Alrite im new here, but not to working out, so excuse anything incorrect that i say please. I am about to start a cycle of just oral dbols, 25-35mg a day 6-8 weeks. Id rather not here the dbol bashing as i want to try out something oral first and have heard mixed results, anythign i should mix it with ? I will also be taking milk thistle and nolvadex , adding clomid as PCT, any comments on that or what else i should add orally ?

I am 6'1 weigh 213 and believe to be at 20% bf, now my goal intake is 350-400g of protein a day ? Now i can do the protein all day, but what shoudl the rest of my diet comprise of in order to get in enough calories to get bigger, without adding too much bf ?

All body parts being worked once a week, bout an hr each, slowly gaining naturally but missing that pump i need to get hyped, hoping the rage will help with that lol. Any info is appreciated guys and glad i could find such a helpful place.
