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  1. #1
    LoadeD_PistoL is offline Associate Member
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    Unhappy I am fu*cking mad/scared and depressed now

    here is the deal, just found this out today from a lawyer ....

    about 8 months ago i was in a car accident where my car rolled over one in a half times....I was alone in the car and obviously came out OK although at the junkyard everyone thought the driver died when friends showed up to start taking parts and personals off my car....

    Anyway, as i said it was 8 months ago and now my lawers are getting ready to hand in all the MEDICAL BILLS from all the hospitals/physical therapy establishments and etc.... to other driver's insurance comp...

    The juice of the story is that at the emergency room they were doing all types of X-rays and MRI.....what they have found in my brain was not relevent to the accident so the hospital did not inform me of what they have found, this being to their assumption it is not life threataning to an average person and it accured at birth.....

    Basically I have a Lipoma right in the upper back of mine brain - This is the most common benign soft tissue tumor of adults. They are sometimes multiple and usually painless and asymptomatic. Malignant transformation is virtually never seen. --> (definition)

    I have been on aas for a very long time, but Not there still a chance the tumer could grow and start inflicting pain?.....I cannot sleep and constantly think what may happen years from now. I don't have a doctor nor health insurance at the moment where i can pop in anytime to see a doctor with only $15 co-pay or call him......

    does any1 know if brain tumors continue to grow with aas use.....This document from the hospital has fu*cked me up to the point where i just wanna give up on everything........

  2. #2
    Elliot's Avatar
    Elliot is offline Anabolic Member
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    GET INSURANCE.... medical insurance is one of the most vital things you can possibly have bro.. if u cant afford it get medicaid (sp?).. this isnt a question you should be asking us man this is a serious life threathing thing and you should really consult a doctor on the matter. seriously man.. this isn't one of thoes things you want to sleep on...

  3. #3
    Rhino58's Avatar
    Rhino58 is offline Senior Member
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    You really need to go talk to a doc.

  4. #4
    steve0's Avatar
    steve0 is offline NASM~AFPA~CPT
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    My grandfather got a brain tummor..and thay put him ASS to help him...My moms a nurse i could ask if you want.

  5. #5
    not2bigyet's Avatar
    not2bigyet is offline Member
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    not something you want to fuk around with bro...get a doc involved ASAP!

  6. #6
    radar1234's Avatar
    radar1234 is offline Member
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    My girlfriend works in Xray and CT, she is not a doctor but she does know a bit about tumors. A Lipoma is a tumor composed of fat tissue. Since it is benign you don't have to worry about spreading/metastasis. However benign tumors can still grow....not a problem in most other parts of your body, but since your head can't expand with it....many years down the road you may notice it. Since it hasn't caused you problems up to this point and was just an incidental finding, you likely don't have to be terribly concerned for a while. Lipomas are more commonly found on your upper body, most below the skin. In the head, I think they more often in the region of the corpus callosum (where the two hemispheres of your brain connect), or near the midbrain. I have heard of people having lipomas near their quadrigeminal plate (in the structure called the midbrain). These areas are relay stations associated with the optic system and auditory system. The actual report from your head scans will say where the lipoma is located. Most tumors are slow growing and I don't know/think that taking anything could make it grow faster, they are just stupid fat cells in the wrong place. Like the others have said GET A DOCTOR, and of course insurance. I am not sure of how the system works in the US, but an MRI costs more than having a CT scan. Your doctor may recommend a follow up scan in a year or two, or maybe not until you start noticing small differences. FYI, these can be seen on a CT scan, they are not precise for fine detail as an MRI is, but if you are just concerned with tumor growth then it should be just as good. If you want to research it, make sure you look into reliable sources. Some stuff out there is just plain scary. I know you are probably freaked out, but this is not something that goes at a fast pace, thankfully. Try to relax...don't let it consume you, it is just something that has to be watched. Almost like a mole that you keep an eye on just in case it changes. Your doctor will know how to handle your case and if you are not happy with him, find another one. Good luck.....I hope this info has helped rather than freaked you out even more.

  7. #7
    tubbytank's Avatar
    tubbytank is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    My grandfather got a brain tummor..and thay put him ASS to help him...My moms a nurse i could ask if you want.
    There are many types of anabolic steriods . Cortisone is a steroid yet that won;t help you grow.

    Radar gave you some good advice. IMO you wouldn't need to worry too much, but a dr is the best shot. And don't stress about it. Stress leads to illness. First sign of it growing to be a problem would be headaches I would imagine as it presses on other sensitive areas. You will probably never have a problem with it. Although I do sympathise as who ever wants to know they have any sort of growth, harmful or not?
    It's not cancerous like you said, so what will be will be.

  8. #8
    Duck of Death's Avatar
    Duck of Death is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tubbytank
    There are many types of anabolic steriods . Cortisone is a steroid yet that won;t help you grow.

    Radar gave you some good advice. IMO you wouldn't need to worry too much, but a dr is the best shot. And don't stress about it. Stress leads to illness. First sign of it growing to be a problem would be headaches I would imagine as it presses on other sensitive areas. You will probably never have a problem with it. Although I do sympathise as who ever wants to know they have any sort of growth, harmful or not?
    It's not cancerous like you said, so what will be will be.

    ..Um, a correction is in order here. Cortisone is NOT an anabolic steroid, but a corticosteroid. The difference is that Corticosteroids are manufactured in the cortex of the adrenal glands and secreted in reponse to stress. Of course, we know that AAS are basically sex hormones and are manufactured in the testes. Are we clear??

  9. #9
    63190's Avatar
    63190 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Don't worry be happy. I believe that AAS cannot affect fat growth.

  10. #10
    .45Caliber's Avatar
    .45Caliber is offline Associate Member
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    My dad had one of those tumors that Radar was talking about. Listen to Radar. In my dads case, they went up through his nose and sucked it out. So far, it hasnt came back. This happened a few years ago. All I know is it was some kinda slow growing fat tumor.

  11. #11
    tubbytank's Avatar
    tubbytank is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duck of Death
    ..Um, a correction is in order here. Cortisone is NOT an anabolic steroid, but a corticosteroid. The difference is that Corticosteroids are manufactured in the cortex of the adrenal glands and secreted in reponse to stress. Of course, we know that AAS are basically sex hormones and are manufactured in the testes. Are we clear??
    My mistake for typing to fast. I didn;t mean to infer cortisone was anabolic in nature, just a steroid .

  12. #12
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
    Animal Cracker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Keep an eye on that- get it checked . This isnt something that you want to let go!

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