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  1. #81
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    Broooooooo's. I'm at my ex girlfriends house in Ottawa and I'm fuckin' drunky. But yet my typing is alsmost perfect. This is the firt time I've ever bneen drunk in my lif.e I drank only ONE time before, that was a few weeks bac when my neice was born. I drank with my cuz Vic, but I never got drunk. But today, I had 12 Rum & Cokes and 8 shots of I dunno what, I think Bcacrdi Vodka but I'm licked and I know it. My brani says one thing but my bnody ays anyohtehr.

    Hoooly fuuuck. This is weird, but never again. I'm fuckin' lcked. But atleast I'm a happy drunk mther fucer. I'm a BIG drunk too. I was the biggest guy t the clunb tnoight. Maybne not high wise, but I'm big. Them btichews was scared of me. Some ass hit on my ex girlfrien, saw me, and backed of. Bitch ass.

    Who needs girls anyways. She called my cuz and tld him Iwas drunk, but I'm not tat drunk, am I? I thuohtf of AR s I cna't be that drunk.

    I love you guys man. Yu guys are ;e , ntnpejpd/

    I'm, fuckni' drn.

    Sleeepy time.

    Fck you too
    How are you,
    I'm currently visiting my ex-Girlfriend in Ottawa, Canada's capital for the weekend. Regardless of my level of intoxication, my computer skills (specifically typing ability) do not seem to be hindered, atleast to my knowledge. Besides having a few 'drink's 6 weeks prior to this date while celebrating the birth of my beautiful niece, I have never touched alcohol in my existing life. However, I had made a promise to my ex-girlfriend when we were 'acquainting' in our early relationship that if I were to ever drink, she would be around. Hence, I had drank today. However, this is the first time I'm intoxicated to the point where my brain signals my body to do one thing, but my physical body refuses and does whatever it's will desires.

    Atleast when I'm beyond the acceptable alcohol level, I notice that I'm still in content spirits. While visiting the local 'pub' here in Canada's capital city, I noticed that I was one of the physically larger occupants, disregarding height status. There were more than a few individuals above my height level (6'1"). While engaging in a friendly dance with my ex-girlfriend, a fellow of the same sex (male) tried to converse her, but I guess my physical presence intimidated his innate abilities and he then moved to another side of the establishment.

    My ex-girlfriend just called my cousin Vik and informed him of my intoxicated state. Besides reproductive functions, who needs females anways. I've come to the assumption that if I'm on Anabolic Review, I cannot be as intoxicated she she claims I am.

    I admire my fellow peers who also contribute to Anabolic Review.

    Yes, I am intoxicated. Time for me to fall into what the average man calls, "Sleep".

    And before you go, Fuck You Too.

  2. #82
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    How are you,
    I'm currently visiting my ex-Girlfriend in Ottawa, Canada's capital for the weekend. Regardless of my level of intoxication, my computer skills (specifically typing ability) do not seem to be hindered, atleast to my knowledge. Besides having a few 'drink's 6 weeks prior to this date while celebrating the birth of my beautiful niece, I have never touched alcohol in my existing life. However, I had made a promise to my ex-girlfriend when we were 'acquainting' in our early relationship that if I were to ever drink, she would be around. Hence, I had drank today. However, this is the first time I'm intoxicated to the point where my brain signals my body to do one thing, but my physical body refuses and does whatever it's will desires.

    Atleast when I'm beyond the acceptable alcohol level, I notice that I'm still in content spirits. While visiting the local 'pub' here in Canada's capital city, I noticed that I was one of the physically larger occupants, disregarding height status. There were more than a few individuals above my height level (6'1"). While engaging in a friendly dance with my ex-girlfriend, a fellow of the same sex (male) tried to converse her, but I guess my physical presence intimidated his innate abilities and he then moved to another side of the establishment.

    My ex-girlfriend just called my cousin Vik and informed him of my intoxicated state. Besides reproductive functions, who needs females anways. I've come to the assumption that if I'm on Anabolic Review, I cannot be as intoxicated she she claims I am.

