Please help with these blood work values.

My sex drive was high before and during the cycle, but has really dropped since pct. I feel like it hasnt really returned and im very worried. Erections will dissapear out of nowhere and it takes me longer to get an erection than before. Also my sexual desire has dropped and i dont crave sex like i used too. Im 22 years old weigh about 170 bf is around 15%

testosterone 21.2 (7.6-31.4)
estradiol 101. (<157)
TSH 1.32 (0.30-5.60)
LH serum 3.7 (1.2-8.6)
FSH serum 1.5 (1.3-19.3)
testosterone 16.1 (6.0-27.0)
Free testosterone 74.6 (15.6-146)
HCG -C <2 (<2)
prolactin 6.1 (2.6-13.1)