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  1. #1
    mrclark's Avatar
    mrclark is offline Junior Member
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    Cool AR crew - critique my new cutter

    What's up peeps...

    It's been a while since I've checked back since the last time. I'm back from a small bulking phase and I'd like to trim down a bit and then re-bulk. I'd like to get some suggestions/advice as to what I'm doing right/wrong. Thanks again for your cooperation!

    A little history / stats / goals

    * January 2005 = 184lbs / ~30% BF - I KNOW!!!

    * Found AR Forum - Read those stickies and search !

    * October 2005 = 132lbs / ~9-10% BF / Waist - 29 inches

    * Started a small bulking phase - again back to the stickies & search

    * Feb 2006 = 147lbs / ~12-13% BF / Waist - 29 inches [CURRENT] [/size]

    * Goal : I'm just an average joe who decided to make a lifestyle change to enhance my personal. work and family related activities. Nothing over 155ish - no plans on competing or further enhancements

    * I wanted to cut down to around 140lbs again to lean out a bit more and switch back to maintenence and slow lean bulk again.

    Age : 27
    Height : 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
    BF : ~12-13%BF
    Waist : 29 inches
    Bodytype : ENDOMORPH


    Diet and Supplements - typical for training days :

    ** All meals are eaten every 2-3 hours except for PWO & PPWO

    AM Cardio 45mins @ 65-75%MHR treadmill ~3.0mph auto-incline
    * Need a cup of coffee before cardio - plain black.

    * 45mins later after cardio

    Meal 1 - PRO/FAT

    6 Oz Chicken Breast
    1/2 TBS Flax Oil (w/ lignans)
    2 Cups Broccoli
    1 Multivitamin
    600mg Calcium (w/ Vitamin D)

    Meal 2 - PRO/FAT

    6 Egg Whites
    2 Cup Broccoli
    1/2 TBS Flax Oil (w/ lignans)

    Meal 3 - PRO/CARB - PreWorkout

    1 Capsule Glucorrel R-ALA
    3 grams Vitamin C
    1/2 Cup Quaker Old Fashioned Oats
    2 Scoops Isopure

    *** WORKOUT ****

    Meal 4 - PRO/CARB - PWO
    15mins after session

    2 Caps Glucorrel R-ALA
    1 Scoop Isopure
    50 grams Dextrose

    Meal 5 - PRO/CARB - PPWO
    ~1 hour later

    1 Cap Glucorrel R-ALA
    1/2 Cup Brown Rice
    2 Cups Broccoli
    6 Oz Chicken Breast

    Meal 6 - PRO/FAT - Bedtime Meal

    4 Oz Chicken Breast
    1 TBS Flax Oil (w/ lignans)

    --- Totals

    1738 Calories
    ~215 grams Protein
    ~140 grams Carbs
    ~38 grams Fat (of which ~29 from EFAs)

    * On non-training days - I drop the dextrose and keep everything else the same.

    * Refeed

    around every 5-7 days with 2x amount of carbs (mainly clean, minimal fat)

    * I lift 4 days a week ~45min sessions @ 1 muscle group/week
    * Cardio 4-5 days AM

    Supplements/Fluid Consumption/Allergies
    * Multivitamin / ~3grams Vitamin C / 600mg Calcium (w/Vitamin D) / Cold Compressed Flax Oil w/ Lignans / Isopure Whey Powder
    * Glucorrel R-ALA consumed 15-20mins prior to PRO-CARB Meal (1 capsule for every 30grams of carbs)
    * Water - try to get in close to 1 gallon
    * Food allergies - Seafood (yes that means tuna ) Partially Lactose-intolerant.
    Last edited by mrclark; 02-03-2006 at 12:48 PM. Reason: typo

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I have to get runnin' to an engagement, but what is the "AF Crew"?

    I haven't heard of that before.


  3. #3
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    AR crew perhaps?

  4. #4
    mrclark's Avatar
    mrclark is offline Junior Member
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    Slipped up the keys - R & F keys diagonal to each other - sorry

    Any way to change to title moderators? I could only edit it from inside but not the title itself... Maybe delete the thread and I'll respost it again? Didn't mean that...
    Last edited by mrclark; 02-03-2006 at 12:56 PM.

