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Thread: Drinking

  1. #1
    Triple Plates's Avatar
    Triple Plates is offline Associate Member
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    Well I’m facing a problem and I need some suggestions. I’m currently on a cycle (2 weeks in) and well sometime next week is my bday. I’m in no way tempted to drink at all, but the majority of my friends don't know im using juice and obviously they will try to make me drink. And if I don’t drink they will obviously think something is wrong and eventually know im using. So can anybody think of any excuses I can use on my friends for not drinking? I would really appreciate it. BTW I am not drinking no matter what!

  2. #2
    tigress's Avatar
    tigress is offline Retired Female Moderator
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    Say you are on antibiotics for an ear infection(or make some type of infection up) and the doc said you cannot drink while you are on this "medication".
    One today is worth two tomorrows.

  3. #3
    Canes4Ever's Avatar
    Canes4Ever is offline Banned
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    Re: Drinking

    Originally posted by Triple Plates
    Well I’m facing a problem and I need some suggestions. I’m currently on a cycle (2 weeks in) and well sometime next week is my bday. I’m in no way tempted to drink at all, but the majority of my friends don't know im using juice and obviously they will try to make me drink. And if I don’t drink they will obviously think something is wrong and eventually know im using. So can anybody think of any excuses I can use on my friends for not drinking? I would really appreciate it. BTW I am not drinking no matter what!
    TP the truth is always the right way to go, let them know what is up and you have a clear conscious and they know what is up.

  4. #4
    lextheflex is offline Junior Member
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    Re: Re: Drinking

    Last edited by lextheflex; 11-05-2018 at 04:26 AM.

  5. #5
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by tigress
    Say you are on antibiotics for an ear infection(or make some type of infection up) and the doc said you cannot drink while you are on this "medication".
    How come that excuse never works when I come over to your place?

    I guess it has something to do with the fact that I ENJOY it

    TP....I think Tigress' suggestion would work best (although Caines makes a good arguement too).

  6. #6
    silverfox's Avatar
    silverfox is offline Retired Moderator
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    go out and if you into it have a bit of herb! easier on body and you can still be relaxed and have fun.

  7. #7
    VEGETA990's Avatar
    VEGETA990 is offline Associate Member
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    Tell them that your training is going so awesome that you don't want to fu** things up. "I've never been so happy, my workouts have never been so good, I don't want anything to get in my way or slow my progress!" Thats what I would tell people in highschool and college. Now granted, I never used gear, but that was always my excuse for not drinking. People here at my college know the routine now. They are more surprised to see me w/ a beer than when I don't have one. "Vegeta, your drinking! wow! whats the occasion?"

  8. #8
    mishon1 is offline Associate Member
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    geez u guys r skandalous. dont say anything if they need a reason they just snap on em. just playn

  9. #9
    Triple Plates's Avatar
    Triple Plates is offline Associate Member
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    Thanx to everybody who replied

    Canes, i will eventually tell some of my friends because they are like bro's to me, but im just going to wait abit. But im not going to tell all of them because I will just have the label of “roid monkey, jucier” etc, or they will just be like “he’s only that big because of roids” or some stuff like that (obviously these are the people who don’t work out much, or know much about AS).

    Well thanks for everyone who came up with excuses, so hard to pick one because my ear is hurting badly .....hehe I think we have a winner (thanks tigress)

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