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  1. #1
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Question Medical texts regarding HRT/TRT?

    I'm just curious if anyone knows of textbooks or books with a heavy slant toward the medical side that are worth reading about TRT or HRT in general. If anyone can offer an opinion I would really like to hear! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I don't know about books, but there is plenty to read on the internet. You can try here.... (currently under maintenance, go back in a day or so)

    all the "Life Extenders" recognize the need for replacement therapy. You can start here...


  3. #3
    sirupate is offline Member
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    I recall seeing an endocrinology textbook that had a short chapter on TRT. The majority of the lengthy text was about other endocrinology topics, and I assume that is about as much coverage as TRT gets in med. school. TRT as we discuss it here seems to be cutting edge as compared to what most doctors know about TRT.

  4. #4
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    I do recognize that a lot of what is on the forums is cutting edge from a medical standpoint, as you put it. I just really want to inform myself to the maximum and avoid hearsay as much as I can. I have no desire to be a guinea pig .

  5. #5
    bigboy67's Avatar
    bigboy67 is offline Associate Member
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    If this is for personal knowledge, you cant go wrong with Dr. Crisler

    Read, and enjoy his publications. Basically the bible of TRT

  6. #6
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigboy67 View Post
    If this is for personal knowledge, you cant go wrong with Dr. Crisler

    allthingsmale website

    Read, and enjoy his publications. Basically the bible of TRT
    Thank you. I definitely have seen his name thrown around here a lot. I looked over that site, but it seems he doesn't have much literature there. He does have a useful file called TRT.doc but other than that I really didn't see him talking about HRT that much. Am I missing something there?

  7. #7
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Andrology by neishlag and testosterone action deficiency substitution by neishlag are 2 good books IMO.

    You can always search the free e book sites also

  8. #8
    Logonzo is offline New Member
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    endo-society dot org

    Google it. I have so few post on here I cant post the link. Anyway, check some of the recommended patient care links and there are powerpoints on findings etc... Latest publishings by endocrinologist. My doctor has advised me if it's not within their protocol he's not going to treat me for it. It's a good read, but does not mention a few things, such as an AI or HCG while on TRT, which were the two things I was hoping for.

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