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  1. #1
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Anyone receive negativity from their bodybuiding?

    over the last year since i have started cycling i have been receiving a lot of negativity from people, friends, family, strangers - i wandered if anyone can relate to this and what they do about it

    i find that strangers, or people i have just met asume me to be arrogant (this doesnt bother me that much, but it is definitely noticeable)
    some people feel the need to put me down
    eg ex girlfriends - "god i dont fancy you anymore your too big"

    i over heard my girlfriends friend say once "i cant believe you are going out with him? he's just a meat head who fancies himself"

    friends ask me "why the need to get so big - whats the point?"
    "you dont need to get any bigger"
    "you looked good before - now your too big"
    "your stating to look ridiculous"

    when i say, that its a hobby, i enjoy it, they question it
    "why why why" blah blah

    family nag me about supplemetnts, "what are they doing to your health?"
    "is there any point to all this bulking, where is it getting you"

    of course there are the good sides, like less people wanting to start a fight with you, holding doors open for you and getting out your way which makes me laugh
    and the girls who like to squeeze your pecs
    people asking you advice
    people watching you in the gym as you attempt a new bench max

  2. #2
    zoso428 is offline Associate Member
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    yea bro i get the same thing...i mean im not freaky like to be..but wit my supplement intake and my diets i hear it from my family all the grandmothers speaches are the best "you dont know what your doing eating healthy is heaving bread, meat and a vegetable thats how you eat. you are unnatural cause you lift those weights. burger king is a healthy meal you got your burger for meat your lettuce for vegetbales and your bread for starch. I eat healthier then you"...i am listening to this as im consuing my third protein shake for the day and forcing flax oil into sucks

  3. #3
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
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    It's what you want too do bro, its what you enjoy doing. Don't take any notice of what other people think... they are obviously not on our wave length!! Keep up the good work

  4. #4
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zoso428
    yea bro i get the same thing...i mean im not freaky like to be..but wit my supplement intake and my diets i hear it from my family all the grandmothers speaches are the best "you dont know what your doing eating healthy is heaving bread, meat and a vegetable thats how you eat. you are unnatural cause you lift those weights. burger king is a healthy meal you got your burger for meat your lettuce for vegetbales and your bread for starch. I eat healthier then you"...i am listening to this as im consuing my third protein shake for the day and forcing flax oil into sucks

  5. #5
    G-Force's Avatar
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    yeah i dont listen to them much

    but i cant understand why it bothers other people so much
    i received less hassle off people when i drinking and doing recreational drugs

    now i'm healthy and i'm getting slated

  6. #6
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    All the time I hear that. It really gets to me when they say "Why do you NEED to be that big?" I hate that kinda shit, everyone is into something different, they may like soccer or baseball, I like body building. I dont see what the big deal is. I espcially hate when my girlfriends say "Oh I dont like big guys, its just too big and girls arent into that." First of all, I never asked you Bitch, secondly if I'm happy doing it why would you want me to stop?

    Man Im glad someone made a thread about this, now I know im not the only one who gets these comments and gets really pissed off about them.

    But I also agree about the pro's to it also, not only the con's. I loved it the other day when I asked some guy to work in with him on the seated preacher curls and he said "Oh of course man, should I add some more weight on for you?"
    Thats what keeps me goin...
    - Bino

  7. #7
    tonytone's Avatar
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    true...most girls think i am an asshole before even talking to me...i ran into an ex the other day and she said "are you still working out?? you trying to get bigger than THAT?? you're huge already!!" now to her this is a negative thing, but comments like that make it all worth while

  8. #8
    bigtwin's Avatar
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    Just seeing people turn their heads and little kids point is enoufgh for me. thats why were all working out right???? to stand out!!!!! When i walk down the street, i want people to stop and say, that guys a F#ucking monster!!!! hes huge!!! thats what i work out for.............and the laides love it!! the ones who you dont like will just be jealous, many people get jealous.

  9. #9
    1819's Avatar
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    j e a l o u s y. fvck those people.

  10. #10
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    yeah i dont listen to them much

    but i cant understand why it bothers other people so much
    i received less hassle off people when i drinking and doing recreational drugs

    now i'm healthy and i'm getting slated
    very true. because everyone in my old town is a coke head, and i dont do it they think its weird. but then they'll follow with a statement like dam ur gettin bigger. i see it as a sport for me, i like to do it and talk to other people who train,

  11. #11
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtwin
    Just seeing people turn their heads and little kids point is enoufgh for me. thats why were all working out right???? to stand out!!!!! When i walk down the street, i want people to stop and say, that guys a F#ucking monster!!!! hes huge!!! thats what i work out for.............and the laides love it!! the ones who you dont like will just be jealous, many people get jealous.


