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Thread: How long are your workouts?

  1. #1
    ToTheBuckeT21's Avatar
    ToTheBuckeT21 is offline Senior Member
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    How long are your workouts?

    I always feel like I'm too fast in the gym. I'm trying to build mass so I'm usually going heavy doing 6-8 reps and 3 sets. If I'm doing a back/bi day I might do 3 workouts for my back and 2 workouts for my bis. The lifting itself maybe takes 25 seconds then I rest for 1 min in between which means I'm typically done my 5 exercises in about 25-30 mins.

    Anyone else blast through their routine in and out? Should I be doing more? I usually just do 1 focused workout per muscle group then go about my day.

  2. #2
    Ol_Wolf is offline Junior Member
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    I take about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours. Start each workout with a heavy compound lift such as Deadlift, Squat, Bench, or standing overhead press when my shoulders are in better shape. Probably spend the first 1/2 hour on the big lift doing 5 or more sets. Then I move to what I call support or targeted lifts. Might work in a super set to just get a light work out in on an opposition muscle even though it isn't that muscle groups day.

  3. #3
    Charlie67's Avatar
    Charlie67 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I take about 1.15 hours, give or take. Generally cover 2 body parts per session, 5-7 sets of 4 but really only 2-3 working sets. About a minute rest between most, 2 mins rest between incline press or overhead press because of shoulder health. I superset a lot. Try to hit everything twice a week across 5 days.
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  4. #4
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    45 min tops. I get better results with this than when I was doing 1 hour or more. Typically 4 exercises, 4 sets per exercise, with 8-15 reps each.
    Last edited by Test Monsterone; 12-14-2022 at 12:12 PM.

  5. #5
    Iranon's Avatar
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    Off season about 50min, prep 1.5 hrs
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  6. #6
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Less than an hour usually , after that ive depleted all my carbs and start losing the pump
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  7. #7
    Inhumanity is offline New Member
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    Depends what type of training you do. I think that you will get the maximum efficiency in the first 30min, after that you are starting to get drained. Anything over 60min means that you are either taking too long breaks or going too light.
    Even if you don't train for muscle size but rather stamina I still think that over 60min is too long. Make your workouts explosive, try HIIT.

  8. #8
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inhumanity View Post
    Depends what type of training you do. I think that you will get the maximum efficiency in the first 30min, after that you are starting to get drained. Anything over 60min means that you are either taking too long breaks or going too light.
    Even if you don't train for muscle size but rather stamina I still think that over 60min is too long. Make your workouts explosive, try HIIT.
    I think you mean HIT training…HIIT is high intensity interval training, which is cardio related. And doing that would in fact burn your muscle up if you’re not bodybuilding that would be fine but for me and my fellow meat heads we dont do that

    HIT is Dorian Yates style training , a warm up set and and all out to failure and past failure with forcing reps set.

  9. #9
    Inhumanity is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    I think you mean HIT training…HIIT is high intensity interval training, which is cardio related. And doing that would in fact burn your muscle up if you’re not bodybuilding that would be fine but for me and my fellow meat heads we dont do that

    HIT is Dorian Yates style training , a warm up set and and all out to failure and past failure with forcing reps set.
    No I meant hiit. Long workouts usually associate with cardio and stamina, opposite of building muscle mass.

    I remember that in the past I used to workout for 90 or 120minutes. (I was lean and training for my sport) After some time you start to lose strength and need a week of recovery to get back on track.
    Something similar like pushing to the absolute failure where you can't lift any weight. It just prolongs your recovery that you won't be able to workout.

  10. #10
    wellshii is offline Member
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    Too long.
    Seriously about an hr to two.
    It really depends on how fast I move and if I superset.My rest times are around 3 minutes on big movements and about 90 seconds on smaller ones .
    I lift for recreation, not

  11. #11
    user1234567890 is offline New Member
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    2 hours for me hut I’m searching the topic today because I’m wondering if I should reduce it. I’ve taken to considering my chest to be 3 muscle groups (upper/incline, center/flat, lower/decline). This leads to doing 7-9 chest exercises on chest/shoulders day. Overkill?

  12. #12
    Vordus's Avatar
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    1 hour maximum per day. After that I start losing motivation and energy and need a break.

  13. #13
    redz's Avatar
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    45-50 minutes weights then 30-40 minutes cardio 5-times per week. I was doing 6, but it’s a challenge to make that fit plus I think the extra off day actually does me good.
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  14. #14
    charger69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToTheBuckeT21 View Post
    I always feel like I'm too fast in the gym. I'm trying to build mass so I'm usually going heavy doing 6-8 reps and 3 sets. If I'm doing a back/bi day I might do 3 workouts for my back and 2 workouts for my bis. The lifting itself maybe takes 25 seconds then I rest for 1 min in between which means I'm typically done my 5 exercises in about 25-30 mins.

    Anyone else blast through their routine in and out? Should I be doing more? I usually just do 1 focused workout per muscle group then go about my day.
    You are doing something similar to what I am doing however it appears that the may be a lack of intensity. I have 3 working sets, but also a warm up (10 reps) and a cool down- blood flow of 12-15 reps.
    If you are able to only rest 1 minute, then up the I te site- go to failure or add drop sets. Properly done, you will not be able to use the same weight after only 1 minute of rest.

  15. #15
    xxblazenlowxx's Avatar
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    35-45 minutes usually

  16. #16
    Camaron is offline Junior Member
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    1 hour and 45 minutes.

  17. #17
    DCI's Avatar
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    Max 30 mins. For example i did legs tonight in about 23mins back can be longer due to pulling weights on and off bars.

  18. #18
    Camaron is offline Junior Member
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    1 hour and 45 minutes. But that's because my gym is often so crowded that I need sometimes to wait for the equipment.

  19. #19
    Pkinessa is offline New Member
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    more than hour I guess

  20. #20
    Mma67's Avatar
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    45 minutes to 1 hour. I feel like there’s not much more to do after that unless I hit cardio, but typically my cardio days are the hour workouts.

    I used to do 1 hour to 1:30, but that was back in the tren days and I probably took longer breaks between sets and needed to catch my breath more.

  21. #21
    Davi Meireles is offline Associate Member
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    I don't mind spending 1 hour or 2 hours at the gym

    1 min 30s rest break between sets to give the most in that SET, extracting maximum strength and capacity to lift that load... In the past I used to take 30s rest breaks as taught By Science Bro from the gym and talking to professional trainers I was told that it is pure tolisse, short rest breaks.So imagine you progressing load on your bench, deadlift, or squat? How to recover in just 30 seconds of rest break? At a minimum, I now take breaks of 1min 30s to 2min breaks rest.

    Not to mention that stopping extremely heavy SETS takes between 3 minutes and 5 minutes of rest break
    Last edited by Davi Meireles; 11-02-2023 at 04:38 PM.

  22. #22
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyst View Post
    40-60 minutes usually
    Mainly boxing and cardio?

  23. #23
    BrotherTheresa's Avatar
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    I'm usually in there 2-2.5hrs. I do 4-6 sets of each movement and reps ranging 4-10 of everything for the most part, but when I start cramping I know I'm fucking done. Breaks are maybe 30sec-1.5min and about 11-12 different exercises each day.
    Last edited by BrotherTheresa; 10-03-2024 at 09:41 AM.

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