The thing that makes a champion is obvious enough; It isn't any mystic prestidigitator's stuff.
It's nothing more than giving to whatever be the chore, the power that is in you and just a little more.
It isn't any wizardry; It's not a magic gift; It's merely lifting honestly the load you have tolift;
Or, in the game you're playing, it is using all your store....Of grit and nerve and energy - andj ust a little more.
The thing that makes a champion is simple, plain, and clear; It's never being "almost 1", "just about 1", or even pretty near.
It's summoning the utmost from your spirit's inner core....and giving every bit of it, and just a little more.
That little more - how much it deep and wide and far as that enormous emptiness from a molehill to a star,
The gulf between the earthbound and the eagles as they soar, the champions who give their best, and just a little more.
-Father Euniach, Coach
St. Stephens Mission
(copied from