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    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    23 year old.. Low Testosterone

    Last edited by Ibreakspawns; 01-07-2012 at 09:50 PM.

  2. #2
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You definately want to break that doseage out to two doses and do them weekly. If you are pinning at home this should be no issue for your doc, and if it is you can get more needles dirt cheap and do it yourself.

    The 150 mg every two weeks is on the low end; however, your doc could be taking a conservative approach due to your young age. You definately don't want to overload your system with Test and ruin your endoctrine system for the rest of your life. After followup bloodwork, see where your numbers are at and if your doc adjusts the doseage if you are still in the low range.

    You may start seeing results in the first week, it may take a month or more. The problem with injecting every other week is it usually takes longer to get your Test levels up, and you have lows during week 2. So until you get on weekly injections, you are going to feel ups and downs. The first week being the up and the 2nd week being the down.

  3. #3
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    Can you post your entire blood work-up if you have it?

    GNBM has it correct; also, did your Doc tell you why he will want to test for E2 and why you need HCG (especially at your age)? If not, then you both need to understand correct TRT protocols.

    There's a lot here on both subjects, do some searches.

  4. #4
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Last edited by Ibreakspawns; 01-07-2012 at 09:50 PM.

  5. #5
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Can you post your entire blood work-up if you have it?

    GNBM has it correct; also, did your Doc tell you why he will want to test for E2 and why you need HCG (especially at your age)? If not, then you both need to understand correct TRT protocols.

    There's a lot here on both subjects, do some searches.
    I'll ask my endo for a copy of my bloodwork. He said something about HCG, and E2 levels..But I don't really know what HCG is.

  6. #6
    lifter65 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibreakspawns View Post
    I'll ask my endo for a copy of my bloodwork. He said something about HCG, and E2 levels..But I don't really know what HCG is.
    i think that your headed in the right direction with your endo, may take a few months to get there but you will get there

  7. #7
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifter65 View Post
    i think that your headed in the right direction with your endo, may take a few months to get there but you will get there
    Well that's good to hear. At least something can be done!

    By the way, I start my injections today.

  8. #8
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibreakspawns View Post
    I'll ask my endo for a copy of my bloodwork. He said something about HCG, and E2 levels..But I don't really know what HCG is.
    hCG , from what I understand, is a LH mimetic. It basically keeps your balls in tact, which leads to the possibility for fertile sperm and other hormone product (pregenelone is it?). Basically, it's something you should want to have on a lifelong TRT regimen.

  9. #9
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    At 23 years old, it should be assumed that someday you may want to have kids. HCG will make that possible by keeping your boys alive and functioning while you do TRT. It does not necessarily mean you will be firtile while on TRT, but if you have to come off TRT to get your spouse pregnant your boys will be able to bounce back and do the job.

    HCG is just not for fertility or keeping the boys plump. LH signals other hormones to be produced, not just Test. So by taking HCG you keep those necessary hormones at proper levels in your body. You will feel better and be healthier.

  10. #10
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by funkymonk View Post
    hCG, from what I understand, is a LH mimetic. It basically keeps your balls in tact, which leads to the possibility for fertile sperm and other hormone product (pregenelone is it?). Basically, it's something you should want to have on a lifelong TRT regimen.
    Thanks, I'll be sure to discuss in further detail with my endo.

    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    At 23 years old, it should be assumed that someday you may want to have kids. HCG will make that possible by keeping your boys alive and functioning while you do TRT. It does not necessarily mean you will be firtile while on TRT, but if you have to come off TRT to get your spouse pregnant your boys will be able to bounce back and do the job.

    HCG is just not for fertility or keeping the boys plump. LH signals other hormones to be produced, not just Test. So by taking HCG you keep those necessary hormones at proper levels in your body. You will feel better and be healthier.
    Yes, I'd like to have kids. Thanks for the info!

  11. #11
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Last edited by Ibreakspawns; 01-07-2012 at 09:51 PM.

  12. #12
    Sledgehammer1's Avatar
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    Thats surprising, I have never seen Test cypionate dosed at 150mg/ml. Ive seen 100mg/ml and 200mg/ml. That might be why no one has it in stock because it isn't manufactured at this dose. To get it at this dose u could have it compounded. It is much cheaper though to get a generic brand at 200mg/ml and dose out 3/4 of a cc. As advised above it is much better to take every week.

