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  1. #1
    setian's Avatar
    setian is offline Associate Member
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    What actually causes secondary hypogonadism?

    I have secondary hypogonadism. What actually causes this? I never had used any roid pro-h cycles.

    I have just seen first hand and other cases of younger guys with this. But never actually any reason why. They just all get put on TRT.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    good question...i DID do a cycle and andro so hmmmm....vette???

    setian, how old are u and what are your levels and stats if you would please

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Mar 2006
    VERY nice avy btw....dayam wut a difference goin from 125 to 200mg of test

  4. #4
    setian's Avatar
    setian is offline Associate Member
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    I actually was about to do HRT until I found they just wanted me on the gel. So I started a real test 12 week cycle and just finished. So I plan on just cruising for the most part at 100-200 week then adding in the occasional blast at 500mg/week.

    My levels through 3 different blood tests were about 200 test level. My free test was low. Also I think my LH level was on the low side. I am about to start a PCT with clomid and Nolva for a month. Then about 6 weeks after that I will get blood work again just to see what happens. I assume I will still be low. If this is confirmed I will just stay on a low dose and not do PCT of coarse.

    But I've always wondered how this happens to "clean" people that are fairly young.

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'9"
    weight: 230
    bf 12%
    Training Experience - 15+ years

  5. #5
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Could be attributed to a variety of things. I've read articles where long-term drug medication with narcotics, and/or alcohol abuse can lead to disorders of the hypothalamus. Some people get it from congenital conditions originated at a young age. Like a lot of things, genetic disposition plays a big role with the cards that are dealt to us. In my case, even though it is speculative, there's the theory that my high ferritin levels are possibly to blame for my secondary condition. I'm a carrier of hemochromotosis and who knows how many years my ferritin levels were over 1,000. It was around 1,400 when I had a liver biopsy in 2006. I'm now donating blood (enriched with iron), but will never really know if this was the cause or if it was provoked by something else.

    My personal view on secondary failure with men ... I look at it the same for men just as most do for women. It's known by the young and old that women go through a stage in life called menopause. Basically, the body gets to a point where it is programed to stop reproducing. When the body hits a certain age, or stage, it usually starts to shutdown the resources that would enable procreation. It's no different in men ... We are just now realizing that this also applies to us, respectfully coined as 'Andropause '. The body has been repeating this pattern for thousands and thousands of years. Now, we're in a position to manipulate this process with restoring our hormonal pathways; virtually removing part of the aging factor out of the equation. We're all going to meet our maker at some point, but today's science and technology will give us a fair chance not only to prolong the inevitable, but it will truly enhance our quality of living for the time that we have remaining.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Could be attributed to a variety of things. I've read articles where long-term drug medication with narcotics, and/or alcohol abuse can lead to disorders of the hypothalamus. Some people get it from congenital conditions originated at a young age. Like a lot of things, genetic disposition plays a big role with the cards that are dealt to us. In my case, even though it is speculative, there's the theory that my high ferritin levels are possibly to blame for my secondary condition. I'm a carrier of hemochromotosis and who knows how many years my ferritin levels were over 1,000. It was around 1,400 when I had a liver biopsy in 2006. I'm now donating blood (enriched with iron), but will never really know if this was the cause or if it was provoked by something else.

    My personal view on secondary failure with men ... I look at it the same for men just as most do for women. It's known by the young and old that women go through a stage in life called menopause. Basically, the body gets to a point where it is programed to stop reproducing. When the body hits a certain age, or stage, it usually starts to shutdown the resources that would enable procreation. It's no different in men ... We are just now realizing that this also applies to us, respectfully coined as 'Andropause'. The body has been repeating this pattern for thousands and thousands of years. Now, we're in a position to manipulate this process with restoring our hormonal pathways; virtually removing part of the aging factor out of the equation. We're all going to meet our maker at some point, but today's science and technology will give us a fair chance not only to prolong the inevitable, but it will truly enhance our quality of living for the time that we have remaining.
    PERFECTLY said

  7. #7
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    PERFECTLY said
    Gracias, senor!

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