I figure most people here know of good ways to get bigger and in better shape, but I need some help with an injury. For those of you that have helped me in the past, you know my reason for joining this board and learning more about AAS is to play football again. I have attended two arena football tryouts, and have been too small for both, even at 6'3" 290. I haven't used any AAS yet, and I am going to start my second cycle of Clen next week.
Here is my problem. I sprained my shoulder Sunday playing hockey (took a big hit without shoulder pads) and the doctor suggests not working out for a week, maybe two. The pain is still there, but the range of motion is better. BUt, as luck would have it, I have been asked to tryout for a Semi-Pro football team this weekend. Does anyone know of a good pain killer that I might be able to get from my sources that would allow me to make it through the tryout? I am going to rest during the week and just do some cardio. Any help would be much appreciated, I have gotton this far with the drive that I would eventually play football again, i don't want a stupid injury to ruin it. Thanks.