  13. #13
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    sorry board was slow so i hit post reply again and double posted my response
    Last edited by Sledgehammer1; 08-03-2011 at 05:47 PM.

  14. #14
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sledgehammer1 View Post
    Thats surprising, I have never seen Test cypionate dosed at 150mg/ml. Ive seen 100mg/ml and 200mg/ml. That might be why no one has it in stock because it isn't manufactured at this dose. To get it at this dose u could have it compounded. It is much cheaper though to get a generic brand at 200mg/ml and dose out 3/4 of a cc. As advised above it is much better to take every week.
    Yeah, after reading I've learned that 150 MG is a weird dose. Think I'm just going to call my endo tomorrow and see if he can either change it to 100 MG(which still needs to be ordered) or the 200 MG; which is at most of the pharmacies here.

  15. #15
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sledgehammer1 View Post
    sorry board was slow so i hit post reply again and double posted my response
    It's all good, man.

  16. #16
    Mr Tick's Avatar
    Mr Tick is offline Associate Member
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    Please keep us informed. Im 27 and just starting on this process as well. I will be adding this thread to m subs.

  17. #17
    JohnJames is offline New Member
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    looks good

  18. #18
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Tick View Post
    Please keep us informed. Im 27 and just starting on this process as well. I will be adding this thread to m subs.
    Will do! Good luck with your process. And, if you need help there is a lot of knowledgeable people here.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnJames View Post
    looks good
    Thanks, sir! I'm fortunate to have a good doctor.

  19. #19
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Last edited by Ibreakspawns; 01-07-2012 at 09:51 PM.

  20. #20
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    You should be excited...good for you man!

  21. #21
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    On Road To Recovery

    Well, had my first injection today. Wasn't as bad as I thought. Still kinda sore. But, I'm happy to start my injections. I'll be giving updates here and there with blood work, how I feel, etcetera.

  22. #22
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    You should be excited...good for you man!
    Thanks, Man!

  23. #23
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Okay, so, has anybody ever got headaches from the injections? It only has been 24 hours, and I have had a headache non-stop. I took allergy medicine, and a tylenol but I'm still getting a headache. Any idea?

  24. #24
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    There are a few possibilities:

    1. You are reacting to the oil (cotton oil usually) that the Test is suspended in.
    2. You took a dose that your body does not like, and your Test levels are now too high for what your body is comforatable with. I get neck tension headaches from this, and it takes a lot less than some people do as a normal dose.
    4. Your headache has nothing to do directly with the injection.

    See if it happens again.

  25. #25
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    There are a few possibilities:

    1. You are reacting to the oil (cotton oil usually) that the Test is suspended in.
    2. You took a dose that your body does not like, and your Test levels are now too high for what your body is comforatable with. I get neck tension headaches from this, and it takes a lot less than some people do as a normal dose.
    4. Your headache has nothing to do directly with the injection.

    See if it happens again.
    I think it was #2...because today I don't have any kind of pain.

  26. #26
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sure it isn't #4? I have no idea what happened to #3 in my list. I guess I can't count.

  27. #27
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    Sure it isn't #4? I have no idea what happened to #3 in my list. I guess I can't count.
    lmao...I knew what you meant, and didn't want to point it It could have been..But the headache was all day; I never get those!

  28. #28
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If it's #2, then you may get it again when you do your next shot. On the other hand, it may have been caused by the drastic change in amount of Test in your blood, and you won't have such a drastic change with subsequent shots because of the residual T in your body from the last shot.

  29. #29
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    If it's #2, then you may get it again when you do your next shot. On the other hand, it may have been caused by the drastic change in amount of Test in your blood, and you won't have such a drastic change with subsequent shots because of the residual T in your body from the last shot.
    I agree. Think I have been deprived of testosterone for so long, and then it spikes up...Another thing I have noticed, joint pain. I haven't worked out or anything. I just have aches and pain.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibreakspawns View Post
    I agree. Think I have been deprived of testosterone for so long, and then it spikes up...Another thing I have noticed, joint pain. I haven't worked out or anything. I just have aches and pain.
    I asked you early in this thread if the Doc talked to you about an aromatase inhibitor. The symptom you are describing, joint pain, is a classic sign of elevated Estradiol levels (E2). If your E2 levels are high, and they most likely are if you're injecting test without an AI protocol, then all or most of the test you are injecting will do you no good as it's being converted.

