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  1. #1
    JuliasDad's Avatar
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    what else to take with superdrol

    hi everyone, i know there is alot of info on here about superdrol but im just looking for a couple quick responces about the basic things i need with this without having to take 100 different things like i see some of u r, i take enough vitamins as it is, im on a clen only cycle now and will be done in 2-3 more weeks then will be doing some superdrol for 4 weeks. im trying to lose some body fat now with the clen then would like to keep the body fat off and add some lean muscle with the superdrol.

    i currently take a multi, vit C, l-arginine, calcium with vitD, and zinc. im 25, 205pounds, 5-10, what are a couple of the main things i should take with this that are avalable over the counter and for pct would some trib be enough, ive used clomid many times when i used to cycle with the real stuff but cant get my hands on any right now, ive used ar's and hate the taste and dont want to spend that much anyways, im trying to keep this as cheap as posible.

    any suggestions would be great and keep in mind i do not want to go over board with all kinds of stuff and i dont want to spend all kinds of money

  2. #2
    JuliasDad's Avatar
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    and one more thing, would it be good to add there Prostanozol or Phera-Plex with the superdrol cycle or is the superdrol fine by itself? im going tobe making my order this coming week so im trying to figure all this out?

    has anyone tried there Prostanozol or Phera-Plex?
    Last edited by JuliasDad; 03-19-2006 at 06:07 PM.

  3. #3
    JuliasDad's Avatar
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    can i get some help on this please

    from the little that ive seen on the pher-plex it seems like people are enjoying it like they do the superdrol, should i try the 2 together or one at time?? i was thinking of getting 2 bottles of each and either doing to 4 weeks cycles of the 2 togheter or doing 4 weeks with the superdrol, then taking 4 weeks off and then doing 4 weeks with the phera plex?

  4. #4
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    my advice would be tot ake just one as just one is harsh enough on the liver. I have personally not tried either but i hear good results (people seeing 12 lb gains) along the lines of no PCT, besides tribulus is not good enough considering this IS a steroid . i would recomment some milk thistle for the liver and some NAC as well. Clomid would be my best but if not try and get their rebound. this is just my opinion

  5. #5
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
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    I'm gonna run test e with superdrol. Gonna use SD as a kick starter like people do with dbol . I think it should work good.

  6. #6
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR
    I'm gonna run test e with superdrol. Gonna use SD as a kick starter like people do with dbol. I think it should work good.
    and your liver will murder you!

  7. #7
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliasDad
    can i get some help on this please

    from the little that ive seen on the pher-plex it seems like people are enjoying it like they do the superdrol, should i try the 2 together or one at time?? i was thinking of getting 2 bottles of each and either doing to 4 weeks cycles of the 2 togheter or doing 4 weeks with the superdrol, then taking 4 weeks off and then doing 4 weeks with the phera plex?
    keep them separate, make sure when you run one or the other you have some nolvadex , and liver and BP aids... read up, there are plenty of threads out there, many of which i have answered all these questions...

  8. #8
    JuliasDad's Avatar
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    i just ordered a bottle of each, im going to run the pheraplex for the 1st 4 weeks, then take 4 weeks off and then do the superdrol for 4 weeks, i will be taking milk thistle throughout along with my multi. i hate ar's clomid, the tastes is nasty and my source for stuff like that is not good anymore so i might have to order thererebound for pct

  9. #9
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    say goodbye to your liver

  10. #10
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    and your liver will murder you!
    why? like people dont stack d-bol or anadrol with a test cycle? You guys are funny. Plenty of guys do orals and injects together. its actually a very smart thing to do. injectables are rarely stressful on the liver at all. putting two in the same cycle should not be a problem.

  11. #11
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    did you not read the forum on the one guys LIver numbers after just one cycle of SD?

  12. #12
    bigrose's Avatar
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    everybody is different. one person may have a bad liver response to superdrol and another will hardly be effected. i know a couple guys who have used superdrol to kick start their test or test/deca cycle. it worked great. you can go up to six weeks on superdrol, and up to 40mg/day. you will be fine. i am so sick of everyone saying how bad superdrol is for your body/liver/cholesterol/triglycerides/etc/etc. it is bad, but not nearly as bad as anadrol or other orals. just be smart. you will be fine.

  13. #13
    JuliasDad's Avatar
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    im tired of people saying how bad it is for u also, ive done many test and dbol and deca cycles and im sure that is much worse!

    im looking forword to getting it, im doing 4 weeks on with phereplex, 4 weeks off, then 4 weeks of superdrol then ill see where im at and if i want to do it again, maybe that will be enough

  14. #14
    JuliasDad's Avatar
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    im tired of people saying how bad it is for u also, ive done many test and dbol and deca cycles and im sure that is much worse!

    im looking forword to getting it, im doing 4 weeks on with phereplex, 4 weeks off, then 4 weeks of superdrol then ill see where im at and if i want to do it again, maybe that will be enough

  15. #15
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliasDad
    im tired of people saying how bad it is for u also, ive done many test and dbol and deca cycles and im sure that is much worse!

    im looking forword to getting it, im doing 4 weeks on with phereplex, 4 weeks off, then 4 weeks of superdrol then ill see where im at and if i want to do it again, maybe that will be enough
    question: your much more experienced juice-wise than myself sir, but if 4 weeks on, then 4 weeks off might not be enough, maybe? Isnt the rule time off = time on + PCT? I would think like 6-8 weeks after each cycle, but i dunno, you would know you ran more cycles. I was asking cuz i was gonna do 2 also next year but i wanted to have a full 8 weeks between them.
    your thoughts?

  16. #16
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliasDad
    im tired of people saying how bad it is for u also, ive done many test and dbol and deca cycles and im sure that is much worse!

    im looking forword to getting it, im doing 4 weeks on with phereplex, 4 weeks off, then 4 weeks of superdrol then ill see where im at and if i want to do it again, maybe that will be enough
    worse...not necessarily, remember that SD is a totally different compound and has been shown to really plug up liver values, i just gave my opinion that i think it would not be my choice of things to do...but if you are going to run a SD and juice cycle you better be taking some heavy liver and BP supps.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    question: your much more experienced juice-wise than myself sir, but if 4 weeks on, then 4 weeks off might not be enough, maybe? Isnt the rule time off = time on + PCT? I would think like 6-8 weeks after each cycle, but i dunno, you would know you ran more cycles. I was asking cuz i was gonna do 2 also next year but i wanted to have a full 8 weeks between them.
    your thoughts?

    with added muscle/strength gains from the Phera-plex or Superdrol you will want AT LEAST 4 weeks of natural training to allow hormones to balance out after PCT and for your tendons and ligaments to catch up with your strength gains, this will help prevent injury... better to be safe than sorry...& injured

  18. #18
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    and your liver will murder you!
    You obviously know very little about AAS compounds. My liver would murder me if I stacked it with another oral....not an injectable.

  19. #19
    JuliasDad's Avatar
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    my plan is 4 weeks of pheraplex, 3-4 weeks pct, then 2 weeks totally off, then 4 weeks superdrol, the 3-4 weeks pct, then done

    there is no way in hell this is that bad for u as long as it is done right and not abused just like any steroid , maybe if u did this all the time but if u do a bottle or 2 take time off then its hould be fine. this is not a product i would want to do all the time but doing a couple cycles done the right way should be fine. i know there are a few things u should take with it but the biggest thing imo is the milk thistle, take alot of that for your liver

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