    I admire my fellow peers who also contribute to Anabolic Review.

    Yes, I am intoxicated. Time for me to fall into what the average man calls, "Sleep".

    And before you go, Fuck You Too.
    Your priceless bro

  3. #83
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    we made out, then she tell me to stop? hen he steart? that's fucke

    She want mah body. ME BEODY I TELL YOu. she think it sexy.

    She then told me if I do teroids agan, she unch me. I'm fucink big man. She can punc hme all dat I trnn.

    Looka tthis! I'm onA R! This is fucknig cool! ONly if she know! Haha! She sleeping man! SLEPING! Whos runk? ME! DURNK!
    We had engaged in physical sexual behaviour, until she requested we discontinue. However, as time passed she initiated the sexual behaviour once again, confusing me.

    She had mentioned that if I continue to administer Anabolic Steroids , she would physically harm me. I mentioned our size difference and that she could do as she wishes.

    Oh wow, look at me. I'm on Anabolic Review and it's amazing me. My ex-girlfriend has no idea what 'AR' stands for, let alone what it is. Looking slightly to my right, I see she is fast asleep. Who's intoxicated? I am intoxicated.

  4. #84
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    I repspect you BDTR, but yo need to understn.d I'm drunk. I dno' care. Fuck the polici. You want to talk abut Politics? I tal abot politic. Fuckin' Canadian governemnt is a joke. A JOKE. Fucking prime minetste. What the hell i tat

    Lemme telly ou abotu soethng that bother sme
    Fuckin', fucing, cuking...what bothers me is...i fucin forge. Fuck it.

    ' hungry. NProtein! I need prtin!

    Alcohol is a diuretic, i shuold wae up RIPPED
    I respect you BDTR, but I wish to furthur explain to you that I'm not intoxicated. I am apathetic. I do not like Politics. Bringing that up, let's engage in a discussion about Canadian Politics. I believe the Canadian Government seems to be an offshoot of the American Goverment, without the marketable titles (ie. Prime Minister instead of President).

    Let me furthur discuss an issue which I seem to have a problem with. I forget the issue I wished to discuss.

    I need to find a source of protein to stay in an anabolic state.

    Being a diuretic, this alcohol should help with my physical appearance.

  5. #85
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    We had engaged in physical sexual behaviour, until she requested we discontinue. However, as time passed she initiated the sexual behaviour once again, confusing me.

    She had mentioned that if I continue to administer Anabolic Steroids , she would physically harm me. I mentioned our size difference and that she could do as she wishes.

    Oh wow, look at me. I'm on Anabolic Review and it's amazing me. My ex-girlfriend has no idea what 'AR' stands for, let alone what it is. Looking slightly to my right, I see she is fast asleep. Who's intoxicated? I am intoxicated.
    right on bro

  6. #86
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
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    The ex is back. We going to go eat, then I'm off to the Airport. I'll be posting up when I'm back in Toronto.

    Hope you guys enjoyed me being screwed. It's the FIRST and LAST time so enjoy it.

  7. #87
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    We're making this a sticky..LMAO

  8. #88
    someday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    I respect you BDTR, but I wish to furthur explain to you that I'm not intoxicated. I am apathetic. I do not like Politics. Bringing that up, let's engage in a discussion about Canadian Politics. I believe the Canadian Government seems to be an offshoot of the American Goverment, without the marketable titles (ie. Prime Minister instead of President).

    Let me furthur discuss an issue which I seem to have a problem with. I forget the issue I wished to discuss.

    I need to find a source of protein to stay in an anabolic state.

    Being a diuretic, this alcohol should help with my physical appearance.
    BWAHAHAHAHHAHA ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    that made my whole day 100 percent better.....hahahaahh

  9. #89
    50%Natural's Avatar
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    It is nice that ronny decided to repost his thoughts so we could all understand them. I was getting a little lost last night

  10. #90
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    bump for those that missed this

  11. #91
    chicamahomico's Avatar
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    Wow! Ronny your drunken typing brings back memories of the first time I read one of Vandoo's posts....