    You need to get an E2 sensitive assay done as soon as you can as this is an important lab and critical to manage in a successful TRT protocol. If you don't control your E2 levels the neg sides can be bad...just ask some of the guys here who can tell you first hand.

    You need HCG as well; pretty soon your balls will start to ache all the time, get smaller and you sack will pull tight like my 6 year old.

    You need HCG and E2 management.

    Trust me...

  31. #31
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    I asked you early in this thread if the Doc talked to you about an aromatase inhibitor. The symptom you are describing, joint pain, is a classic sign of elevated Estradiol levels (E2). If your E2 levels are high, and they most likely are if you're injecting test without an AI protocol, then all or most of the test you are injecting will do you no good as it's being converted.

    You need to get an E2 sensitive assay done as soon as you can as this is an important lab and critical to manage in a successful TRT protocol. If you don't control your E2 levels the neg sides can be bad...just ask some of the guys here who can tell you first hand.

    You need HCG as well; pretty soon your balls will start to ache all the time, get smaller and you sack will pull tight like my 6 year old.

    You need HCG and E2 management.

    Trust me...
    Okay, so my next appointment isn't until September. Do I just call and ask him, or get a blood test done sooner. He did talk to me about it, but he said after the blood test he would decide.

    I do trust you.
    Last edited by Ibreakspawns; 08-07-2011 at 04:02 PM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibreakspawns View Post
    Okay, so my next appointment isn't until September. Do I just call and ask him, or get a blood test done sooner. He did talk to me about it, but he said after the blood test he would decide.

    I do trust you.
    Yes, call him and tell him your are now exhibiting symptoms of elevated E2. There are other sides as well, do you get cold easier now, do you get a bit of mind fog, a little more sleepy, libido dropping off some, nips sensitive or a search there are a lot of symptoms...but joint pain is one of the hallmarks.

    Make sure you get an "E2 Sensitive" assay. Lab Corp is the gold standard here but I do know lab quest has it as well.

    Make sure you tell him you understand that if your E2 levels are elevated the test you are taking is being converted and doing you no good.

    If he puts you off; get the lab done yourself.

  33. #33
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Yes, call him and tell him your are now exhibiting symptoms of elevated E2. There are other sides as well, do you get cold easier now, do you get a bit of mind fog, a little more sleepy, libido dropping off some, nips sensitive or a search there are a lot of symptoms...but joint pain is one of the hallmarks.

    Make sure you get an "E2 Sensitive" assay. Lab Corp is the gold standard here but I do know lab quest has it as well.

    Make sure you tell him you understand that if your E2 levels are elevated the test you are taking is being converted and doing you no good.

    If he puts you off; get the lab done yourself.
    I have always got cold easily, but last night I was very cold. All of those symptoms are what I have had for years, except the nip sensitivity; I'll pay more attention tonight. It's hard to say if it's elevated E2, but joint paint didn't happen by coincidence. Man this stuff works fast, I have only been on it since Friday.

    Also, this just started. My ankle is now swelling, my Mom says it looks like water retention. Any Idea? Is that elevated E2 as well?

    Will do, Thanks for your help!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibreakspawns View Post
    I have always got cold easily, but last night I was very cold. All of those symptoms are what I have had for years, except the nip sensitivity; I'll pay more attention tonight. It's hard to say if it's elevated E2, but joint paint didn't happen by coincidence. Man this stuff works fast, I have only been on it since Friday.

    Also, this just started. My ankle is now swelling, my Mom says it looks like water retention. Any Idea? Is that elevated E2 as well?

    Will do, Thanks for your help!
    As I stated in my PM to you; water retention is another hallmark sign of elevated E2. "Very cold last night" another classic symptom.

