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  1. #1
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    i am a wreck.........

    I dont know what the hell to do. I broke up with the best thing that ever happened to me a few months ago. We were always off and on, but I never thought it would be permanent. When I called her to make up, she said she didnt want to be with me. I was such an asshole I dont blame her, but I really tried to change my life for her, I would do anything to get her back. We were so close to getting back together for what I thought would be for good, when one night we were chatting online and she brought up the topic of me cheating on her while we were together. Although I am an asshole, that is something I never did or would do. I was on some sleeping pills cause I had to get to bed early, and the rest is kinda a blur. I said and did some pretty ****ed up things, and it pretty much assured that we were done. A couple of my friends have talked to her, and she says that part of her wants to talk to me and part of her doesnt. I called her on her birthday last week and started to ask her how she was doing, then she told me she had another call and had to go. I wrote her an apology letter a couple days ago, cause it is killing me that I hurt her so badly. I told her that I was really sorry for whatever I did to hurt her and whatever, and I got no response. So I instant messaged her a few minutes ago and said that I am just trying to apologize and if she doesnt want anything to do with me at all to just say so, and she wouldnt respond to that. She just said that she was still mad at me. I explained that I had no idea what I did that night and I asked her to tell me, but she wouldnt. We were together for 2 years, and this really sucks to have it end like this. She wont say she doesnt want anything to do with me, but she also wont talk to me. We were so in love and i dont know what the **** to do. I just had to type it out i guess. F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK why am I sucha piece of sh*t a$$hole?!?!?!?!?!

  2. #2
    Spoon's Avatar
    Spoon is offline 'Lurker at the threshold'
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    chill out bro! no matter how much you want her back it will never happen if she doesnt want to. no matter how much you love her it doesnt really matter. fact of the matter is, she doesnt want you anymore. its hard, it sucks but thats life, get a grip and learn to move on. it may be healthier that way instead of going ballistic about something you have no control over. good luck

  3. #3
    sooners04's Avatar
    sooners04 is offline Senior Member
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    Be patient and leave her alone for a while. She will come around, they always do when they are not getting your attention anymore. Good Luck though bro, been there done that it sucks.

  4. #4
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    i know, but to end 2 years of my life with someone I loved more than anything in the world..... **** i dont know. it just sucks that i dont even know what i did to make it this way. it eats away at me every moment of every day.............

  5. #5
    mark956101957's Avatar
    mark956101957 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Perhaps in time she will want to talk to you again and possibly get back together but are you going to put your life on hold for who knows how long for this woman and relationship? I would consider this a lose, avoid all contact to her, grieve your lose and move on in your young life. Good luck....

  6. #6
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark956101957
    Perhaps in time she will want to talk to you again and possibly get back together but are you going to put your life on hold for who knows how long for this woman and relationship? I would consider this a lose, avoid all contact to her, grieve your lose and move on in your young life. Good luck....

    Good advice sorry for the loss bro but if it was on again off again something was wrong with the 2 of you. Some things no matter your intentions will never change

  7. #7
    1badcamaro's Avatar
    1badcamaro is offline Anabolic Member
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    i would say its a real good idea to tell her that you've done all you can to appologize and she knows that you want her back, but that you're going to totally back off and let her make the move cause there isn't a single line that will just bring her back, its gonna take her time and when she's ready, she'll come around..........just know that you're not the only depressed one on here. Girls really don't know their capabilities and the effect they can have on us..........good luck bro, i'm pullin for ya!

  8. #8
    juicehoe's Avatar
    juicehoe is offline Anabolic Member
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    sorry to hear that bro... back off alittle. See if she trys to contact u

  9. #9
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    thanks guys, I am feeling a little better today. It's just so frustrating that I was the person she was closest two for 2 years, and she wont even let me get out an apology. I know I was a jerk but I am honestly trying to do the mature thing here. What the hell is wrong with these women?

  10. #10
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    send flowers, candy, singing bears, know what i mean...go out of your way and be creative

  11. #11
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    I disagree on the flowers, candy, etc.... typically the more she knows you want her the less she'll want you. if she's a bitch she'll also milk you for everything you have before giving you the walking papers.... i'd back off, lay low, and NEVER appear "needy". play it cool and if it happens then great.... if not, that's life bro.

  12. #12
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polska
    I disagree on the flowers, candy, etc.... typically the more she knows you want her the less she'll want you. if she's a bitch she'll also milk you for everything you have before giving you the walking papers.... i'd back off, lay low, and NEVER appear "needy". play it cool and if it happens then great.... if not, that's life bro.

    I definately without a doubt back this up 5000 percent. If a girl does not want you back, flowers, candy and letters wont change her mind. Why would they?
    IMs on AOL wont help either. Join that other guy in his thread about seeing his ex jogging. Maybe you two can talk about each others girls.

    Flowers only help if you miss an appointment or you are late to something.
    Its not gonna make her say "Hey, he sent me flowers. I think we will get back together." It will just mean you are out 50 dollars.
    You can bring her flowers if she says she wants to see you and talk, but if you two are not on talking terms (which you arent apparently) then dont even bother.

    BTW. What is up with the sleeping pill thing? Is that your way of convincing yourself that since you dont remember sleeping with another girl that it means you didnt? You took sleepign pills and might have messed around but things are a blur???????

  13. #13
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    I definately without a doubt back this up 5000 percent. If a girl does not want you back, flowers, candy and letters wont change her mind. Why would they?
    IMs on AOL wont help either. Join that other guy in his thread about seeing his ex jogging. Maybe you two can talk about each others girls.

    Flowers only help if you miss an appointment or you are late to something.
    Its not gonna make her say "Hey, he sent me flowers. I think we will get back together." It will just mean you are out 50 dollars.
    You can bring her flowers if she says she wants to see you and talk, but if you two are not on talking terms (which you arent apparently) then dont even bother.

    BTW. What is up with the sleeping pill thing? Is that your way of convincing yourself that since you dont remember sleeping with another girl that it means you didnt? You took sleepign pills and might have messed around but things are a blur???????
    no not at all. I never messed around. The sleeping pills were when she accused me of it, and I went to her house but dont remember any of it. I guess I was a jackass tho, cause thats why she hates me now.

  14. #14
    Spoon's Avatar
    Spoon is offline 'Lurker at the threshold'
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536
    no not at all. I never messed around. The sleeping pills were when she accused me of it, and I went to her house but dont remember any of it. I guess I was a jackass tho, cause thats why she hates me now.

    dont want to burst your bubble bro but is it possible you did something unforgivable while on the sleeping pills. i have done that myself in the past and i acted like such a jerk with my ex, when your on sleeping pills you are a different person its like jeckyl and hyde, well thats what people have told me about me on pills.

  15. #15
    big daddy k de's Avatar
    big daddy k de is offline Senior Member
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    Time heals all wounds strong brother

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