    I get negativity as G-Force asked about, yes, but that's why I only associate w/people who know WTF I am about.

    The rest can kiss my ass.

    Same thing on the Net as well. 4 years ago, people were saying that I was probably just a meathead and judged me assuming I had no intelligence and I was "scamming" people somehow, through my fitness/nutritional business. (How you can scam someone when you deliver a product is news to me, but whatever. It's the ignorant people thing......)

    Anyhow, 4 tax returns later and through all of my writings and appearances in magazines about my success, I think they've pretty much decided to shut the f*ck up.


  12. #12
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Anyhow, 4 tax returns later and through all of my writings and appearances in magazines about my success, I think they've pretty much decided to shut the f*ck up.

    I bet they have!

  13. #13
    63190's Avatar
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    I'm just starting out. Already people tell me shit. Then they ask how big do I want to be. When I say 255 @ 6% body fat they say:"255! That's gross! You look fine now. Why do you want to be bigger? Girls don't like that. 255? Just eat a bunch of doughnuts." They don't get that you can't get to 6% BF eating doughnuts.

  14. #14
    chest6's Avatar
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    i get the same thing

  15. #15
    G-Force's Avatar
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    i always say that bodybuilding is a sport, and if your involved in a particular sport you want to be the best at it that you can be

    in sprinting that involves getting faster
    in long jump it invloves jumping further etc
    and in bodybuilding that involves getting bigger and leaner

    they usually understand a little bit more wheni explain it in relation to other sports like football or golf

    they still dont get it though

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat

    I get negativity as G-Force asked about, yes, but that's why I only associate w/people who know WTF I am about.
    Yeah, basically...thats what I do also.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    i always say that bodybuilding is a sport, and if your involved in a particular sport you want to be the best at it that you can be

    in sprinting that involves getting faster
    in long jump it invloves jumping further etc
    and in bodybuilding that involves getting bigger and leaner

    The thing is, you can't tell the best sprinter in a group by looking at them. Bodybuilding is the only endeavor where you "wear" your level of accomplishment outwardly, all the time. It's like...if you're Ronnie Coleman, you may as well walk around with the Mr.O trophy all the time, because he's reached a level where his prowess at bodybuilding is obvious to the average person. The correlary to that is that the average person is snickering at him when he walks down the street. Sux, huh?

  18. #18
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    I guess we all hear the comon crap. When someone ask me why I want to get bigger I just ask back "why does a fotball player want to be better at his game, why does a sprinter want to run faster".

    If someone claims "there is no use to having alot of muscle" I always say "what is the point of beeing good at kicking a ball"

    and on and on like that. Usualy it gets them thinking a bit. People tend to think I am a asshole since I am decently big(compered to the avarage dude), shy and pretty much quiet all the time. Instead of realising Im just a quiet kind of guy they assume Im a asshole. If I was tiny I bet they wouldnt assume that.

  19. #19
    majorpecs's Avatar
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    FK em if they got a problem. All i know is when I go somewhere, and people do double takes when I walk in, then it's all worth it.

  20. #20
    Psychotron's Avatar
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    I have a hard time explaing it, my mom asked me what I am trying to accomplish. I just want to be huge, anyone who doesnt lift does not quite understand our mentality, ive been working out for so long it is just a normal thing, like showering and brushin my teeth, except i get to release some stress and feel good about myself, no one can put me down when im in the gym.

  21. #21
    BG's Avatar
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    How much bigger do you want to get?

  22. #22
    bigtwin's Avatar
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    how much you pull a year swole cat?

  23. #23
    chest6's Avatar
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    I hate the clueless questions. Do you workout? (mainly girls) Do you take those steroid things? Oh you must workout everyday. You know girls don't like big guys....big deal stfu. Ppl that think your an ass and later theyre like wow ur nice..i would have thought u were the biggest ass. Sometimes the sucking up does get a little old I'm sure yall know what I mean. THeres other stuff I missed but just a few

  24. #24
    UrbanLegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    anyone who doesnt lift does not quite understand our mentality.

    I think you nailed it. Plus the fact that everyone has different goals for what they want to family and friends are pretty unconcerned and indifferent towards what I do. I can't say I've recieved any negative feedback though. They do question when I buy huge tubs of protein why I don't just eat real food; they don't seem to understand that the two aren't mutually exlcusive.
    Last edited by UrbanLegend; 07-12-2005 at 02:16 PM.

  25. #25
    IronFreakX's Avatar
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    Normal people

  26. #26
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtwin
    how much you pull a year swole cat?
    Ho's or money?

    I'd rather not disclose either, thanks.

