What the F**k! every second page in Muscle Mag and Flex is Muscle Tech adds and all these b4 and after pics. Now if i can remember correctly cigarette companines were being charged for false advertisement of their LIGHT brands. Saying that the term light was misleading b/c it actually contained the same amount of tabacco. Well why the hell are they not doing the same with muscle tech. All these un-educated teens are picking up these mags, dishing out the cash, and getting screwed. This not only hurts them financially but emotionally as well. It F**king obivious that most if not all of them used some sort of as. Granted their is the odd exception in the group but most of them are full of AS! Where the poor teenager is lead to believe that muscle tech did all that. I just think its a crock of sh@t!
PS I haven't picked up a muscle mag or flex in a couple years now which would explain my shock, and no i don't smoke.