I appreciate it if anybody can help or answer my question or where to go to find help on this forum. Am 21 weight 158 I have done two cycle only taking Sus and deca in both cycles seen gains and strength went up. Ever since I joined this Forum I found so many interesting information. One being it seems maybe I was too young to jump on steriods but I worked out for a year hitting the gym hard and eating right not gainning anything It is hard for me to gain weight yet i know that am young and the older I get the more my metabolism will slow down and maybe i should wait for my later years to start juicing but I was tired of working out naturally and not gaining weight.

I need a cycle that will get me bulking and big but that is not too expensive as well as what pct to take and i also am pron to hairloss so what is good for hairloss and were to get it that is my major concern cause i seen certain steriods provide higher dht then others but i dont want that to affect what i take on the cycle i just want something that can slow down or prevent it.

Thank you