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Thread: First AAS cycle of 250 mg/week. Pharma Gear Testoviron Depot by Bayer

  1. #41
    Afreak is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    This one from privatemdlabs would work:

    Attachment 181443
    so this means i basically wasted my money on this test. Fuck the lab didnt give me an option to choose it from. However, since now i know i will always order this. Also, this test removes my doubts about pharma Bayer Test being underdosed. I basically have to look other areas to improve to be able to get maximum benefit. I will re-evaluate my diet and workout as the vets had suggested. I am also gonna gonna incorporate 5x5 routine as i cant do more than 4 reps if i reach 100 % of my 1 rep max due to my heart pounding wildly.

  2. #42
    Afreak is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the appreciative response. My BP is fine it's just the HR, and that too doesnt usually go above 100 but it stays at high normal like 85ish always and beats are more pronounced? is this normal? does it happen when you are on AAS and heart gets to beat a little more forcefully? Also, i have so far gained 12+ lbs which obviously should be more water than gains.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Afreak View Post
    I just tested my test levels and e2 levels and my levels came out weirdly disproportionate. I am mentioning them down

    Testosterone Total: 1500 ng/dl
    normal range: 249 - 836 ng/dl

    Estradiol : 115 pg/ml
    normal range: 7.63 - 42.6 pg/ml

    Just to mention, i am 7 weeks into the cycle, which looked like this

    week 1-5: 250 mg
    week 6: 300 mg
    week 7: 500 mg (initially wanted to continue with this until week 12 but my heart rate a little worries me at night when i am on bed, it's still under 100 but my paranoid self thinks it's a problem as it pounds/beats a little forcefully)

    Despite e2 being almost thrice as much high i am still not having:

    Water Bloat and/or retention, infact i only gained around 6 kgs from the start of the cycle which mostly should be water but my physique looks almost same as before (i started at 128 lbs)

    No gyno trouble
    Sex drive is normal, just last night i did the thumping

    Regarding testosterone:

    I dont feel an added strength in the gym
    Muscle gains: not very noticeable, infact negligible
    aggressiveness: none
    acne: none
    appetite increase: not really

    all in all, both hormones being double and triple the normal range i feel no effect. Obviously i would want to have that anabolic effect of testosterone but not sure why it's this low despite 14 injections into my butt. It's authentic pharma gear: Testoviron by Bayer. It's easily available at Pharmacies here, so it's hard to doubt it being underdosed/bunk. i had mid cycle labs done around week 4 when i was running 250 mg/week. The tests were fairly at the high normal range and e2 was a bit elavated. Regardless, i should have started to see the difference already, at least some water it because i started low at test up until week 5?

    Idk what to do from now. Should i keep the 500 mg and gains will be there? my resting HR remains around 85 mostly and in gym i get out of breaths within a couple sets and if it's heaviest i can lift, i cant go more than 3. My strength is roughly the same as natty.
    If i lower and extend the cycle to 16 weeks, is it good from a health standpoint? Should i lower my e2 to a high normal to see if this improves my HR situation? but they say high e2 helps gains!!

    i understand the vets suggested me to stop everything but hey i had made up my mind and i saved up a lot for this cycle since last year. So please suggest me if i can go ahead and make gains out of it possibly. I will really appreciate that.

    I just tested my test levels and e2 levels and my levels came out weirdly disproportionate. I am mentioning them down

    Testosterone Total: 1500 ng/dl
    normal range: 249 - 836 ng/dl

    Estradiol : 115 pg/ml
    normal range: 7.63 - 42.6 pg/ml (i know i need to get sensitive assay but that is not available here, i searched a lot)

    Just to mention, i am 7 weeks into the cycle, which looked like this

    week 1-5: 250 mg
    week 6: 300 mg
    week 7: 500 mg (initially wanted to continue with this until week 12 but my heart rate a little worries me at night when i am on bed, it's still under 100 but my paranoid self thinks it's a problem as it pounds/beats a little forcefully)

    Despite e2 being almost thrice as much high i am still not having:

    Water Bloat and/or retention, infact i only gained around 6 kgs from the start of the cycle which mostly should be water but my physique looks almost same as before (i started at 128 lbs)

