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  1. #1
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    Is this some kind of new "thing" in gyms across America?

    I've been in about three different gyms over the last week (i LOVE to change up locations every now and again, if only for a workout) and I'm noticing an undeniable trend of late. We're probably all familiar with the notion that every hot girl has at least one pretty good 'not-so-attractive' friend that she sort of keeps around to reassure herself of her good looks at all times and also to act as a good-looking mentor/sensei of sorts and feel good about herself for doing that. Whatever the motivation, it's a noticeable social phenomenon.

    Now, at these three gyms I have noticed, and since picked up on a few times now that i'm "wise" to this thing, that some of the more muscular and defined guys in the weight room seem obligated of late to have a VERY stereotypically non-athletic, non-muscular training partner by their side in the same way that the hot chick has her much less hot friend. Has anyone else noticed this on any level? It seems everywhere now that I'm looking. I have no real problem with it, so don't get the wrong idea, i'm just curious if this is apparent elsewhere.

  2. #2
    juicehoe's Avatar
    juicehoe is offline Anabolic Member
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    i havent seen this really and i workout at a few different gyms... i like to workout with bigger people as they push me more.

  3. #3
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Im helping an overweight friend drop some pounds...we probly look funny together. But his with me cause his my best friend and a good workout partner not to make me look better.

  4. #4
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Its too dificult to have a training partner any different than you - loading weights, taking them off, loading them back on... its tedious. And in the end, the little guy gets a good workout but the big guy wasn't pushed enough...

    I remember someone asking to work in on me with Leg Presses - I laughed at his and said, "You do realize I am going to go over a thousand pounds right?" He just kinda shrugged and walked away... then later when he saw what I was referring to he understood why he couldn't work in... same thing with advanced training principles - a less seasoned bodybuilder shouldn't do certain routines that a more experienced one is doing. If this is becoming a "new" thing, it won't last... at least not for those that see the gym as a time for some serious blood shed - rather than social hour...

  5. #5
    PrairieDawg's Avatar
    PrairieDawg is offline Senior Member
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    I think its just guys helping out their friends get started until they know enough to go out on their own. I've done it many times

  6. #6
    cabogirl's Avatar
    cabogirl is offline Female Member
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    I haven't noticed but I guess that is because I am focused on my workout rather than others.
    lifes too short so live it up !!!

  7. #7
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cabogirl
    I haven't noticed but I guess that is because I am focused on my workout rather than others.
    Normally that's the case with me, but I've been using a HIT routine, and in between bodyparts, I have to consciously force myself to take some extra time if my next bodypart will be productive (that's just the way that form of training is panning out for me) and I couldn't help but notice this.

  8. #8
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    I workout with a smaller he pushes the same weight and motivates the hell outta me....

  9. #9
    palequail's Avatar
    palequail is offline Banned
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    I see it sometimes..but I think it is stuipid..You couldn't pay me to ruin my workouts by putting some lame ass in my way......

    I used to train with my ex chick and after awhile I just couldn't do it...Too much work taking **** on and off.

  10. #10
    medic23 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    I've been in about three different gyms over the last week (i LOVE to change up locations every now and again, if only for a workout) and I'm noticing an undeniable trend of late. We're probably all familiar with the notion that every hot girl has at least one pretty good 'not-so-attractive' friend that she sort of keeps around to reassure herself of her good looks at all times and also to act as a good-looking mentor/sensei of sorts and feel good about herself for doing that. Whatever the motivation, it's a noticeable social phenomenon.

    Now, at these three gyms I have noticed, and since picked up on a few times now that i'm "wise" to this thing, that some of the more muscular and defined guys in the weight room seem obligated of late to have a VERY stereotypically non-athletic, non-muscular training partner by their side in the same way that the hot chick has her much less hot friend. Has anyone else noticed this on any level? It seems everywhere now that I'm looking. I have no real problem with it, so don't get the wrong idea, i'm just curious if this is apparent elsewhere.
    This person is refered to as a DUFF- designated ugly fat freind. DUFFs are always an easy lay

  11. #11
    juicehoe's Avatar
    juicehoe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by medic23
    This person is refered to as a DUFF- designated ugly fat freind. DUFFs are always an easy lay
    dude "DUFFs" are also know as "grenades". Because one of ur friends has to take a hit for the team by sleeping with her so the rest of the group can get in with her hot friends... much like in Vietnam. One man would take his life for the safty of the team by jumping on the gernade. So are u the poor soul who takes the grenade hit?

  12. #12
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was noticing in my gym that it is quite the opposite. Most people are the same size. The skrawny highschool kids with their new pass to the gym for football training over the summer. The wanna be worker outers who only go to the gym to say they go to the gym. Most of the bigger guys stay by themselves. The girls are ALWAYS and ONLY on the treadmill and I dont see them with friends.
    Like warrior said: Its too problematic to change weights and such for someone lifting heavier or lighter than you.

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