So its almost 6 weeks now on no anabolics. It's very hard to stay clean off them. Especially when you have 150 Anadrol 50 tabs, 120 50mg dbols, 4 bottles of deca , 4 EQ's, and an assload of cyp and sustanon (AND NO, THIS IS NOT SOLICITATION SO DONT EVEN ASK) but anyways, it's all sitting right here in my safe and I'm really trying hard not to touch it. I am on growth right now, but I know that wont shut me down like steroids will. It sucks training hard and seeing mediocre results, or busting your ass to try to just maintain what you've gained from your last cycle. I'm about at that point where the only way to keep progressing is to be on them all the time. I'm really thinking about tearing into some of these Anadrols and Test today. I was on a 12 week cycle, I used a shitload of HCG when I came off and did some clomid too. Is there any way I could do a short 6 week bulk w/ some Anadrols and prop? I know I should wait, but my next show is in April and I'd like to make some gains while its still bulking season. The other option is to start my contest cycle early and do a 20 week cycle using the first 8 weeks to build, then directly followed by 12 weeks of cutting. But I hate being on for more than 12 weeks at a time. Could I get by w/ a short 6 wk 'r w/out ****ing myself up too much at this point in time? Thanks