    No gyno trouble
    Sex drive is normal, just last night i did the thumping

    Regarding testosterone:

    I dont feel an added strength in the gym
    Muscle gains: not very noticeable, infact negligible
    aggressiveness: none
    acne: none
    appetite increase: not really

    all in all, both hormones being double and triple the normal range i feel no effect. Obviously i would want to have that anabolic effect of testosterone but not sure why it's this low despite 14 injections into my butt. It's authentic pharma gear: Testoviron by Bayer. It's easily available at Pharmacies here, so it's hard to doubt it being underdosed/bunk. i had mid cycle labs done around week 4 when i was running 250 mg/week. The tests were fairly at the high normal range and e2 was a bit elavated. Regardless, i should have started to see the difference already, at least some water it because i started low at test up until week 5?

    Idk what to do from now. Should i keep the 500 mg and gains will be there? my resting HR remains around 85 mostly and in gym i get out of breaths within a couple sets and if it's heaviest i can lift, i cant go more than 3. My strength is roughly the same as natty.
    If i lower and extend the cycle to 16 weeks, is it good from a health standpoint? Should i lower my e2 to a high normal to see if this improves my HR situation? but they say high e2 helps gains!!

    Please also outline AI dosage if i need to start
    My first cycle I gained 30 llbs on 200mg test cyp at 10 weeks

    This definitely not for you

    Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
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  4. #44
    Afreak is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegendKiller85 View Post
    My first cycle I gained 30 llbs on 200mg test cyp at 10 weeks

    This definitely not for you

    Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk

    What def not for me?

    Maybe i got something out of it to learn and apply to next cycle?

  5. #45
    Afreak is offline Junior Member
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    I am at same 13 lbs gain and no increase further on. I had a very vigorous arms session today with liss cardio for 30 mins at the end. My heart rate remained 100+ for 2.5 hrs and then gradually started coming down. Everytime i have a hard training day at gym my heart recovery rate slows down. Longer the time spent in gym, slower the heart rate recovery.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Afreak View Post
    I am at same 13 lbs gain and no increase further on. I had a very vigorous arms session today with liss cardio for 30 mins at the end. My heart rate remained 100+ for 2.5 hrs and then gradually started coming down. Everytime i have a hard training day at gym my heart recovery rate slows down. Longer the time spent in gym, slower the heart rate recovery.
    You’re doing fine, but you’re letting too many things stressing you out. 500 of test was my first cycle and it did little for me. The weight gain did not start till the week 8-9. All told, of about 15 pounds total after the 12th week and I’m estimating about 4 pounds was muscle. Yup, the rest water and fat. I was told to EAT TO GROW. Well I did and worked out like a beast. I was happy I finally did it, but for 4 pounds? I stressed as you did & was really bummed after I had finished.

    Don’t beat yourself up, but be prepared, now that you are getting a taste, you’re going to be tempted to keep trying other compounds to see what works best for you. You’ll be “down with the sickness”. Again, at your age, is this really want the rest of your life to be like?
    Cylon357 likes this.

  7. #47
    Afreak is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    You’re doing fine, but you’re letting too many things stressing you out. 500 of test was my first cycle and it did little for me. The weight gain did not start till the week 8-9. All told, of about 15 pounds total after the 12th week and I’m estimating about 4 pounds was muscle. Yup, the rest water and fat. I was told to EAT TO GROW. Well I did and worked out like a beast. I was happy I finally did it, but for 4 pounds? I stressed as you did & was really bummed after I had finished.

    Don’t beat yourself up, but be prepared, now that you are getting a taste, you’re going to be tempted to keep trying other compounds to see what works best for you. You’ll be “down with the sickness”. Again, at your age, is this really want the rest of your life to be like?

