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  1. #1
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Norton Anti-V can't delete this!

    I've a few "viruses" that are not serious, no, but that Norton cannot delete.

    It says "delete failed", and says you must remove them MANUALLY.

    WTF............anyone ever do this? I don't have the actual virus name/info off-hand, but next time I run Norton I'll post them here and see if anyone knows how to remove them manually.


  2. #2
    Latino~Heat's Avatar
    Latino~Heat is offline Junior Member
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    here's what u need to do:
    1st is when viruses pop up, write down exact name of virus..
    2nd go to symantec's website and lookup virus name for removal procedures..from there its pretty much self explanatory..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Latino~Heat
    here's what u need to do:
    1st is when viruses pop up, write down exact name of virus..
    2nd go to symantec's website and lookup virus name for removal procedures..from there its pretty much self explanatory..

    I'd also go in safe mode to make sure nothing is running that shouldn't while your trying to remove them with the tools.

  4. #4
    geoneo's Avatar
    geoneo is offline Associate Member
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    to get the name of the viruses just go to the activity log under reports in norton, norton sometimes doesn't delete the viruses that you found because some application is using them, so if you have time restart your computer, and scan again.

  5. #5
    Elliot's Avatar
    Elliot is offline Anabolic Member
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    get the file name, find the file and delete it.. if it doesnt allow you do delete it in windows and it isnt a file which is a necessity for win to work you can delete it in dos..

  6. #6
    Thisuser is offline New Member
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    I use Norton anti virus, every time I do a scan most of the viruses found it is unable to delete or quarantine, it gives you the option to exclude/ignore and you click on it thinking it fixed it but really it just stops listing it next time, that is if it can't delete it you can choose to stop seeing it. I have gone to Norton's website to see how delete it manually and the instructions are alway bogus, you follow it half or three quarters of the way through this long process and it tells you to click on a button that doesn't exist or to click on a tab or window that does not exist, it always leads me to a dead end, very frustrating. I go to DOS using Command or CMD and try to delete it myself and it is a read only atrabute. I use the attrib command to try to clear or change the atribute and it wont let me. I used a 3rd party delete program and it worked one time on one file but none of the others. Someone should make a small program that will delete the file you specify no matter what. the few you can delete some of them I believe make a back up of themselves and put a copy back after you delete it.

  7. #7
    WNxGator is offline New Member
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    easiset fix is to run a free online scan at or either of those will normally remove the virus when nortons wont.
    Another thing is you might want to check you virus definitions and make sure they are up to date.
    If you have any problems you can pm me i will help if i can.
    Last edited by WNxGator; 11-17-2004 at 09:23 PM. Reason: spelling

  8. #8
    heem is offline New Member
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    nortoton unistall

    pm me for the fix
    Attached Files Attached Files

  9. #9
    heem is offline New Member
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    the attachment won't twork

    pm me for a fix

  10. #10
    NevrSayNevr's Avatar
    NevrSayNevr is offline Associate Member
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    Just like they said above, run Norton A/V again and write down the virus names including file extensions - .dll, ,.exe, ect. Then go to Nortons site and see the info on removal of them. Alot of the times this includes going into your registry and removing them manually. Are they actual viruses or what Norton calls "Risks Found" which are usually Trojan type viruses which are installed in your System 32 folder. Did Norton pop up when they got on your PC or after you ran a scan? If they are Risks, they are usually .dll files in the System 32 folder which you can access once in safe mode, note the times by switching to details view and list them according to Date Modified, then delete any associated files with the same times. Hope this helps. You can PM me along with alot of other guys above. Good Luck.

  11. #11
    Chemical King's Avatar
    Chemical King is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I've a few "viruses" that are not serious, no, but that Norton cannot delete.

    It says "delete failed", and says you must remove them MANUALLY.

    WTF............anyone ever do this? I don't have the actual virus name/info off-hand, but next time I run Norton I'll post them here and see if anyone knows how to remove them manually.

    Norton is crap Swole. I had a machine full of trojans and other sh1t that norton didnt pick up and when i took my machine to a specialist he said norton is a waste of time cos it cant detect everything. Get AVG free like i was advised to. Since i got it i have had no trouble. You can upgrade to AVG Proffesional and rip off the key or serial number from . If it isnt on there, you will be able to use the links on that page to do a search for it

  12. #12
    purplelaceteddy is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical King
    Norton is crap Swole. I had a machine full of trojans and other sh1t that norton didnt pick up and when i took my machine to a specialist he said norton is a waste of time cos it cant detect everything. Get AVG free like i was advised to. Since i got it i have had no trouble. You can upgrade to AVG Proffesional and rip off the key or serial number from . If it isnt on there, you will be able to use the links on that page to do a search for it

    I hear ya Chemical...I deleted Norton off my computer its worthless....

    Swole like Chemical said....AVG is good and heres a couple links to some feebies....

    I personally use avast..

    AntiVir -
    Avast -
    AVG -

    hope that helps..

    __________________________________________________ ________
    Edit...just saw this thread was from November they just keep bringing up old threads...
    Last edited by purplelaceteddy; 03-12-2005 at 09:38 AM.
    At a bookstore the other day, I saw a book entitled "Sex for Dummies." Why would someone want to teach dumb people how to reproduce? Aren't there enough of them now?

  13. #13
    farrebarre's Avatar
    farrebarre is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah ive heard from many "hackzors" that avast is good, but im a lazy bum myself so im still on norton lol, if u need serials or shiat just ask me =)

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