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  1. #41
    bitta's Avatar
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    if i must

    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    Lets see those 19" guns.
    and here it is
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Tonight, I raided a crack house.-bicep.jpg  

  2. #42
    houseofpain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bitta
    why did you have to "whack a dog"? did they skip out on bail too? thats messed up IMO, im no bounty hunter but have trained shcatzund dogs before and only a puzzy would hit a dog!!! PISSES ME OFF!tough guy
    why the hel! did you bump this thread? and secondly he should have ripped the d@mn dogs throat out if it meant getting bit. fukk that kill the dog and drag him behind your truck before you get bit.

  3. #43
    1badcamaro's Avatar
    1badcamaro is offline Anabolic Member
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    fukkin right IHOP--heehee thats my cute little nickname for you

  4. #44
    houseofpain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bitta
    my point is that you are a weakling if you cannot handle a dog w/ your hands, like I said Ive trained police attack dogs( and BTW peta was protesting us like every week) but it was nothing to deal w/ a 150 lb dog w/ my hands. why is that guy named commando barbie?
    you are forgetting about the task at hand. they are in a crack neighborhood raiding a crack house, there is not time to be rolling around with a dog. get in and get out before something goes wrong and you get hurt.

  5. #45
    houseofpain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    fukkin right IHOP--heehee thats my cute little nickname for you
    thanks baby

  6. #46
    jonnytour's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by houseofpain
    why the hel! did you bump this thread? and secondly he should have ripped the d@mn dogs throat out if it meant getting bit. fukk that kill the dog and drag him behind your truck before you get bit.
    Couldn;t have put it better my self brudda! Human life.....Animal's life.....hmmmmmm..... Me or a dog???? When it comes to having to decide if I am gonna let an animal bite me or kill the animal there is no thinking about it. That animal is going down! I don't care what is used: bare hands, baseball batt, gun, etc. That animal is not going to harm me! The end!

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    hey sorry to hijack the thread but....
    im currently in Brit reserve special f (a friend of cornerback-blitz) and im moving to south GA this summer,
    i have my work permit all sorted out, do the police, fire dept, dea, ATF take foreign workers... just wondered due to my background...
    as for dogs, wrap ur smock around ur arm and have a knife ready if it comes at u, stick ur arm out and the dog will bite it as its the closest thing and then you can gut it with ur knife... never done but thats what we're trained to do!

  8. #48
    bitta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by houseofpain
    you are forgetting about the task at hand. they are in a crack neighborhood raiding a crack house, there is not time to be rolling around with a dog. get in and get out before something goes wrong and you get hurt.
    i hear it bro, very dangerous situation indeed, i just have seen one of my dogs get brain damage b/c someone was scared of him and he was not aggresive at all unless commanded so I have to hope everyone will take it situation by situation instead of an "across the board" type attack response to dogs. (and I didnt realize how old this thread was I just watched dog the bounty hunter and thought this would be a good read.)

  9. #49
    bitta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChEmIcAlLy_AsSiStEd
    hey sorry to hijack the thread but....
    im currently in Brit reserve special f (a friend of cornerback-blitz) and im moving to south GA this summer,
    i have my work permit all sorted out, do the police, fire dept, dea, ATF take foreign workers... just wondered due to my background...
    as for dogs, wrap ur smock around ur arm and have a knife ready if it comes at u, stick ur arm out and the dog will bite it as its the closest thing and then you can gut it with ur knife... never done but thats what we're trained to do!
    your right bro, once they grab you lift your arm and reach under where the jawline meets the throat and pick the dog up, we had muzzles so that is when you muzzle them.

  10. #50
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    One up on you
    Dude I weigh 200 pounds and I got attacked by a dog that only weighed 110. Believe me when I say, if you have never tried to handle a dog before, and hell even if you have, there is no way in hell I would try to fight a dog off with my bare hands. I have scars up and down my legs and on my wrist from that dog, and I'll tell you what, given the same circumstances again I would either gouge the dogs eyes out, or if I was a cop and had a weapon I would surely beat it or shoot. F*ck dogs.....I have 2 myself and I love them to death, but I am with Deca on this. I would rather see a **** load of dogs die than to see one person bit and torn up by an ANIMAL.