  12. #92
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    Fuck the nganover. You nkow what/ Fuck the drinks too! Nver again! I hate drink sand i hate somethings to. Lke bambi. What kinda fuckin' boive is that? bamb? A fuckin DEER for gods sakes. Fuuuuck it. Who cares.

    Lion kind, gthat's a REAL mvoie. Fuck, I amost crid when ufasa died. That was some hit.My ex just chceekd up on me, soI had to shut down AR, bt she crazy. Wnat me to come seep with her an dshit. I said...BITCH, yo aint' knows me playa. I'm a PIMP. SHe says I kno knw. Go to sleep. I says, I'm going or a fuckni walk. I said fuckn too. She said, not without me. I said who is YOU. WHO IS YOU
    She said, I just ant to make sure yuo coe hoem okay. I say, go to sleep I'm on AR. She say, Idunno what AR is, and I say, THAT's RIGHT!

    She know who b oss
    Due to my first experience being intoxicated, I have come the semi-concious decision to never get to this level of intoxication again, let alone drink alcohol period. Alongside my dislike for alcohol, I also dislike the Disney movie, Bambi. The idea of a Deer being portrayed as a hero of somesort is too unbelievable for my liking.

    However, their later movie Lion King was more 'realistic' in a cartoon sense. A Lion as a leader is more believeable than a Deer. The gruesome and emotional portrayal of Mufasa's demise is one of my most memorable moments from Lion King.

    My ex-girlfriend had come within the vacinity of the computer screen, thus resulting in me temporarily closing my Internet Window which held Anabolic Review. She also requested my company alongside her in her bedroom. I replied back stating, "Madame, I do not accept your kind offer at this moment" and that I wished to go for a brisk walk for some 'fresh' air. She tried to persuade me into letting her join along in my walk and stated that she only wished for me to have a safe return home. I mentioned I was on Anabolic Review at which point she turned to me and stated, "Anabolic Review?". I didn't bother explaining but instead motioned for her to go to the bedroom.

  13. #93
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Thata least the weaner still wants to work

  14. #94
    Chris009's Avatar
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    nice job on the purse spittin,

  15. #95
    50%Natural's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    Due to my first experience being intoxicated, I have come the semi-concious decision to never get to this level of intoxication again, let alone drink alcohol period. Alongside my dislike for alcohol, I also dislike the Disney movie, Bambi. The idea of a Deer being portrayed as a hero of somesort is too unbelievable for my liking.

    However, their later movie Lion King was more 'realistic' in a cartoon sense. A Lion as a leader is more believeable than a Deer. The gruesome and emotional portrayal of Mufasa's demise is one of my most memorable moments from Lion King.

    My ex-girlfriend had come within the vacinity of the computer screen, thus resulting in me temporarily closing my Internet Window which held Anabolic Review. She also requested my company alongside her in her bedroom. I replied back stating, "Madame, I do not accept your kind offer at this moment" and that I wished to go for a brisk walk for some 'fresh' air. She tried to persuade me into letting her join along in my walk and stated that she only wished for me to have a safe return home. I mentioned I was on Anabolic Review at which point she turned to me and stated, "Anabolic Review?". I didn't bother explaining but instead motioned for her to go to the bedroom.
    I knew that is what you were trying to say especially when you said madame. Now lets get an interpretation of the thyroid problem post.

  16. #96
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50%Natural
    I knew that is what you were trying to say especially when you said madame. Now lets get an interpretation of the thyroid problem post.
    That was one of the highlights...

  17. #97
    CutieFace Guest
    ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is too damn funny.....

    Ronnie hon don't you know you've got to drink water when you're dr inking and only pussies drink mixed drinks.....ya gotta drink it straight hon....

    hope you're drinking water don't wan tto be your head in the morning

    this is just too damn funny!


