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  1. #1
    zjwilliby is offline New Member
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    Question Differences in Total Testosterone---22 y/o male

    I may be beating a dead horse here, and i am sorry if i am but i'm a bit of hypochondriac when it comes to hormonal things. Also, if this is in the wrong place i am sorry...i couldn't find a better place for it.

    I had bloods done back in february and my total T came out to 727ng/dl with free at 160pg/ml

    Then i had them done again in july while i was on a natty test booster (yes WHILE) and they were 514ng/dl and 93pg/ml respectively.

    I sent the company the blood work and they were completely stupified, so they gave me a free stack of the same stuff with new instructions and told me to do pre and 3rd week bloods again.

    So i just did my bloods prior to starting the cycle, but i forgot that you are supposed to fast and do it between 8-10am. I did not get the blood drawn until 2 in the afternoon and had several meals before that.

    Total T was 480 ng/dl and free T was 104pg/ml

    I am hoping it was so low because of the lack of fasting and the afternoon blood draw? I have read excerpts saying total T can vary as much as 50% b/t morning and afternoon? How much can it really vary between 8am and 2pm?

    Thanks for all the help in advance.

  2. #2
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Sorry...don't know, but my endo has never asked that I fast before bloods for testosterone . Morning versus afternoon and when you last dose of test was will all make a difference. Never heard of the fasting thing. Blood sugar and cholesterol levels....sure...12 hour fast if possible.

    I also don't think many around here believe any of the natty test booster claims, though I bet most of us do some supplements.

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    i agree with Sirupate! the difference is too high for morning and afternoon blood work. i believe these supplements are effecting your test levels. stay away from them, they are waist of money.

  4. #4
    zjwilliby is offline New Member
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    Just found this...write up is by pac following

    4) Why go early? You got all day!

    The time of day of blood sampling is an important consideration, however, and a blood sample drawn in the morning between 0800 and 1000h is generally recommended. There is a diurnal variation in testosterone in adult men, with highest levels in the early morning, followed by a progressive decline throughout the day, reaching the lowest levels in the evening and during the first few hours of sleep. Nadir values are approximately 15% lower than morning values, although the differences can be as much as 50% (3)

    This I can attest for, I had blood work done twice in one day. My first test was done at 11am and my Total Testosterone came back at 423. Second test was done 5 hours later at 4pm and my levels came back as 269. This was on a 262-1531 scale. Free testosterone was unchecked.

  5. #5
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Like bass said! Stop what doesn't work. They obviously aren't working, and probably lowering your Test levels. FYI, 727 is pretty good even for a 21 y/o. Want to get your free Test higher, try nettle root. Research it though, and don't go crazy with the stuff or you will be a bald youngster.

  6. #6
    zjwilliby is offline New Member
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    With all due respect....explain how a natural test booster can lower test levels? And also its activate xtreme and triazole which is one of the best natty stacks out there.

  7. #7
    zjwilliby is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011
    Just found this...posted by pac man

    4) Why go early? You got all day!

    The time of day of blood sampling is an important consideration, however, and a blood sample drawn in the morning between 0800 and 1000h is generally recommended. There is a diurnal variation in testosterone in adult men, with highest levels in the early morning, followed by a progressive decline throughout the day, reaching the lowest levels in the evening and during the first few hours of sleep. Nadir values are approximately 15% lower than morning values, although the differences can be as much as 50% (3)

    This I can attest for, I had blood work done twice in one day. My first test was done at 11am and my Total Testosterone came back at 423. Second test was done 5 hours later at 4pm and my levels came back as 269. This was on a 262-1531 scale. Free testosterone was unchecked.

  8. #8
    zjwilliby is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011
    Nettle root eh? will do.

  9. #9
    zjwilliby is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011
    Found this on another posting by Pacman

    4) Why go early? You got all day!

    The time of day of blood sampling is an important consideration, however, and a blood sample drawn in the morning between 0800 and 1000h is generally recommended. There is a diurnal variation in testosterone in adult men, with highest levels in the early morning, followed by a progressive decline throughout the day, reaching the lowest levels in the evening and during the first few hours of sleep. Nadir values are approximately 15% lower than morning values, although the differences can be as much as 50% (3)

    This I can attest for, I had blood work done twice in one day. My first test was done at 11am and my Total Testosterone came back at 423. Second test was done 5 hours later at 4pm and my levels came back as 269. This was on a 262-1531 scale. Free testosterone was unchecked.

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