    Sounds like you could have been borderline high E2 before you even started your test protocol.

    Do you know what your E2 levels were before you started you protocol? If you Doc didn't test that before you started that's a big red flag to me that you don't have the right Doc.

  35. #35
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    As I stated in my PM to you; water retention is another hallmark sign of elevated E2. "Very cold last night" another classic symptom.

    Sounds like you could have been borderline high E2 before you even started your test protocol.

    Do you know what your E2 levels were before you started you protocol? If you Doc didn't test that before you started that's a big red flag to me that you don't have the right Doc.
    I know I was within range. He went through everything with me, and the only thing I seen was low, was total testosterone . LH, Estraidol(SP?)Prolactin, & FSH(I think that's what it was called) was good.

    Thanks so much. I'll be getting copies of all my bloodtest(s) tomorrow.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibreakspawns View Post
    I know I was within range. He went through everything with me, and the only thing I seen was low, was total testosterone . LH, Estraidol(SP?)Prolactin, & FSH(I think that's what it was called) was good.

    Thanks so much. I'll be getting copies of all my bloodtest(s) tomorrow.
    And here's where Docs go wrong; lab ranges are not in any way shape or form indicative of actual physical status. Let's say your E2 lab range was 7.6 - 42.6 pg/ml I can tell you right now anything over 30 may/can start to present symptoms...any thing over 40 and you may/can start to feel real bad.

    Funny though, it's within a "normal range".

    Imagine if you were tanking at 10...dear God.

    BTW, these ranges are from an E2 sensitivity assay range...mine!

    Normal ranges, when speaking of lab ranges, doesn't mean a lot to us here (and it's where Docs miss the boat). You need to be in the optimal range!

    Get your E2 BW done and confirm all of this bro and nip this in the bud you'll be better for it!
    Last edited by 1; 08-07-2011 at 09:15 PM.

  37. #37
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    And here's where Docs go wrong; lab ranges are not in any way shape or form indicative of actual physical status. Let's say your E2 lab range was 7.6 - 42.6 pg/ml I can tell you right now anything over 30 may/can start to present symptoms...any thing over 40 and you may/can start to feel real bad.

    Funny though, it's within a "normal range".

    Imagine if you were tanking at 10...dear God.

    BTW, these ranges are from an E2 sensitivity assay range...mine!

    Normal ranges, when speaking of lab ranges, doesn't mean a lot to us here (and it's where Docs miss the boat). You need to be in the optimal range!

    Get your E2 BW done and confirm all of this bro and nip this in the bud you'll be better for it!
    I understand, totally!!

    **So, E2 Sensitivity test** Got it.

    I'll be able to let you know tomorrow. I'm going to call at 9 A.M on the dot(when endo opens) and then tell him everything that's going on, and what we should do. Then go pick up my blood work.

    I appreciate all your help! It means a lot, bro!

    Btw, will he write* a prescription for an AI? Or wait until he gets the E2 results back?
    Last edited by Ibreakspawns; 08-07-2011 at 10:24 PM.

  38. #38
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Endo was closed today due to weather, so looks like it's a waiting game until tomorrow.

  39. #39
    Ibreakspawns is offline New Member
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    Well, just to update. I have now been on testosterone for 10 days. Kind of on a 'roller coaster' at the moment. For the first week, I felt okay, but exhibited symptoms of high(or low?) Estrogen levels. Headaches* Lethargic*,Very cold, aches & pains, water retention on foot, very low libido, nipple sensitivity. I called up my endo to tell him of my symptoms. He told me to wait until the next injection to see if these symptoms reoccur. So, on Friday I get my next injection; Hopefully this roller coaster doesn't go upside down. Am I asking too much? lol

    Right now, I'm feeling like my old lethargic self. After about the seventh day, the estrogen symptoms subsided. So, I'm thinking the half-life for my body is around seven days. Hopefully the doc will change it to once a week soon!
    Last edited by Ibreakspawns; 08-15-2011 at 08:29 AM.

  40. #40
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    YOu taking Test E or C? Does he have you on any AI's and HCG at all? If not ask about AI's and are young and could benefit from the HCG and AI will help fight the High E sides.

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