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  1. #1
    Xtrakt0r's Avatar
    Xtrakt0r is offline Junior Member
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    Question Melanotan II powder form ?

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ID:	118668

    Just got this in the other day from a local distributor within Oz.. Looks like crystallized chunks..

    Was wondering if anyone can help out with identifying the powder if it looks ok?

    Reason I'm asking is cause I pinned it and started sweating, felt nauseous and strangely enough raided the fridge and ate like an animal? I heard that its meant to be an appetite suppressant lol?

    Anyways any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by Xtrakt0r; 12-10-2011 at 01:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Its such a cheap compound to make bro the chances are its legit...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Upon initiating MT-II, did you dose ~2-5% of the vial contents or more?

    Sounds rational for an overdose...or first dose. sweating, nausea (& can lead to over-eating/messing with your cravings, satiety signals, etc) are assoc w/ an allergic response many get from the MT-2 peptide

    the appetite suppressant would be if you took say, .5mg - then for 2-3 hours you will not be hungry (force or timed feedings aren't a problem)...then the hunger can catch up to get back to homeostasis

  4. #4
    Xtrakt0r's Avatar
    Xtrakt0r is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    Upon initiating MT-II, did you dose ~2-5% of the vial contents or more?

    Sounds rational for an overdose...or first dose. sweating, nausea (& can lead to over-eating/messing with your cravings, satiety signals, etc) are assoc w/ an allergic response many get from the MT-2 peptide

    the appetite suppressant would be if you took say, .5mg - then for 2-3 hours you will not be hungry (force or timed feedings aren't a problem)...then the hunger can catch up to get back to homeostasis
    Don't think it would have been an over dose, I mixed 2ml saline with the 10mg powder. Then pinned 0.15ml which should be half of the recommended dosage for my weight (185lbs) of 0.75mg.. Correct me if I'm wrong here?

    Ps. I haven't experienced any sides associated with erections yet, so I'm starting to doubt the product..

  5. #5
    Xtrakt0r's Avatar
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    Log** Just had my second pin, reduced to 0.1ml (0.5mg MTII), still sweating, feeling nauseous, hunger starting to kick in again.. Ill continue this for a few more days and if I dont see any results, it must be something else other than MT II, so Ill just order from somewhere else.. If I do see results, then I must be one of the rare cases with these crazy sides..

  6. #6
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Whats up ztraktor, I has very simalar responses to MTII. I am 6.1 and 210 When I started I pinned .1mg before going to sleep and feel nautious, woke up 4 hrs later in a cold sweet and could not quit shaking for 5 minutes. Then the next day felt kinda shitty and headachey and dehydrated (simalar to a hangover from alcohol or pain pills). Oh also when I urinated the next day there was a layer of dark yellow foam about 3/4" tall on top of the water so the kidneys were none to happy either. However after lowering the dosage to .5mg the sides are mostly just a mild nausea and a slightly shitty feeling the next day. I have been on a month now and only use .5mg once a week to maintain my tan which by the way is looking great. One other thing I have had no sexual side effects ( what a gyp!) but I bought it to tan so such is life.

    Good luck,


  7. #7
    Xtrakt0r's Avatar
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    Hey FFM thanks for the reply bud.. I guess I'm not the only one with te bad sides.. You say you're only taking it once a week now?? How long did u take it before u started seeing results? Also how often were u taking it to start off with?

  8. #8
    Xtrakt0r's Avatar
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    Just an update to confirm my suspicions were correct.

    I recently ordered a new batch of MT II from another source.. This time mixed with Bac water instead of saline and injected 500mcg to start with (same amount injected with the old batch). I am not sweating and I am not feeling sick like I did with the other batch. I think I was scammed with the old batch. I wish I could post who the source is so people stay away from them, but I dont think it is allowed here? Is there a list of scamming websites somewhere on this forum?

  9. #9
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtrakt0r View Post
    I recently ordered a new batch of MT II from another source.. This time mixed with Bac water instead of saline and injected 500mcg to start with (same amount injected with the old batch). I am not sweating and I am not feeling sick like I did with the other batch. I think I was scammed with the old batch. I wish I could post who the source is so people stay away from them, but I dont think it is allowed here? Is there a list of scamming websites somewhere on this forum?
    Nope, jmho though - sounds like sensitivity/desensitization - happens for everyone, should be planned for & expected to avoid sides (interesting about the sterile water)

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