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  1. #1
    ironfist's Avatar
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    Victor Conte of Balco Labs turning into a narc?

    Here is an interesting letter that Victor Conte's (aka Balco labs) attorney wrote to the president....All the **** Victor did and he was facing a MAX penalty of 2 years and now he's gonn Rat to save his ass...

  2. #2
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    I would never rat somebody else put to save my own hide....if I made the decision to get involved, then I would take the punishment for my decisions and actions.

    That being said, this guy probably stands to lose everything he owns and spend time in a federal prison. The athletes who took the drugs (and lets be honest...all top level athletes use drugs) are making millions upon millions of dollars through winnings and endorsments. The worst that would happen to them is being stripped of records, results and credibility as well as a 2 year to life time ban. Marion Jones, Tim Montgomery, Christine Gaines will be stripped of their right to represent the US in track events, they will lose any and all credibilty....but they will not be hurting for money. Ben Johnson, who was crucified for doing what was neccesary to even the playing field (yes, the great Carl Lewis was juiced and anybody who thinks differently in naive), is still making more than $200,000 a year as a personal trainer. Charlie Francis (Bens coach) is still consulting even though he cannot legally coach in Canada....matter of fact he was coaching Marion Jones until the press found out and she had to dump him. Barry Bonds and Jason Giambi will still be allowed to play ball and will be allowed to keep the fortune they have made from playing ball. None of the aforementioned athletes will ever see the inside of a jail cell. Last but not least I want to say this, drugs did not make these athletes the best in the world....they simply even the playing a perfect world of drug free sport Marion Jones would be the world champion...she wouldn't be running sub 10 second 100's but she would still be the fastest women in the world. Bonds, Sosa, Giambi, MacQuire, Canseco would still be hitting home runs...many home runs...but the 4 or 5 throughout the year that barely clear the wall may have fallen a little short giving them 44 homers instead of 50.

  3. #3
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    Very true...Victors life probably is pretty screwed...I dont see him losing his company though. The fine they gave him was pretty big but I'll bet he still carries on with his business and he's probably got alot of cash already. I'm sure those athletes were paying a pretty penny. He knew what he was doing was illegally (or would be eventually) and he went ahead and did it. I'm sure he was selling all kinds of drugs. 2 years Max penalty really isn't much. But then again, I don't know ho much dirt they have on him. It's gonna ruin alot of athletes reputations if he runs at the mouth. If may potentially cost them alot of cash also. And now, those athletes are exposed but there are tons others that went through other avenues ad they are still "clean" in the publics eye. That's not very fair...He could potentially ruin many people careers and lives...

  4. #4
    mass junkie's Avatar
    mass junkie is offline banned
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    You definitely were on the ball with this thread IF

  5. #5
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
    wolfyEVH is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete235
    I would never rat somebody else put to save my own hide....if I made the decision to get involved, then I would take the punishment for my decisions and actions.

    That being said, this guy probably stands to lose everything he owns and spend time in a federal prison. The athletes who took the drugs (and lets be honest...all top level athletes use drugs) are making millions upon millions of dollars through winnings and endorsments. The worst that would happen to them is being stripped of records, results and credibility as well as a 2 year to life time ban. Marion Jones, Tim Montgomery, Christine Gaines will be stripped of their right to represent the US in track events, they will lose any and all credibilty....but they will not be hurting for money. Ben Johnson, who was crucified for doing what was neccesary to even the playing field (yes, the great Carl Lewis was juiced and anybody who thinks differently in naive), is still making more than $200,000 a year as a personal trainer. Charlie Francis (Bens coach) is still consulting even though he cannot legally coach in Canada....matter of fact he was coaching Marion Jones until the press found out and she had to dump him. Barry Bonds and Jason Giambi will still be allowed to play ball and will be allowed to keep the fortune they have made from playing ball. None of the aforementioned athletes will ever see the inside of a jail cell. Last but not least I want to say this, drugs did not make these athletes the best in the world....they simply even the playing a perfect world of drug free sport Marion Jones would be the world champion...she wouldn't be running sub 10 second 100's but she would still be the fastest women in the world. Bonds, Sosa, Giambi, MacQuire, Canseco would still be hitting home runs...many home runs...but the 4 or 5 throughout the year that barely clear the wall may have fallen a little short giving them 44 homers instead of 50.
    Even if you were ratted out, you can't really blame the guy. For one, you knew there were consequences getting into steroids in the first place, so if you ever got busted, regardless how it happened, you should be able to face the music because you knew it was illegal all along.

  6. #6
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    I wouldn't expect him to make it to the trial

  7. #7
    houseofpain's Avatar
    houseofpain is offline Banned
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    its fukked up how he started singing like that after he was caught. honestly i hope someone kills him. i hate bonds but **** if i dont hate ratts more.

  8. #8
    Tose22's Avatar
    Tose22 is offline Associate Member
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    he ratted on 20/20 to make his pockets bigger, so when he does get out of prison in 2 years he'll be living on his own island

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