 500mg/wk. A pitter patter of Anadrol and Var here and there. Hcg , Caber.

    I should stop worrying about my reproductive system -- there's a condition/disease/syndrome that runs in my family and there's no way I'm gonna retardedly take the risk of spending my golden years taking care of a person who can't live a normal life. So I should get a visectomy, and later if my future-wife and I want a baby then we can ask Obs for his sperm because I'm relying on behavioural genetics to make my son a true man.
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  11. #91
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    Did you try phentermine for weight loss? it worked for me in the early 80's. I think I lost 15 lbs in two weeks back then.

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    Did you try phentermine for weight loss? it worked for me in the early 80's. I think I lost 15 lbs in two weeks back then.
    Losing is easy.....
    keeping it off is hard...
    staying consistent healthy weight hardest...

    And then there’s Kelkel...

    #alien encounters
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  13. #93
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    So I did 21 days on Clen , then 21 days off. Then 21 days on, then 21 days off.

    So today I started back on again my usual dose of 40mcg per day. However this time around I'm also taking 50mg Var per day. I'll keep this up for 21 days.

    Oral-only AAS cycles are usually a bad idea, but I'm okay with taking Var for just 21 days. In the past I have noticed that I need to take Var by itself for about 7 or 8 weeks before I notice a drop in libido. 21 days should be fine.

    After all this Corona stuff when the gyms are back open, I'll look at doing a heavier cycle and taking something like 1g Eq, Minimal T, Tren , Deca , Adrol, Winnie. Protect myself with Caber and hCG . Most importantly I'll try to minimise muscle loss during PCT with Clen and maybe very low dose Var for another month.

  14. #94
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    Back on Clen 40mcg and Var 50mg.

    Abs are very quickly appearing. I should have my old six pack back within a month or so.

    I decided against T3 this time but might take it in future.

  15. #95
    almostgone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    Back on Clen 40mcg and Var 50mg.

    Abs are very quickly appearing. I should have my old six pack back within a month or so.

    I decided against T3 this time but might take it in future.
    Why so much var?
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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