  18. #98
    Nailer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    Broooooooo's. I'm at my ex girlfriends house in Ottawa and I'm fuckin' drunky. But yet my typing is alsmost perfect. This is the firt time I've ever bneen drunk in my lif.e I drank only ONE time before, that was a few weeks bac when my neice was born. I drank with my cuz Vic, but I never got drunk. But today, I had 12 Rum & Cokes and 8 shots of I dunno what, I think Bcacrdi Vodka but I'm licked and I know it. My brani says one thing but my bnody ays anyohtehr.

    Hoooly fuuuck. This is weird, but never again. I'm fuckin' lcked. But atleast I'm a happy drunk mther fucer. I'm a BIG drunk too. I was the biggest guy t the clunb tnoight. Maybne not high wise, but I'm big. Them btichews was scared of me. Some ass hit on my ex girlfrien, saw me, and backed of. Bitch ass.

    Who needs girls anyways. She called my cuz and tld him Iwas drunk, but I'm not tat drunk, am I? I thuohtf of AR s I cna't be that drunk.

    I love you guys man. Yu guys are ;e , ntnpejpd/

    I'm, fuckni' drn.

    Sleeepy time.

    Fck you too
    LOL :confusion:

  19. #99
    hercules88's Avatar
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    this has to be some of the funniest shit...great posts ronny

  20. #100
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    I drank ONE time before, b tu only 6 rum and coke and 8 shots. This time Ihad 12 ruma nd ckes and 8 shots of somehing. I think Bcaardio Ron VOka. It hit me at the club and now I'm drunk, ut I'm n ot admiting it.

    I'm fnie.

    I ain't drink 'cause I'm smooth with the ladie annyas. I'm a smooth mother fucer. Ask my friend from Ripped Canadians, A Cut aovie, he tel you man. i'm SMOOTh. last week soe chick kissed me for no reason. She say I hot so she kiss me.


    Now I' just dru, a little dtpisy rutvry. Just alitte. Fuuuck, thi is weisd.

    My b dy says one thing my brains says another. She fuckd.

    Se ont eh phoen right now, and shet yni't to con me ino cming into nbd wit her. I'm hot. I can get anyonne n Ottawa right now. Almos anynoe. Lemme go see. I go fo ra walk

    I had experienced the effects of Alcohol only one time previous to this encounter. At that time, while celebrating the birth of my beautiful niece, I had consumed 8 Rum & Cokes and 6 shots of unknown Alcohol, which I believed were Ron Bacardi Vodka shots. I didn't feel my neuron downgrade until I had been inside the Establishment.

    I'm fine.

    I find most people drink to 'loosen' them up and allow them to socialize more, especially with the opposite sex. However, I have no problem approaching women and engaging in stimulation conversation, hence one of the major reasons I don't drink. I have no problems socializing. While at another popular Club Establishment last week, I was with a good friend of mine known as "A Cut Above" who resides and posts on and while waiting in coat check, a very attractive blonde approached me and asked for a kiss. Nonetheless I granted her this wish. A story that sounds too good to be true? I have a witness.

    At this present time, I am feeling the effects of the Alcohol. 'Fuck' this is very unordinary.

    My ex-girlfriend is currently residing in her bedroom, she has no idea that I'm about to sneak out and go for a brisk walk in the city of Ottawa. At this present moment, I find myself very attractive and feel as though I can 'have' any woman I want. Let me go test my new feeling while I go for a walk.

  21. #101
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CutieFace
    ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is too damn funny.....

    Ronnie hon don't you know you've got to drink water when you're dr inking and only pussies drink mixed drinks.....ya gotta drink it straight hon....

    hope you're drinking water don't wan tto be your head in the morning

    this is just too damn funny!

    I dunno! I never drank before! I know shit-all about alcohol. I drank a lot of water because my mouth was getting dry, but besides that, I had no idea you were supposed to drink water.

    Thanks for the heads up though CutieFace

  22. #102
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    u k sink

    Wine is for pusses. I aint' even drink and i know wine is for pusies. I cn fele the durnknes weairng off, ut you nkow what/ the bitch she come to me and say, ho coe you no talk to me? I say, I'm fine yu fatso.