  5. #5
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrclark
    What's up peeps...

    It's been a while since I've checked back since the last time. I'm back from a small bulking phase and I'd like to trim down a bit and then re-bulk. I'd like to get some suggestions/advice as to what I'm doing right/wrong. Thanks again for your cooperation!

    A little history / stats / goals

    * January 2005 = 184lbs / ~30% BF - I KNOW!!!

    * Found AR Forum - Read those stickies and search !

    * October 2005 = 132lbs / ~9-10% BF / Waist - 29 inches

    * Started a small bulking phase - again back to the stickies & search

    * Feb 2006 = 147lbs / ~12-13% BF / Waist - 29 inches [CURRENT] [/size]

    * Goal : I'm just an average joe who decided to make a lifestyle change to enhance my personal. work and family related activities. Nothing over 155ish - no plans on competing or further enhancements

    * I wanted to cut down to around 140lbs again to lean out a bit more and switch back to maintenence and slow lean bulk again.

    Age : 27
    Height : 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
    BF : ~12-13%BF
    Waist : 29 inches
    Bodytype : ENDOMORPH


    Diet and Supplements - typical for training days :

    ** All meals are eaten every 2-3 hours except for PWO & PPWO

    AM Cardio 45mins @ 65-75%MHR treadmill ~3.0mph auto-incline
    * Need a cup of coffee before cardio - plain black.

    * 45mins later after cardio

    Meal 1 - PRO/FAT

    6 Oz Chicken Breast
    1/2 TBS Flax Oil (w/ lignans)
    2 Cups Broccoli
    1 Multivitamin
    600mg Calcium (w/ Vitamin D)

    Meal 2 - PRO/FAT

    6 Egg Whites
    2 Cup Broccoli
    1/2 TBS Flax Oil (w/ lignans)

    Meal 3 - PRO/CARB - PreWorkout

    1 Capsule Glucorrel R-ALA
    3 grams Vitamin C
    1/2 Cup Quaker Old Fashioned Oats
    2 Scoops Isopure

    *** WORKOUT ****

    Meal 4 - PRO/CARB - PWO
    15mins after session

    2 Caps Glucorrel R-ALA I'd drop the ALA here.
    1 Scoop Isopure
    50 grams Dextrose

    Meal 5 - PRO/CARB - PPWO
    ~1 hour later

    1 Cap Glucorrel R-ALA
    1/2 Cup Brown Rice
    2 Cups Broccoli
    6 Oz Chicken Breast

    Meal 6 - PRO/FAT - Bedtime Meal

    4 Oz Chicken Breast
    1 TBS Flax Oil (w/ lignans) Add veggies

    --- Totals

    1738 Calories
    ~215 grams Protein
    ~140 grams Carbs
    ~38 grams Fat (of which ~29 from EFAs)

    * On non-training days - I drop the dextrose and keep everything else the same.

    * Refeed

    around every 5-7 days with 2x amount of carbs (mainly clean, minimal fat) I doubt at 12-13% you need to do this that often. Make it once every 10-14 days.
    * I lift 4 days a week ~45min sessions @ 1 muscle group/week
    * Cardio 4-5 days AM

    Supplements/Fluid Consumption/Allergies
    * Multivitamin / ~3grams Vitamin C / 600mg Calcium (w/Vitamin D) / Cold Compressed Flax Oil w/ Lignans / Isopure Whey Powder
    * Glucorrel R-ALA consumed 15-20mins prior to PRO-CARB Meal (1 capsule for every 30grams of carbs)
    * Water - try to get in close to 1 gallon
    * Food allergies - Seafood (yes that means tuna ) Partially Lactose-intolerant.
    Comments above in bold! Great job buddy you always come up with a great diet.

  6. #6
    steve0's Avatar
    steve0 is offline NASM~AFPA~CPT
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    1700 calls seems a bit low i mean at least get it above 2000

  7. #7
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
    Join Date
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    Looks rather good yes.