    Thanks for the first three lines which were really helpful. I am eating like a horse too but i think working out for such a long time i have plateaued my body. I am hardly lifting heavier than i did at any part of my life, which makes me think i will be able to gain size only once i am able to break this plateau, which i couldn't thus far unfortunately. I am doing my best.
    Regarding age, as mentioned earlier, please know that i am going to be 31 in few months. I am reading this forum since 2018 when i was 27. Most boys here ignite it in their teens but i waited for my 30s to strike in and my research for PEDs be good enough. I am still learning and with this cycle i have learned my body. I am not sure tbh if i am going to continue with this cycle from this point because i am at week 8th and look almost the same (yes with the 13 lbs weight increase) with little to no added strength in the gym but elevated HR and BP sometimes. I am able to manage my BP and HR with atenolo, but if and only if i know i am going to make anything assuredly from this point on, i may continue up until week 12 or 16. Yes i don't wanna screw up my health and keep my balls alive. I wish if i could get a more categorical guidance here to get best out of my cycle as i was already in the boat.
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  8. #48
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    I’m going to piggy back off of the last two posts. I am not an AAS expert, but know enough now after being here a while and doing TRT and a couple of cycles.

    I agree 100% with what Cylon said. I think that you have been given enough solid advice. This seems to be the basic starter cycle here for a variety of reasons, but that said (just as I had experienced as well), it is not a guarantee that it will pack on tons of muscle. It does however give you some insight as to your response, sides and tolerance of sides. You see, there are sides & they can be stressful as well as detrimental to your health. Just the added STRESS is detrimental to your health, particularly at YOUR YOUNG AGE!.

    The next logical step for most of the guys here would be to finish this cycle (not end it) do your PCT or go on continued TRT. Then knowing your response to just testosterone (which obviously isn’t that great in your opinion) mix it with other compounds after researching, know which added sides to look for there (and you find acceptable) and do your next cycle in search of a more ideal combination that works best for you. Certainly you know that there will be added sides however. Just an increase in heart rate and BP are detrimental to your health regardless if it is a side from the AAS or simply because of the anxiety you are experiencing. Then throw in even more sides and at only 30, this is is going to set you up for a variety of issues that will in fact cause severe problems as you get older. Honestly, the health of your testicles will not kill you, so that is the one of the last things that should add anxiety.
    Last edited by wango; 11-15-2021 at 12:23 PM.
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  9. #49
    Afreak is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks. i think i am taking this advice. Please tell me how to convert HCG available in CC's to IUs so i can move towards PCT in the end. Thanks

  10. #50
    Afreak is offline Junior Member
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    idk how to to do 250iu of HCG through a syringe. Please help me with it

  11. #51
    Afreak is offline Junior Member
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    do i have to add 2 ml water into HCG vial or plunge in the 2ml (or whatever) of water and HCG? what amount of HCG needs to be added in? it's a 5000 iU vial

  12. #52
    s1nc1ty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigJonty View Post
    This perhaps should be a new post in itself, however it's been on my mind of late.


    I understand my diet is no where near perfect (however it isn't junk food) and a lot of you bang on about diet etc.

    Since eating healthier, I do feel better. That I won't argue.

    However, with family, work, life in general we don't all have the ability to have perfect diets (it's also expensive).

    But we may want to look and feel better. Hence steroids . Personally I'm on my 2nd Sus250 cycle (400mg a week) and have no desire to compete or be the biggest guy. It does however enhance my mood (I used to suffer depression from low test) and my body looks decent.

    Could I have achieve these results via diet? Maybe.. but I'm 42 and in the last 25 years never quite nailed the diet. Again, I don't eat fast food or junk, but my diet is definitely not chicken breast and steamed broccoli daily.

    Thoughts on this? Surely I am not alone on this, are others in the same boat?
    If you cant get diet right it means your half assing it. Its not rocket science, read about it and practice. Over time you will find what suits you best but you gotta put in the effort.Start is the hardest

    Seems to me that you are blaming other things for your lack of commitment in the diet deparrment.

    Eating clean doesnt have to be expensive either. You can freeze meat find good deals etc.

    Im half assing the diet also i eat alot protein but i dont count other macros. But im not trying to bodybuild per se and i like it this way. But I admit to myself i could put more effort into it, maybe some day i will. Just doesnt feel neccesary atm
    Last edited by s1nc1ty; 04-26-2023 at 04:25 AM.

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