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  1. #1
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Sci Fi channel: snake head terror?

    It is on scifi channel right now. That is such crap when the premise of the movie is that some inbred hick dumped hundreds of gallons of HGH into some lake. Come on! Like HGH is that accessible.

  2. #2
    Isaiah1SAS's Avatar
    Isaiah1SAS is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Yeah, that snake SciFi is fake...

    HGH can SAVE your LIFE, especially if you have been on 'roids and fear cancer. CANCER is always present with a condition of invivo HGH. You can TEST yourself with a EPT (early pregnancy test) and get a VALID second opinion that YOU control. Get two (2) EPT's and do NOT do HGH-- be clean. Use FIRST MORNING piss. TEST twice (2)-- if positive-- good chance you have malig cancer or are pregnant. If you are not pregnant start detoxing and research and sharpen your KaBar for amputation work. Some small near-cancers like those wierd things in your armpit can be amputated with fingernail clippers. I like to clip those off if you're not a cry baby-- call me. [email protected]

    __________________________________________________ ___________

    You're correct that the onset of menstruation has been getting progressively earlier among girls in the United States. No one is sure of why, but one possibility is that commercially produced meat and milk products contain residues of growth-promoting hormones. These have estrogenic activity, so they could stimulate early menstruation.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Sci Fi channel: snake head terror?-ant-grapes.jpg  

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