    Ah, AR okay....I didn't know if AF was some kind of special clique.


  8. #8
    mrclark's Avatar
    mrclark is offline Junior Member
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    Appalachian Mountains, KY
    Awesome - thanks for taking the time to look and give feedback giantz / steveo / swolecat

    Right I'll watch the refeed days, add some more veggies to my last meal and drop the R-ALA PWO - actually searching a bit further I noticed there was some discussion regarding this

    Regarding the calories, I was maintaining around ~2200-2300 cals for a few weeks with little weight fluctuation... so I had to reduce it by around 500 or so...

    I was a bit confused with the R-ALA exclusion/timing in regards to PWO & PPWO... Too many conflicting threads of info regarding this, and seems to be individually based as almost everything is .... but it would be nice to see some more comments regarding this interesting supplement.

  9. #9
    kman's Avatar
    kman is offline Anabolic Member
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    looks good, think I would go with meal#2 first, just cause I like eggs for breakfast, but it is good either way.

  10. #10
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    I personally don't think you need any glucose enhancement supplement when GLUT-4 permeabilty is increased to the degree it is post workout, there's no real need.

  11. #11
    mrclark's Avatar
    mrclark is offline Junior Member
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    Great point Giantz - A couple more follow up questions when y'all get the chance....

    * R-ALA usage on Cheat meals ? (i.e. carb/pro/fat mixture - i.e. pizza)

    * R-ALA usage on Clean 2X normal carb intake Refeed meals (i.e. carb/low fat - i.e. pasta binge)

    * Lastly, Since GLUT-4 is the only transporter that is insulin dependant - I was curious on this - let's say you are eating minimal carbs (i.e. 150-200g or less...) Individual takes R-ALA w/ biotin... now what that does is it basically increases permeability of glucose to both adipose and muscle cells...but there is a greater affinity to the latter (muscle.)

    What about all the other transporters of glucose - specifically for brain and other important organs/tissue... will taking R-ALA shunt away those needed glucose molecules necessary for brain/memory/alterness/organ function? Obviously there is some glucose going to the brain, but is it less than before when one takes R-ALA? Do y'all follow what I'm trying to ask?

    * I understand that these other GLUT Transporters are independant of insulin and will work regardless - but is there a set amount that goes to GLUT 1/2/3/5 regardless of R-ALA usage...

    For those of you who want to know what (glucose) GLUT Transporters are :

    GLUT 1 - most cells
    GLUT 2 - Liver, beta cells, hypothalamus, basolateral membrane small intestine
    GLUT 3 - Neurons, placenta, testes
    GLUT 4 - Skeletal and cardiac muscle, fat [only one insulin dependant]
    GLUT 5 - Mucosal surface in small intestine, sperm

    Two very basic outlines on these transporters...
    Last edited by mrclark; 02-04-2006 at 02:21 PM.

  12. #12
    kman's Avatar
    kman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrclark
    Great point Giantz - A couple more follow up questions when y'all get the chance....

    * R-ALA usage on Cheat meals ? (i.e. carb/pro/fat mixture - i.e. pizza)

    * R-ALA usage on Clean 2X normal carb intake Refeed meals (i.e. carb/low fat - i.e. pasta binge)

    * Lastly, Since GLUT-4 is the only transporter that is insulin dependant - I was curious on this - let's say you are eating minimal carbs (i.e. 150-200g or less...) Individual takes R-ALA w/ biotin... now what that does is it basically increases permeability of glucose to both adipose and muscle cells...but there is a greater affinity to the latter (muscle.)

    What about all the other transporters of glucose - specifically for brain and other important organs/tissue... will taking R-ALA shunt away those needed glucose molecules necessary for brain/memory/alterness/organ function? Obviously there is some glucose going to the brain, but is it less than before when one takes R-ALA? Do y'all follow what I'm trying to ask?

    * I understand that these other GLUT Transporters are independant of insulin and will work regardless - but is there a set amount that goes to GLUT 1/2/3/5 regardless of R-ALA usage...