  11. #51
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
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    ruff ruff

  12. #52
    Elliot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    Dude I weigh 200 pounds and I got attacked by a dog that only weighed 110. Believe me when I say, if you have never tried to handle a dog before, and hell even if you have, there is no way in hell I would try to fight a dog off with my bare hands. I have scars up and down my legs and on my wrist from that dog, and I'll tell you what, given the same circumstances again I would either gouge the dogs eyes out, or if I was a cop and had a weapon I would surely beat it or shoot. F*ck dogs.....I have 2 myself and I love them to death, but I am with Deca on this. I would rather see a **** load of dogs die than to see one person bit and torn up by an ANIMAL.

    thats not what u say when u poke pouchie in the behind.. AUUUUUUUUUUUUUU doggy style..

  13. #53
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Gotta give bitta some credit... He stepped up and posted those 19" guns...
    I don't think he deserves any ban talk either, just asked a question that
    wasn't meant to hurt anyone and CB quickly handled her business...

  14. #54
    1badcamaro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    Gotta give bitta some credit... He stepped up and posted those 19" guns...
    I don't think he deserves any ban talk either, just asked a question that
    wasn't meant to hurt anyone and CB quickly handled her business...

    his guns turned you on didnt they fluff, i mean buff

  15. #55
    Commando_Barbi's Avatar
    Commando_Barbi is offline AR's Arresting Angel Vet
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    Nice and I agree with Buff. No need to ban. I wasn't insulted. I'm all woman and my man seems pretty happy .

    Nice arm
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  16. #56
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
    LeanMeOut is offline Community Veteran
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    One up on you
    Who said anything about banning lol??

    Bitta nice arms bro......19 inches is very respectable

  17. #57
    bitta's Avatar
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    thats what Im talking about! we may be freaks but we can be civil too. thanks CB!!!! didnt mean to stir it up.

  18. #58
    Jack87's Avatar
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    You know me all to well, but the catch is he's
    gotta drive a Ford and not some crappy Chevy...

    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    his guns turned you on didnt they fluff, i mean buff

  19. #59
    jonnytour's Avatar
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    My apologies for mentioning anything bout a ban. I thought bitta was purposefully be rude. CB handeled herself very well by not getting seriously pissed. I have all the more respect for you now CB. Bitta, I understand your love foranimals, and thought you were saying that an aniomal ahould NEVER be harmed. I guess I jumped to conclusions too quickly. My apologies to all. Nice to see there are some mature people on here. Not everyone is a test riddled meat head with no self control. lol. Respect.

  20. #60
    jonnytour's Avatar
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    I forgot to mention: Nice guns bitta!!

  21. #61
    bitta's Avatar
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    preciate it jonny! I thought this thread was headed south but y'all impressed me w/ your patience!thanks again

  22. #62
    BigMike J's Avatar
    BigMike J is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nice gun Bitta, props indeed.

    I had a rottweiler charge at me and try to bit me.. all it took from me was to stand my ground and show the mut who was really in charge. If you know a dog is going to bit then you best get ahold of it first.

  23. #63
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    It probably would have got more ugly if it was late as night and everyone
    was bored... No big deal, it was clear you weren't trying to come off the
    wrong way, just worded things a little wrong just like 1badcamaro has a
    habit of doing...

    Quote Originally Posted by bitta
    preciate it jonny! I thought this thread was headed south but y'all impressed me w/ your patience!thanks again

  24. #64
    houseofpain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bitta
    i hear it bro, very dangerous situation indeed, i just have seen one of my dogs get brain damage b/c someone was scared of him and he was not aggresive at all unless commanded so I have to hope everyone will take it situation by situation instead of an "across the board" type attack response to dogs. (and I didnt realize how old this thread was I just watched dog the bounty hunter and thought this would be a good read.)
    i completely understand bro. i have 2 pits back home and an english bulldog here at school with me and i would kill someone for messing with them. but you must take into consideration the situation. i think the guy was right in the crack house situation but there are some situations when people try and hurt dogs out of fear. didnt mean to flame or be disrespectful and if i sounded like i was flaming my apologizes bro.

  25. #65
    BigMike J's Avatar
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    So where's that group hug

  26. #66
    bitta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigMike J
    So where's that group hug
    couldnt find a smiley for it but I do feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  27. #67
    Commando_Barbi's Avatar
    Commando_Barbi is offline AR's Arresting Angel Vet
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    Feeling the love....hmmm I think I hear the theme song to Barney .

    I'll be the first to admit...that's not the best photo of me so I can't blame him for mistaking me.... all that bodyfat loss....came straight from my boobies . For the record....I am trying to grow my hair out since Im getting ready to retire and don't have to have that clean military look anymore .

    Nice of you to step up for me jonny that was sweet of you.

