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  1. #1
    Silverbackgorilla's Avatar
    Silverbackgorilla is offline Junior Member
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    Deviated septum..Advice please

    Long story short, I have always had a mild cough, stuffy nose on left side, and sinus infections 2-3 per year.. Finally saw a specialist and he said I have a deviated septum(did a CT scan) He said my left side is almost 100% blocked, therefore I dont breath through my left nostril....

    He recommends surgery to correct it..

    I am not really thrilled about the idea, but my endurance is not the best.. I recently began running at the local HS track, and I am suprised how bad it is compared to being in the gym on a crosstrainer, bike etc..

    For those that know about dev. septums-- Could it be causing me to have less endurance and energy? I really want to increase my running endurance on the track

    Also how was the surgery, mainly the recover period..How long before you could do cardio and lift weights?

    Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    i had that done along with some other things i think they removed my sinus' or something. the recovery sucks, lots of bleeding, the first few days are the worst. the first night i had to of puked over a gallon of blood. shitty for about a week, and lots of bedtime, after a week u will be better but still have bloody spit. u'll prob have to go for a few checkups were they put a long metal thing up ur septum and take out leftover blood and chunks of blood, thats were u feel the clearest breathing, it will help with cardio cause it will free up ur airways, and stuff. looking back on it, its hard to tell if i would do it again if i had to, but if it holds u back that much then i would say go for it, but expect it to be shitty.

  3. #3
    JAYROD's Avatar
    JAYROD is offline Senior Member
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    gettin lucky in kentucky
    i had the same problem as you, couldn't breath for crap on the left side because my nose has been broken 3 times. i had septo and rhinophlasty last summer. i'll tell you right now the surgery SUCKS! i felt like crap for days bleeding constantly. i was supposed to recover for 2 weeks but i went back to work after 5 days and was lifting after about a week and had no problems. it didn't help with my breathing as much as i thought it would but it is better. i don't know if i would do it again either but if your breathing is really bad and your insurance will cover the surgery it would be worth the pain.

  4. #4
    Silverbackgorilla's Avatar
    Silverbackgorilla is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys, surgery sounds pretty bad, atleast the recovery part.. And the doctor acted like it was nothing to worry about and recovery was a breeze..

    My breathing is not that bad.. Maybe I am just not in as good cardiovascular shape as I thought..LOL

    Do you notice that running/jogging on a track/outside is more exhausting than cardio in a gym on a crosstrainer, bike etc?

  5. #5
    Tazwell's Avatar
    Tazwell is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverbackgorilla
    Thanks guys, surgery sounds pretty bad, atleast the recovery part.. And the doctor acted like it was nothing to worry about and recovery was a breeze..

    My breathing is not that bad.. Maybe I am just not in as good cardiovascular shape as I thought..LOL

    Do you notice that running/jogging on a track/outside is more exhausting than cardio in a gym on a crosstrainer, bike etc?
    the first two nights after any surgery will be hell.. just keep poppin' those awesome pain killers they give you, and it'll be over in no time..

  6. #6
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    ...I have a ds...I just breathe through my mouth.

  7. #7
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverbackgorilla
    Thanks guys, surgery sounds pretty bad, atleast the recovery part.. And the doctor acted like it was nothing to worry about and recovery was a breeze..

    My breathing is not that bad.. Maybe I am just not in as good cardiovascular shape as I thought..LOL

    Do you notice that running/jogging on a track/outside is more exhausting than cardio in a gym on a crosstrainer, bike etc?
    i suck at running and cardiovascular things anyway cause i was born with shitty lungs, but from the surgury i dont think it helped all that much. i think if u kept running regularly u would get better results then gettin the surgery.

  8. #8
    Jdawg50's Avatar
    Jdawg50 is offline Anabolic Member
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    stop doing blow

  9. #9
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    I think 956Vette had one recently. Didn't sound fun.

  10. #10
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    i had a septoplasty done and ran into problems afterwards. had a hematoma in my septum, therefore my nose became a pin cushion for the doc to jam 18g needles into my snooze like a pin cushion e3d for two weeks. That being past me now, i am glad i had the procedure done as i could not breathe worth a damn out of one side. Now i sleep better and snore less (maybe). My nose structure still isnt 100%, but i think it just takes time.

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