    She said sh no ta,t I say you have a thyrodi probnlm fat albert. HAAAAAAAAAA

    Fuuuuck that, I need a chick witha n over active yhroid yuo nahs I mean. Skinnyaltthe time. Evne after bnabnies. And a reak 'cause sheonnyu

    Shethcnag the discovery channle to MTV 'cause she say sex is makng me honryu. I said, mind yuor own buzinessss she sadi tat is my nbusinezz. Youn ah I mean? fuuuck that. Discovery cxannle it up!
    Hello again,

    Even though I don't drink, I was under the assumption that wine wasn't 'hardcore' enough. In a comparison we can all understand I felt that though Wine was to Vodka as Super Anabolan was to Testosterone . My ex-girlfriend just approached me and stated that she wished to engage in a conversation. I mentioned to her that I wasn't in the 'mood' to talk, and followed it by calling her a 'Fatso'.

    She then replied back that she is not fat, after which I mentioned that she had a Thyroid problem.

    After being with a female with an Over-Active thyroid, I find myself keeping that deficiency, if you will, in mind for future reference. Marrying a women with an over-active thyroid would result in her having an extremely low bodyfat and with the right supplements, a very pleasing physique. Also, her recovery time after giving birth would be dramatically increased.

    My ex-girlfriend had just turned off MTV claiming it was making me too horny. I waited a few seconds for her sentence to process in my now re-regulated brain, and after understanding what she said I calmy said, "Mind your own business". She also calmy stated, "This IS my business". I then turned, or atleast attempted to turn before falling on my side.

    I decided to put it back on The Discovery Channel.

  23. #103
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    Sh ask me if I ov her, i sa nope! Not like that anyho, she say then HOW? I sa like I love me friend you na Imean. SHe say she nudrstand. I ased her how her bestfriend was nad if she was still single. She slap me. Ha, no she eidn't, bnu he wuold've!
    My ex-girlfriend just asked me if I Love her. After saying I loved her as a friend, and nothing more, she said she understood. I then proceeded to question her about her bestfriend and what her availablity status was. She attempted to slap me. Not really, but if she did it would've hurt.

  24. #104
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
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    Mass Junkie mentioned in a previous post that I'll wake up and want to delete this Thread...and I did. But I decided to keep it as a Keep sake for the FIRST and LAST time I ever got drunk. Just a reminder for me.

    I tell you man, it's cool and all because you really loosen up and you find you think out loud, you know what I mean?

    But it ain't for me. I drank Friday night, and I was still buzzing Saturday night while I was at work. That's way too much for me man.

    I'm not a substance abuser....yes I am. Sauce it up!

  25. #105
    50%Natural's Avatar
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    Ronny, all I can say is you made my night. Good interpretation of the thyroid problem. I like how you tied in pregnancy recovory times.

  26. #106
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50%Natural
    Ronny, all I can say is you made my night. Good interpretation of the thyroid problem. I like how you tied in pregnancy recovory times.
    I'm alwaaaaaaaays thinkin' broooo....always...

  27. #107
    Juggernaut's Avatar
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    Never been a drinker myself. In fact for the 17 years I've been married I have been drunck was on my tenth aniversary.

    As for you Ronny, I think you should get drunk more often................God this post was a riot. I still think that diearetic (sp) comment was priceless!

  28. #108
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Ah, it's threads like this that make me feel so good. I have a tendancy to want to drunk type and I'm relieved I'm not the only one!!!!

    Ronny bro, you crack me up!!!! Great thread!!!
    Last edited by buylongterm; 11-17-2003 at 02:50 PM.

  29. #109
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
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    We stand few and far between, but atleast we can laugh at ourselves...

  30. #110
    ddoublevision's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL

    She said sh no ta,t I say you have a thyrodi probnlm fat albert. HAAAAAAAAAA

  31. #111
    cb25's Avatar
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    i love the translations ronny...

    everyone has these nights...i just feel a lot better about the couple I've had when i see stuff like this

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