    However, you can contact a few other "Net" trainers who tried to dog me out and diss me a few years back, as I sent them a scanned copy of my return when I first filed.

    Would have LOVED to see the look on their faces!


  27. #27
    chest6's Avatar
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    i always think..why would someone not want to workout and get big..i guess everyone is different than

  28. #28
    G-Force's Avatar
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    i like it when people ask me for advice, (as long as they are willing to listen)

    but sometimes it can get boring,
    like everytime you go out, someone will ask you (probably someone youve never met before) how much do u train, or how much do u bench

    dont get me wrong i like to be noticed and appreciate them asking, but sometimes it can get a little boring, especially when people assume all you want to talk about is bodybuilding

    occasionally i like to talk about something else
    (admitedly not that often)

  29. #29
    Natural1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    how much do u train, or how much do u bench
    Ha i know what you mean, you get a new person in the gym first question wehn they say something to you......." much you bench." I just say not enough man

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan

    If someone claims "there is no use to having alot of muscle" I always say "what is the point of beeing good at kicking a ball"
    Well...the most famous athlete in the world is David Beckham, I believe.....of the club Real Madrid, and captain of the English National Football(Soccer)Team. He's also been has Johnny Wilkinson (Fly-Half for Englands National Rugby Team), who won the last Rugby World Cup with a kick (drop goal).

    Mr. Olympia, on the other hand, ranks about 789,543 on tha list of the worlds most famous athletes....

  31. #31
    doctorherb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    Well...the most famous athlete in the world is David Beckham

    i dont think so Hook...maybe in Europe, but I wouldnt know him if he walked up to me right now...

  32. #32
    Tazwell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    I have a hard time explaing it, my mom asked me what I am trying to accomplish. I just want to be huge, anyone who doesnt lift does not quite understand our mentality, ive been working out for so long it is just a normal thing, like showering and brushin my teeth, except i get to release some stress and feel good about myself, no one can put me down when im in the gym.
    i think people, that don't work out, don't know what to make of us... i even started wearing big shirts, cuz i got tired of looking up, and catching people starring at me.. not looking, but flat out, head turning, starring at me.. like i'm a freak show or something..

    the only place if feel comfortable wearing shirts, that show off my size, is the gym, or a bar.. if people look at me there, it's just different.

  33. #33
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    Well...the most famous athlete in the world is David Beckham, I believe.....of the club Real Madrid, and captain of the English National Football(Soccer)Team. He's also been has Johnny Wilkinson (Fly-Half for Englands National Rugby Team), who won the last Rugby World Cup with a kick (drop goal).

    Mr. Olympia, on the other hand, ranks about 789,543 on tha list of the worlds most famous athletes....

    well from a economical point of view and if wanting fame then yeah kicking a ball is better then bb. But if your not one out of 100 000 000 soccer players that has it as a profession its just as "useless" as bodybuilding.

  34. #34
    Jimmya73's Avatar
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    it is kind of disconcerting when people just ask why you would want to do that. im not even very big but few people understand why i would want to be. i like to see the fruits of my labor, it makes it worth doing, and lifting is probably one of the most fulfilling,satisfying things in my life, i will never stop,so i imagine it will only continue to get worse.

  35. #35
    Sage's Avatar
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    allot of envy and complements, but no negativity...................................

  36. #36
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Most popular athlete I believe is Michael Jordan.


  37. #37
    G-Force's Avatar
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    does anyone notice that they get checked out by blokes a lot more than by women

    i usually cycle home from the gym with my top off as its summer at the moment and want a bit of a tan, and all the blokes will double take me, or stare at me

    is the whole of south london gay?

    i think they are just sizing me up, like "yeah he may be big but i could still have him"

  38. #38
    G-Force's Avatar
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    by the way a bloke is a Man, male, guy etc

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by doctorherb
    i dont think so Hook...maybe in Europe, but I wouldnt know him if he walked up to me right now...
    You'll have to trust me on this one...he's the most popular player in the most popular sport in the world...

    Soccer (for those who don't know) is the #1 sport in the world in terms of number of fans, spectators, and participation. #2 is Rugby.

    You may Beckham's wife better....she's "Posh Spice" of the Spice girls...

  40. #40
    Benches505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    does anyone notice that they get checked out by blokes a lot more than by women

    i usually cycle home from the gym with my top off as its summer at the moment and want a bit of a tan, and all the blokes will double take me, or stare at me

    is the whole of south london gay?

    i think they are just sizing me up, like "yeah he may be big but i could still have him"
    I don't really mind being stared at, it's better to be noticed than not. Issues arise for me when people touch me! Men will mainly just try to touch my arms and women always try to rub on my chest and shoulders. Maybe they are trying to see if it's real?

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