    For those of you who want to know what (glucose) GLUT Transporters are :

    GLUT 1 - most cells
    GLUT 2 - Liver, beta cells, hypothalamus, basolateral membrane small intestine
    GLUT 3 - Neurons, placenta, testes
    GLUT 4 - Skeletal and cardiac muscle, fat [only one insulin dependant]
    GLUT 5 - Mucosal surface in small intestine, sperm

    Two very basic outlines on these transporters...

  13. #13
    mrclark's Avatar
    mrclark is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrclark
    Great point Giantz - A couple more follow up questions when y'all get the chance....

    * R-ALA usage on Cheat meals ? (i.e. carb/pro/fat mixture - i.e. pizza)

    * R-ALA usage on Clean 2X normal carb intake Refeed meals (i.e. carb/low fat - i.e. pasta binge)

    * Lastly, Since GLUT-4 is the only transporter that is insulin dependant - I was curious on this - let's say you are eating minimal carbs (i.e. 150-200g or less...) Individual takes R-ALA w/ biotin... now what that does is it basically increases permeability of glucose to both adipose and muscle cells...but there is a greater affinity to the latter (muscle.)

    What about all the other transporters of glucose - specifically for brain and other important organs/tissue... will taking R-ALA shunt away those needed glucose molecules necessary for brain/memory/alterness/organ function? Obviously there is some glucose going to the brain, but is it less than before when one takes R-ALA? Do y'all follow what I'm trying to ask?

    * I understand that these other GLUT Transporters are independant of insulin and will work regardless - but is there a set amount that goes to GLUT 1/2/3/5 regardless of R-ALA usage...

    For those of you who want to know what (glucose) GLUT Transporters are :

    GLUT 1 - most cells
    GLUT 2 - Liver, beta cells, hypothalamus, basolateral membrane small intestine
    GLUT 3 - Neurons, placenta, testes
    GLUT 4 - Skeletal and cardiac muscle, fat [only one insulin dependant]
    GLUT 5 - Mucosal surface in small intestine, sperm

    Two very basic outlines on these transporters...
    Quote Originally Posted by kman
    bumped one more time for the masses...

  14. #14
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrclark
    Great point Giantz - A couple more follow up questions when y'all get the chance....

    * R-ALA usage on Cheat meals ? (i.e. carb/pro/fat mixture - i.e. pizza)

    * R-ALA usage on Clean 2X normal carb intake Refeed meals (i.e. carb/low fat - i.e. pasta binge)

    * Lastly, Since GLUT-4 is the only transporter that is insulin dependant - I was curious on this - let's say you are eating minimal carbs (i.e. 150-200g or less...) Individual takes R-ALA w/ biotin... now what that does is it basically increases permeability of glucose to both adipose and muscle cells...but there is a greater affinity to the latter (muscle.)

    What about all the other transporters of glucose - specifically for brain and other important organs/tissue... will taking R-ALA shunt away those needed glucose molecules necessary for brain/memory/alterness/organ function? Obviously there is some glucose going to the brain, but is it less than before when one takes R-ALA? Do y'all follow what I'm trying to ask?

    * I understand that these other GLUT Transporters are independant of insulin and will work regardless - but is there a set amount that goes to GLUT 1/2/3/5 regardless of R-ALA usage...

    For those of you who want to know what (glucose) GLUT Transporters are :

    GLUT 1 - most cells
    GLUT 2 - Liver, beta cells, hypothalamus, basolateral membrane small intestine
    GLUT 3 - Neurons, placenta, testes
    GLUT 4 - Skeletal and cardiac muscle, fat [only one insulin dependant]
    GLUT 5 - Mucosal surface in small intestine, sperm

    Two very basic outlines on these transporters...
    I believe the brain and liver etc... Will take priority.

  15. #15
    mrclark's Avatar
    mrclark is offline Junior Member
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    Alright Giantz - thanks... I would assume so too. Regardless, it's good to know what you're taking in and how it works in respect to the target and how the surrounding organs/tissues react (i.e. postively/negatively) and that's why I asked

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