    Quote Originally Posted by jonnytour
    My apologies for mentioning anything bout a ban. I thought bitta was purposefully be rude. CB handeled herself very well by not getting seriously pissed. I have all the more respect for you now CB. Bitta, I understand your love foranimals, and thought you were saying that an aniomal ahould NEVER be harmed. I guess I jumped to conclusions too quickly. My apologies to all. Nice to see there are some mature people on here. Not everyone is a test riddled meat head with no self control. lol. Respect.
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  28. #68
    BigMike J's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    Feeling the love....hmmm I think I hear the theme song to Barney .

    I'll be the first to admit...that's not the best photo of me so I can't blame him for mistaking me.... all that bodyfat loss....came straight from my boobies . For the record....I am trying to grow my hair out since Im getting ready to retire and don't have to have that clean military look anymore .

    Nice of you to step up for me jonny that was sweet of you.
    You look like a woman to me

  29. #69
    jonnytour's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    Feeling the love....hmmm I think I hear the theme song to Barney .

    I'll be the first to admit...that's not the best photo of me so I can't blame him for mistaking me.... all that bodyfat loss....came straight from my boobies . For the record....I am trying to grow my hair out since Im getting ready to retire and don't have to have that clean military look anymore .

    Nice of you to step up for me jonny that was sweet of you.

    Anytime! I hate to see anyone flamed, especially a respected member of the board. Again my apologies to bitta. I guess I over reacted. And again: I am very impressed by the way you handled yourself CB. You certainly are in great shape. It is unfortunate that that is where almost all women loose fat first! Unfair isn't it! My wife complains about that as well. You are still looking good!
    Last edited by jonnytour; 11-15-2004 at 02:57 PM.

  30. #70
    mass junkie's Avatar
    mass junkie is offline banned
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    This thread is Gay and should be locked

  31. #71
    mushroomstampr's Avatar
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    my shihzu charged at me and tried to kill me the other day...after the struggle i'm proud to say I emerged the victor and I didn't need a tazer, pepper spray, or any of that so I'm with bitta. So for all you wannabe tough guys all you gotta do is just stay calm and don't lose your cool

  32. #72
    bitta's Avatar
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    :spudniksw CB, your alright w/ me babe! I hate that I came off like that and you really showed your maturity on this thread, I just rolled past the pic so fast all I really saw was the hair, and whenever a girl uses an avatar it is usually some naked skinny little thing in a thong or something. I looked again and you are all woman!

  33. #73
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
    DADDYDBOL is offline Anabolic Member
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    i just saved a ton of money by switching to geico

  34. #74
    jimmyivory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    This thread is Gay and should be locked
    Can you just rename it to hippie love fest and sticky it? This should be sent to Bush and the middle east so they can learn how to resolve conflict.

    Oh yeah, what does "mag" mean? I thought that meant shooting the dog.

    ps. I'm all about hippie love but only when there are way more females than this.

  35. #75
    Commando_Barbi's Avatar
    Commando_Barbi is offline AR's Arresting Angel Vet
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    That would be Mag Light....nice big heavy black flashlight...that would make you see the solar system if smacked upside the head with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyivory
    Can you just rename it to hippie love fest and sticky it? This should be sent to Bush and the middle east so they can learn how to resolve conflict.

    Oh yeah, what does "mag" mean? I thought that meant shooting the dog.

    ps. I'm all about hippie love but only when there are way more females than this.
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  36. #76
    Commando_Barbi's Avatar
    Commando_Barbi is offline AR's Arresting Angel Vet
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    LOL OK OK thanks . It's cool. I have been in the Navy too long to be offended easily.

    It's all good

    Quote Originally Posted by bitta
    :spudniksw CB, your alright w/ me babe! I hate that I came off like that and you really showed your maturity on this thread, I just rolled past the pic so fast all I really saw was the hair, and whenever a girl uses an avatar it is usually some naked skinny little thing in a thong or something. I looked again and you are all woman!
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  37. #77
    1badcamaro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DADDYDBOL
    i just saved a ton of money by switching to geico

    elites rule

  38. #78
    Thisuser is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bitta
    why did you have to "whack a dog"? did they skip out on bail too? thats messed up IMO, im no bounty hunter but have trained shcatzund dogs before and only a puzzy would hit a dog!!! PISSES ME OFF!tough guy
    I know one thing, if a dog bites me, that dog is going to die.

  39. #79
    bitta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thisuser
    I know one thing, if a dog bites me, that dog is going to die.
    great news

  40. #80
    jonnytour's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    elites rule
    Couldn't agree more my brother!

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